
Phaedrus' Street Crew
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Everything posted by pabosher

  1. So what you're saying is "Sean Vanaman: "We were bitter for Warren stepping in. Warren is tough. If ten years from now someone called me up and said "Come make the Mickey game you pitched in 2005 at Disney," I would immediately assemble a world-destroying team of folks to execute on the original vision -- it would be different from what was released."
  2. PAX East 2011?

    I do too, except it costs around £1000 for flights alone, and Lord knows where I'd stay. I'm going to ask if anyone I know is going (Spaff probably will be, I'll ask him) and cheapest deals etc.
  3. PAX East 2011?

    Post more on the forums, Vanamanan 'Famous' Bandanaman.
  4. Recently completed video games

    Thanks guy! (Call me Phillipe) As for the narrow questions, I tried to make them narrow in order to ensure he answered the questions I actually asked. Clearly that didn't work too well, but there's nothing more frustrating than asking an open-ended question and having a guy talk about something that everybody already knows, and that every other site could have asked.
  5. Recently completed video games

    As far as I understand, he was actually game director/whatever title means that he was looking over the entirety of the game. That's what I was led to believe before speaking with him, anyway.
  6. Recently completed video games

    Hey, thanks guys!
  7. Life

    I feel kinda sad. This morning I decided that, at the end of the month, I would quit my writing gig at Game Rant. I'm pretty sure it's the right thing for me to do (after all, I have to try and get to Oxford University this year) but that doesn't make it much easier. I'll mostly miss the people I've met. I'm sure I'll get back into the same business when I have more time (and need a paying job), but there are some tremendously nice folks in the gaming business. Kind of makes me wish Idle Thumbs was still a website with written words. That would've been sweet. Still, c'est la vie.
  8. GTA V

    Don't forget the tea and castles.
  9. Recently completed video games

    So my interview with the Red Faction Guys is now up. I really hope you guys like, because I took a lot of inspiration from the way the ITs think about games, and really tried to make it an interview that would appeal to the thumbs. I don't know if I succeeded - you take a look
  10. Oh man best news. Now we need a couple special expansion PAX and I'll be a happy camper.
  11. Spaff working on a Movie with CryEngine3 ?

    If it's not striped, it's not Spaff.
  12. Spaff working on a Movie with CryEngine3 ?

    Oh man that is the worst Kolzig. Nail spa facial waxing aaaaarrrrgghj
  13. Recently completed video games

    Destruction was pretty sweet. Having never played RF before (and yes I own them all on steam) I didn't know that you could also instantaneously rebuild shit, which was awesome. The destructibility of the environments was the best part, probably by a long way. New weapons like the magnet gun (fire two bullets, the first pulls whatever you've shot towards the second) really amplified that. Seriously though, the character reminded me of how the Thumbs described Castro in Alpha Protocol. Every line was a snarky motherf of a comment.
  14. Recently completed video games

    I played (and beat) Space Asshole 2 today. It was pretty fun, even if the main character was Douchey McDouchedouche, and even though there were some annoying narrative conceits. No I did not actually beat Red Faction Armageddon today. I did play it though. It was fine I guess.
  15. Junk.. I mean awesome stuff for sale!

    Any old school PnC adventure games?
  16. Admittedly, I don't know much about GDC from a first-hand perspective, but it seems to me that GDC is the same as it's always been, but it has added PR fluff. Kinda like a chocolate cake. The cake has always been there, but now they're adding an extra topping every year. But yeah, I agree that all the best stuff from GDC I saw was from watching Twitter and seeing stuff about the panels.
  17. This has made my month so much better. Thanks guys!
  18. Gemini Rue

    Pretty sure you mean Tim Gilbert, dude.
  19. Also I need a conf grenade blasting over my face. Maybe a special expansion PAX???!
  20. Dude, thank you. That was awesome. Also I agree about Klepek / I actually decided to stop following him on Twitter today. Something about his personality rubs me up the wrong way.
  21. Aliens screening 28/02 London

    If it were just one, I probably would've been able to go. Combo of feeling ill + having work to do is a dealbreaker.
  22. Aliens screening 28/02 London

    I would be there but I'm ill and busy and got too much other stuff to worry about.
  23. Life

    Oh shit. I can't even begin to imagine man. I don't know if talking to her parents is the best idea - especially if her mum has tried it before. Maybe her dad is more stable, and you can talk to him? Talking to her in person sounds like the best idea, and failing that, call the police or something and tell them that you believe you have someone manically depressed who may take their own life. That's all I can really suggest man. I hope it works out. Shit.
  24. GTA V

    Some actor also posted it on his resumé I must say, I'm looking forward to this. As long as it includes DJ Lazlow. That man is the fucking best!
  25. Back to the Future

    I hate to sound like a cheapo douchebag, but the first free episode isn't working for me. I'm sad now.