
Phaedrus' Street Crew
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Everything posted by pabosher

  1. An article wot i writ

    Yeah this thread is more meant to be about the discussion, and as like a reference point, there's the article I wrote. So Sombre, what do you mean by narrative content?
  2. Idle Thumbs London meet?

    How's Saturday for everyone then?
  3. Games Testing is not a good career option, by any stretch of the imagination. Forced to play a game you don't like, countless times, in countless different ways until the early hours of the morning. Developing though? Goodness knows. Hard shit though, that.
  4. Idle Thumbs London meet?

    Well I'm definetely still up for a Saturday meet. Would Chris be back in the US by then though?
  5. Monkey Island 2: SE

    I'd like to see the old Sam and Max: Hit the Road (and any others if there were any before Season One) given a SI remake.
  6. Red Dead Redemption

    Yup, although obviously the horses will help a little bit.
  7. Red Dead Redemption

    Some new details as well to go along with the new trailer. Twice as big as San Andreas? Daaaamn.
  8. General Video Game Deals Thread

    But will it work with Windows 7? It says XP only
  9. Idle Thumbs London meet?

    I may not yet be 18, but I'd absolutely love to do this. I'm normally allowed in pubs and shit, I just don't like alcohol anyway! But yes please. A weekend would be preferred but you know, I'll make am effort either way!
  10. General Video Game Deals Thread

    Hey guys, the Guild Wars trilogy is £15 on STEAM. Would you recommend I get it?
  11. General Video Game Deals Thread

    Is it good? It looks like solo WoW. I love WoW.
  12. Exams are shit. Discuss

    Exams freaking suck. Seriously cba with my 6 coming up in May/June - feel like I'm going to cry. I don't want to fail I want to get into Oxford/UCL goddamnit
  13. ... but probably won't. So yeah. I read a tweet the other day from Chris Remo, which said; So yeah, that's not interesting, but it did remind me of an interesting fact I learned while listening to Radiolab. Children - ie. Newborns and infants - see numbers in terms of their logarithmic properties. So, whereas for us, we see the difference been 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 as being the same - 1 - a baby sees the difference between 1 and 2 as being HUGE, compared to the difference between 9 and 10. That is, the difference between 1 and 2 is Double, whereas between 9 and 10 is 1 1/9, which is tiny. They theorised this, then they went to a remote village somewhere that hadn't been taught our arbitrary number system, and drew a line on the ground. On one side was 1 fruit, on the other side was nine fruits. Something like this. 1 | 9 They then asked the people to place HALF the fruits in the middle. 5 right? Instead, they did this. 1 | 3 | 9 Because 1-3 is 3x, and 3-9 is 3x - therefore the difference is the same. Fascinating, right? So yeah. This is your thread to post interesting things, and wow the rest of us. They don't have to be as long as the ones I posted, they could be something like; In Britain, a postage stamp is classed as legal tender. In Britain, it's illegal to destroy anything with an image of the head of the realm on it. In the UK, by law, Black taxi cabs are required to have a bale of hay and a pail of water in the back. This harks back to when black cabs were drawn by Horses, and the law was instated. So yeah, gogogo! Also, if you haven't listen to Radiolab, you really, really should.
  14. Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse

    Haters gonna hate. Would like to mention - the Sam and Max iPad almost made me want to buy an iPad. Unfortunately, it's out here yet, and I realised how ridiculous the iPad pricing was anyway.
  15. Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse

    Oh, I wondered why the opening title sequence, and most of the artwork for the menu, dialog and inventory interfaces sucked. I kid I haven't played them yet. Heck, I haven't played a S&M game since Season 1. They hurt my head too much x_x
  16. Interesting stuff that might get you laid.

    That's fine - I'll take it. EDIT: The line - not your wife.
  17. Interesting stuff that might get you laid.

    You know, I bet you the 'out-of-date Wispas' line would get you laid by an incredibly ditzy blonde one Easter.
  18. Books, books, books...

    Rime is fantastic. One of my favourite pieces of literature ever.
  19. Interesting stuff that might get you laid.

    I started off believing that particular story, until the Wispa part. I was all ready to be interested.
  20. Movie/TV recommendations

    I think he's an absolutely fantastic Doctor. Already better than Tennant, and I thought Tennant was fantastic.
  21. Interesting stuff that might get you laid.

    Egg is like birth and the shape (a sort of fucked circle) is the whole idea of circular life that Jesus lead - life, death, life etc.
  22. Far Cry 2

    Well, they're not going to say much else, are they? "Yeah, so we have Far Cry 3 coming and... well, to be honest, it looks pretty shit. No idea why the hell anyone would want to play it - Lord knows we don't want to! Don't buy this game, it's not worth it."
  23. Post your face!

    I'm 17 and I can't remember 16.
  24. Red Dead Thumb

    So, like, this is going to be the shit, right? 360 I guess then.
  25. Red Dead Redemption

    And we all know how well THAT turned out.