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Everything posted by Coods

  1. April Fool's Roundup

    To Fight Santa, We Created Santa
  2. The Dancing Thumb (aka: music recommendations)

    I'll throw Panda Bear's Person Pitch into the AnCo lovefest. Need to listen to slasher flicks, but havent yet.
  3. Loving the long episodes. Reminds me of when the last 5 episodes of The Idle Thumbs Podcast always had Sean and were always really great and 2 hours long. Keep them coming
  4. I think arena does help in that respect, because it forces you to make decisions about the potential value of cards in real time. Good arena decks usually come out of a deeper understanding of synergy, familiarity with cards, and awareness of your deck's overall mana curve. That being said, playing Arena is still very much russian roulette. It's very fun once you happen to build a killer deck though. My best run is 5-3.
  5. anime

  6. It'd be great and hilarious if there was a place for me to enter promo code "HOVER" on this sweet shirt in the store.
  7. "I hate references!" ~Famous. HE CANNOT ESCAPE THEM. It's pretty intense discourse, but I think it's just because this episode touches on a wide variety of things worth discussing at greater length. Might be one of my new favorites.
  8. anime

    Another reason I was just super floored by it all was that Bake and Nise definitely had NO indication that it was going this direction. As it is now with the 3 series + neko miniseries, the high quality of Second Season is an anomaly in a family of so-so series.
  9. anime

    Watching Monogatari was like playing that one minigame in Mario Party where you have to collect the treasure from the ocean floor and bring it back up in time. There's all this incredible stuff that you pick up on, but its a little messy and scattered, and some of it probably isn't worth the effort. The bottom line is that Monogatari Season 2 is tremendous. Really, really great stuff nearly all the way through. I remember being completely blown away by that one Haruhi movie that came out however many years ago about the alternate timeline; It was really great seeing cool things happen to characters I've invested time into caring about. Monogatari is like 26 episodes full of that shit, but the biggest roadblock for watching it is the fact that you have to watch Season 1/Nisemonogatari/Nekomonogatari before you even approach this stuff which basically means 30 setup episodes. To explain, the show is structured around these 2-6 episode arcs, where each arc usually centers around one supporting character. Bake and Nise cover the respective portions of the light novel series, which is basically all character introduction every arc. It's pretty interesting at points but doesn't really give you time to breath before shoving in some other characters. Now with all the characters roughly introduced, Monogatari Season 2 (the naming is weird, yeah) is where they straight up start balling. The show begins to do really fantastic things: -There are a few long stretches of episodes where the main character is never seen. While he is present by the fact that everybody talks about him, those specific arcs are carried by some really, really well realized side characters. -The series as a whole explores this idea of truth and self. Some characters, when presented with what is supposedly their true nature, attempt to escape from it, accept it, reject it, or try and change it. it's one of those shows with a consistent theme throughout. -While the show has always been very dialogue driven, this season has some particularly superb exchanges. -Art has been and continues to be great. On the other hand, the show does do some goofy things. The stories are ambitious enough that the simple resolutions seem farfetched. It's kind of hard to follow relationships between characters because everyone behaves so vaguely. There's also that frequent fanservice that I'm sure really isn't an issue, considering everyone who watches anything is probably used to it by now. It's a rarity but I would definitely recommend watching it if you have the time. I predict that future seasons could only get better.
  10. Kerbal Space Program

    I had a hilarious experience picking up this game. A friend and I agreed to a Space Race, first one to the moon and back, and the only rule was that you couldnt do any tutorials, watch any youtube videos or anything remotely helpful that isnt actually playing. It took 30 minutes to even figure out that Shift was the throttle. It took like a week to get to the moon over a series of back and forth discoveries (oh there are maneuver tools, oh the red girders hold your ship up, etc.). Really fun.
  11. Man, I feel bad for not sticking with the actual shanty theme; mine's just a song.
  12. anime

    Regardless of what you call yourselves, my less-anime savvy brother probably thinks you are these guys: classic.
  13. Anyone Remember?

    I had the exact same reaction to that AV club bit! Chris and Nick also talk about a lot of movies, and a lot of funny stuff happens in the game. It's probably my favorite run.
  14. anime

    This week was SHAFT week for me, apparently. Monogatari Season 2 really took me by surprise. Watching baka, nise and neko was almost perfunctory for me; I was just kind of enjoying the aesthetic and goofy dialogue. I went into the 2nd season kind of expecting the same thing, but then I was absolutely BLOWN AWAY by 5 incredibly strong first episodes. I'm halfway through the season now and I can guess that the light novels that this particular season was adapted from were intended to get into the really really good stuff, while the beginning light novel stuff was boring "establishing characters" and all that. Really happy I stuck with it til the good parts. Also, if anyone is in the unlikely position of wanting some really funny and heartwarming harem anime, Nisekoi is my top recommendation. You expect it to be generic and cliche, and it is kind of generic and cliche, but you still laugh anyway. Also looks nice in a way that you come to expect from these shows, but still nice nonetheless.
  15. Thing is that if you listen to the lost 150 recording, at around the 56:00 minute mark you hear a growing radio static, and a deep voice says "Hello, this is Phaedrus"
  16. The threat of Big Dog

    This seems presentable without context, imo.
  17. Walking Dead Season the Second

    Looking forward to Nick's finale episode.
  18. Gone Home from The Fullbright Company

    I love how the first audible thing from Steve is a trademark ganon-laugh.
  19. Walking Dead Season the Second

    Although most of the group is fine with her now, I enjoy the fact that during most of episode 1 and 2 Clem is actually at odds with the rest of the cast. Lee in season 1 assumed a leadership position almost immediately, and generally seemed to be given more opportunities to manage the group (the suicidal lady at the motel, the food rationing).
  20. The threat of Big Dog

    Where does this fit into the canon of robots that will overtake humans at doing things?
  21. Finally gave in to getting the standalone, ready to thumb up whenever somebody feels like playing
  22. Idle Thumbs 148 "accidental" leak of website URL an honest mistake or a crafty new path to the ARG for those who heard it??? This rabbit hole is deeper than we know.
  23. Walking Dead Season the Second

    So after a little while my choices showed up and everything was fine. On that note, it looks like pretty much every choice was down to the wire, so good job on that front.
  24. Bravo. The number of gratuitously made Thumbs-related things increases.