
Phaedrus' Street Crew
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Everything posted by Twig

  1. Painting tabletop miniatures

    i painted some pyg burrowers and this time i tried to do a GLAZE or ten for smoother blending of highlights i think it's better than on the whelps (although there's a part of me that likes the idea of hard-lined highlights) i'm tempted to redo bouncer's leather butt cape so it looks less butt now that i know how it should work, but i probably won't anyway i wanna post em all individually but i'll restrict myself to LEADER and ACTUALLY A SMURF i want to set up a proper photography area but might as well wait until i move to new apartment
  2. Fake Games

    haha what the fuck
  3. Fake Games

    Okay that makes some sense. 300k is a large number, heh.
  4. Fake Games

    Yes, it's for real. Although I don't know if SteamSpy recognizes keys given away? That's usually how they drum up publicity for scam games. Give out tons of keys, and then people buy it because it's getting covered (maybe not much, but even a little is gonna be a scam), etc. So I guess it comes down to this: sure, consumers can get refunds. But are you okay with the devs walking away with illegitimate money? As a professional game dev myself, that's fucked up and I will not tolerate it (to the extent that I have any say in the matter, which I don't).
  5. re: memories once you find them all just fyi in case you don't know
  6. Fake Games

    Nope, nobody said that.
  7. Fake Games

    It's interesting that you purport to know what Valve thinks games are. If you were right, those games on clyde's list would never have been allowed in the first place. (Ignoring the fact that, for the most part, they are, actually, widely accepted as games.) And, yet, there they are. Hmmm. Wonder how that happened. It's also interesting that the defense of the libertarian dream for the free market is also, here, conflated with social justice. Despite history not providing evidence of the libertarian ideal actually working in that way. Do you know why Steam actually sucks? It's because capitalism doesn't allow for the success and well-being of artists who don't manage to achieve the necessary amount (of varying degrees, depending on scale of project) attention from the masses. Until capitalism is abolished forever, I'll always argue in favor of regulating the market, as a regulated market is a necessity. Those games you so dearly love are overcrowded by ugly lazy bullshit that distracts. And, yeah, go to! It's a good source of neat little games! (Here's a secret, though: if ever met the same success as Valve's Steam, they'd have to find solutions to this very same problem that Valve is struggling with.) PS, TB is widely recognized as an asshole. He's said some shitty things, especially around GG's heyday. Meanwhile, Jim Sterling actively fights for the very things you act like he's against.
  8. Fake Games

    That is entirely their purported end goal. At least, it's Gabe's end goal. Valve as a whole seems to keep working against it. (Though, the Explorers could semi-feasibly be expanded in the future to separate storefronts for specific curators?? Maybe???) Also, what Cordeos said.
  9. Fake Games

    lol oh
  10. Fake Games

    Well, one, Greenlight is going away. Two, you're still wrong. These might be the types of games targeted by your strawmen, but they do not have the power to remove the games themselves. Besides, in your hypothetical chaotic world, literally any game will be a target. Which is, to be frank, a laughable idea.
  11. Fake Games

    You've listed a bunch of games which don't even remotely fit the category of games in question. The closest is RPG Maker games, because many of them use default assets that come with the engine. Many of those are utter garbage (I should know), but even they don't fit the category because they have actual writing that is unique to that game (to the extent that any cookie-cutter game can be unique). So, no. You're wrong.
  12. Fake Games

  13. Fake Games

  14. Fake Games

    That's a nice dream, but unfortunately reality doesn't accommodate.
  15. Fake Games

    The problem is not that the games exist. The problem is that they distract from other games that are good and deserve attention. Nobody besides someone who obstinately wants to rail against "haters" want this shit. And it's definitely Valve's job to curate their fucking store with at least a modicum of quality control.
  16. Fake Games

    Okay. I don't think I have any answers that will satisfy you. If you don't believe it's a problem, oh well. Have fun with the games you like. I'll continue avoiding using the store.
  17. Fake Games

    Those are not examples... Those are games with actual effort put into them. They're probably shit - they look shit - but anyone begrudging their existence is just being a baby. I'm not going to go hunt down examples because, to be frank, I can't be bothered, I just don't care enough, but one example that always stuck with me is that one time I saw a thing on green light called "rock simulator". It literally had a rock in an empty field and you could look at it. That's it. This didn't make it on steam (I'm pretty sure??). But I've seen shit that is only marginally more interactive make it to the store. I suspect they get removed over time, considering valve is aware of the problem, but given how easy it is to get through green light, they just keep showing up.
  18. Fake Games

    They're all over steam. They're not interesting. They're offensive and exploitative. This isn't about my personal identity. This is about people doing shitty things to take advantage of ignorant people.
  19. Fake Games

    Jim Sterling has an obnoxious style, but TotalBiscuit is a racist shitbag, so Jim Sterling wins out. Anyway yeah like Beasteh says, "fake games" are just shitty things made in the cheapest way possible in order to make a quick buck from people who don't know better. They probably don't meet success very often, but they overcrowd stores without actual quality control and make it harder to find good stuff. It's worth noting that Steam's discovery queue, for all that people seem to hate it, has helped a significant number of smaller devs making legitimate games actually find a bigger audience. I dunno about this explorer thing, and I sincerely wish Valve would just fucking hire people to do this for them, but their "solutions" do tend to improve things for the devs more often than not. Even if by just fucking hiring somebody they could improve it way way way way way more.
  20. The switch also plugs into a tv... But yes I don't think it could run ds3 either.
  21. oh wow i've been saying it wrong this whole time! thanks patrick you're the best <3
  22. how do you know i wouldn't say pair of bra edit: what about shoes, you don't put shoes on your legs, you put em on your feet!
  23. under = leg wear = other leg
  24. the plaque looks like a pair of underwear edit: why are underwear, pants, etc "pairs"