
Phaedrus' Street Crew
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Everything posted by pabosher

  1. Jeff Goldblum on Top Gear

    I still can't quite actually believe Jeff Gone Goldbum said 'the Wizard'. It's like he knew the show was ending or something.
  2. Uhh... Would it help if I first said he has a hat?
  3. Wizard was always old. He's a wise wizard, duh. Of course he's old.
  4. Recently completed video games

    Quite possibly. My brain couldn't comprehend the italian they were speaking, the words I had to read, AS WELL as the absurdity of it all. I just sat there, mouth agape, thinking "whatthehell" over and over. To be fair, I did lose track of the plot quite a lot earlier in the game. After you assassinate I had no idea why I was killing the next bunch of dudes.
  5. End of the trailer maybe? *Broken, bruised and bloody*"What's your name? Who are you?" "Max Ides." *Non-diagetic* YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
  6. He should look like this. I'm mainly thinking for the glasses, really.
  7. That would be Jake 'video games' Rodkin. Oh, and Sean 'Famous' Vanaman.
  8. Sorry, I meant Max Ides: The Origins of Darkness; Blue Moon Rising. The character is badass, we need a game that delivers.
  9. Sorry guy, never heard of you. I remember liking ZP when I watched it and the theme was cool. We could make Max Ides into something even more badass.
  10. Nah, it needs "But it's the 13th!" "It's February" *POW* OMG. Just had the greatest idea ever thanks to your quote Podunk. You know how they have those creepy little girls singing in the background of trailers, in order to spook you? Well, if you've seen Futurama, you know the song they sing when it's Nibbler's birthday? What day is today? It's Nibbler's birthday What a day for a birthday Now let's all have some cake. Just alter the words, and have a creepy little girl singing quietly throughout the entire trailer. Ok, mind gone blank, but there are words that will fit to that tune that will make this bad-ass.
  11. I could write the script. I have a vision, bro.
  12. Torchlight 2

    are we sure the MMO isn't a separate project altogether?
  13. Recently completed video games

    True, but i bought the game based solely on some of what you said in Rolling with the Pope, and so I felt like you needed to know my pain with that finale.
  14. Recently completed video games

    I like some aspects of it - ie. It's all memories and you're learning to be the badass present day assassin, but what the hell was all Really?! Jesus. God it hurt me inside.
  15. Recently completed video games

    Just completed Assassin's Creed II. What the fuck Chris Remo. That game has actually seriously pissed me off. Why did it have to devolve so pathetically in the final act? Jesus Christ that shit was painful.
  16. Confirmed: Chris 'Boost' Remo is heading up Gears of War 3.
  17. I'm holding out hope for something from video games, Famous and Scoops.
  18. No, I agree with the Thumbs. The times that are best about the cast is when it's fastpaced as funny-- that stuff is just so much harder to do over the internet. I just hope that they agree to do periodical episodes throughout the year - PAX, E3, GDC - every convention, I expect a cast ;P
  19. Remember he's American, so it's basically the Top Gun high five. Over head, then slap his ass. Then kick him in the balls.
  20. Actually, if it is Harmonix, then I'd be super happy for him. I reckon Harmonix + Remo = a perfect match
  21. Oh god I just skipped the rest of the show to hear the news. Oh god what the fuck no this makes me so sad Just realised this must be how max ides feels; EVERYTHING I LOVE DIES