
Phaedrus' Street Crew
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Everything posted by pabosher

  1. General Video Game Deals Thread

    Weren't they doing 50% off everything a couple days ago?
  2. Back to the Future

    Are you allowed to say what you're working on now, Jake? I mean, I guess it's the Jurassic Park game, but I'm just curious.
  3. Post your face!

    There was a Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit press event a couple weeks before the game shipped, and we were driven around a test track etc etc. There was a competition to get the fastest time on a track called 'Vanishing Point' (a time which I've now obliterated), and the top two won Xboxs.
  4. General Video Game Deals Thread

    Yeah, I saw this earlier. Is it good/worth it? (what is it?)
  5. Aye, I'm like this. But I'm like that with every form of media. I don't want to know what happens in a book, film, comic, etc., I just want to know if it's good, and if I have the time to enjoy it.
  6. Post your face!

    Oh hey, I won an Xbox 360! Hey!
  7. WTF is Telltale's new game?

    I was most disappointed when I heard Strong Bad reel off a list of domain names but neglected dot museum Also, I doubt you're Gordon Freeman; if you were, everyone would be dead by the end of a simple game.
  8. Christmas Cards

    I seem to be getting left out of this young person revolution
  9. L.A. Noire

    I actually /loved/ The Shivah. Looking back on it, you're right, it was ridiculous, but it still was an absolutely brilliant video game that I thoroughly enjoyed.
  10. Books, books, books...

    I've always believed that, on the whole, Rowling isn't a particularly strong writer. She has a great imagination though, and her simplistic writing skill has allowed her to reach a monumentally large audience.
  11. Cataclysm

    How do I do this then Thompson? Stick in my discs of WotLK, or will it prompt me when I re-activate my account?
  12. General Video Game Deals Thread

    I bought them all before they went down again.
  13. Cataclysm

    I'm currently downloading the client once again. Does anyone know what will happen when I click play? I have both Burning Crusade and WotLK, and although I have the discs, obviously the codes have been used. Seeing as I've tied it to my Blizz account, it should just recognise that and let me access the content, right?
  14. Neptune's Bountiful Pride 5

    Sounds like a good idea.
  15. I agree with this completely. He's happy being his own incredibly intelligent, relatively reclusive guy. I also imagined him to be some huge, bulky, incredibly deep-voiced man. Probably because his surname has 'car' in it.
  16. WTF is Telltale's new game?

    I was sad Strong Bad didn't add "dot museum" to the end of his "dot com, dot co dot uk" etc rant.
  17. Stacking

    Day one perch.
  18. WTF is Telltale's new game?

  19. General Video Game Deals Thread

    £17.49 for Civ V? Hmm tempting. Already bought the Goldeneye Wii deal today though (Special Edition with Classic Controller Pro for just £30) so I can't justify it!
  20. General Video Game Deals Thread

    You can play me
  21. (

    That's like three thumbs memes in one!
  22. Movie/TV recommendations

    Yeah, it's a completely unrelated one-off show, but with the Dirk Gently name attached to it. Tbh, I don't have high hopes. Nothing to do with either of the two books (nor the unfinished Salmon of Doubt), so I may just go and reread those or listen to the brilliant radio series.
  23. John Carmack is the geekiest geek mcgeekgeek in the world ever. It was honestly a little humbling listening to him talk with such authority on topics I could never even hope to understand. Very cool guy.
  24. Movie/TV recommendations

    For people who like Misfits (I've never seen it so can't comment) the writer from that has penned the Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency TV Show, which should be airing on BBC 4 sometime in the next couple months.