
Phaedrus' Street Crew
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Everything posted by Twig

  1. One shot or campaign? I'm defo up for the former, and potentially up for the latter! We did a one shot at work and it was a goddamn blast.
  2. Painting tabletop miniatures

  3. Minecraft

    That actually sounds pretty cool.
  4. Painting tabletop miniatures

    Never use spray matte varnishes!!!!!!!! okay that's just me being bitter 'cause i messed it up real bad and my war wagon got really frosty a second coat a couple days later after i stopped crying helped a lot, though it's still a bit muted anyway here yay i did it
  5. E3 2017

    This has been known for ages.
  6. The Switch has a lot of games to anyone who isn't looking for ports of the biggest AAA games. They may not all be games I'm interested in, but there are plenty enough that I don't have time to play all the ones I'd like.
  7. Every time I start a thread it dies before it truly lives.
  8. Dead Cells

    The further I distance myself from Having Played, the more I wish those things that give you stat upgrades would instead give you permanent random effect upgrades. Make my attacks send out a pulse of fire, turn my jumps into rocket jumps, make taking damage teleport me (with a cooldown) to a random spot (even into enemies) with a temporary invuln, make using my whip just drop a giant bear trap instead of a weak-ass baby-bomb, make throwing a dagger pull all enemies closer to me. And get rid of amulets! Also add a risk to upgrading, so sometimes it's actually a downgrade. Add cursed items that you can't unequip. You know, make it more like a roguelike with crazy items that drastically affect each run. I guess I just wish this game was more like Risk of Rain, heh. Which isn't really a fair thing to ask of the game, but alas. (I mean, Risk of Rain had its own problem with lots of runs ending up feeling the same, but that's just because you could repeat levels until you had literally every upgrade possible. But even when they felt the same, they felt _super exciting_.) I still think it's really good (though haven't played for a while - Prey consumed me, and now Nier is consuming me). But there are things about it that just don't fit my personal taste. C'est la vie.
  9. Beyond Good and Evil 2

    I think the short answer is they just don't want to make a bog standard sequel. They're doing what they want to do.
  10. Beyond Good and Evil 2

    Yeah I'm cool with that, too, I ain't gonna complain. But BG&E carries a huge burden as far as a certain crowd is concerned.
  11. Beyond Good and Evil 2

    The thing about this (which I'm pretty excited about, I love ambition) is that I'm not sure why they couldn't just call it something else, haha. I mean I get sorta that they wanted it to take place in the same world. But it does seem a bit... silly. Given how completely wildly different it is.
  12. they are _super_ nice
  13. I think in this case they're actually just as bright in photos. Maybe a little less. They're more yellow, less green (than my monitor, anyway).
  14. i got me some new joycons re: tumbleseed: I boguht it, and was hoping to like it, but it's very hard. I'll need to read this I guess.
  15. anime

    Yeah it'll come out next Monday; we're releasing every two weeks. Though I'm hoping we shift it so we record more close to release, since we're often talking currently airing stuff. Not, like, all the time. But often enough. Anyway. The main issue is I hate editing. Woop woop!
  16. anime

    lol it's like you're echoing everything i said on our last recording about episode 9's ending i did come around though, and i think it's handled The Twist well
  17. Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain

    Yeah defo the Substance VR stuff was a step down. Still fun, but not nearly as fun.
  18. Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain

    3 has a super ridiculous jiggle to Eva's boobs every time the camera snaps back to her (in the HD collection, anyway), but I agree that 4 is when it first got really bad. V just continued that, and made Quiet dress even worse. I'll grant you the shirtless Liquid and Raven, though. Then again there are also the photo modes. I think they first showed up in VR Missions? (Which is also secretly the best MGS game. I should really get around to playing Volume some day, since people often compare it to VR Missions. And seriously I fucking loved that game a lot. Sneaking around a level while hiding from a Godzilla-sized guard? Fuck yeah.)
  19. Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain

    Man, yeah it is. I so desperately wish Kojima had someone who wasn't gross telling him no when it came to how he portrays women visually. I'll pretty much defend most of the MGS stories, but cannot even remotely defend Quiet, or the Beauties in MGS4, or (to a lesser extent, because she is a "femme fatale" trope, although it's definitely been done better...) Eva. Snake staring at Meryl's ass in MGS1. Sniper Wolf's attire when sniping in the biting, snowy cold of Alaska?? The Boss unzipping her top from neck to navel because????????????? It started out fairly "benign" and "of its time" and "tolerable" and has only gotten worse with each successive entry. I love the story of MGS from 1-4. Peace Walker was less good, but still okay. V is... so very sparse and, worse, incomplete, that I put it way at the bottom of the list of my favorite Metal Gear Solids. Although it's probably my favorite game in the series. This is all shit I've said before. In this thread, even. I dunno why I'm repeating myself! I find is frustrating, I guess. Good/bad thing there won't be another MGS game. (Although I actually am interested in Survive - I think it could be really fun to play a multiplayer survival game in the MGSV engine?? Go figure, eh?) I'm very interested in Death Stranding. I desperately hope it features zero women*. What a shitty thing to hope for, right?!
  20. Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain

    Huey is the fucking worst.
  21. Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain

    Wait hold on I didn't say "good".
  22. Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain

    Yup it's bad. I actually think she's a decent character ("in terms of Metal Gear bullshit"), but Kojima can't just have a good female character anymore, apparently. Has to fuck it up royally in one way or another.
  23. E3 2017

    It's very common for games to start out with teams that small and expand as the tech increases, even for something as this scale. Don't put a lot of weight on the current size of the team. For example, I guarantee that CG trailer wasn't made by fifteen people.
  24. Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain

    I liked the humming, to be honest. Could've been less repetitive, though. But it humanized her in a way so few other things did, besides the ending (which I still liked about her, even if she's a fucking terrible example of female characters). U:
  25. Life

    Yes also that!