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About mjukis

  • Rank
    an idle lord

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  1. Terminal7 83: End the Run

    It’s been real. Thank you so much.
  2. Monster Hunter World

    Is anyone hunting monsters on pc? Because this video game is good. Very good. I wanna hunt monsters with y’all
  3. Endorsements from Thumbs Readers

    Thanks for the long reply, I need to go to bed though and I got a wedding/festival/volonteer work to go to this weekend so I might not get to responding until next week maybe
  4. Endorsements from Thumbs Readers

    I endorse the chris remo endorsement of cold shower cappers. Re: History, as far as I can tell it's pretty much guesswork all the time. There's no more contested history than the 20th century, which is telling? I did enjoy GGS for what it's worth.
  5. Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain

    It's the Quiet character I think.
  6. Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain

    I haven't played this game but there ARE lords playing it for sure (mission spoilers I guess)
  7. Meow.

    This is good cat content
  8. In high school during the winter I was out walking while it was snowing pretty heavily. This is in southern sweden btw. I haven't seen a single person while outside either, and I swear I started hearing the phendrana drifts theme playing. I was not wearing headphones. Similarly I was working in the kitchen and went down a couple of stairs to get stuff from the dry storage. The electricity had cut out so I had to go get a candle, when I got to the door to dry storage I had this weird feeling, in this basement the dry storage was converted from a sauna, so when I pushed open the door I was pretty much in a wood themed zelda dungeon with every can, box and knick knack casting moving shadows all over thanks to the swaying candle (lantern). It was pretty good.
  9. Dead Cells

    Added to the growing pile of "check out when out of early access", which seems to never actually happen.
  10. I felt generally overwhelmed, the game moves so fast and I can't track much more than "the baddies are coming from that way". I don't know the characters, not the maps, etc.
  11. I tried playing this yesterday, I managed 3 rounds before I got a headache and had to quit. Man, I wish I could enjoy this as much as my friends do.
  12. Darksiders 3 Excitement?

    I am, despite being let down a bit by #2, and the game eating my save game 26 hours in (never went back). Just bring me angels and demons fighting with comically huge weapons while metal plays in the background and I'll be there.
  13. Related to the battle.net/destiny thing: it's weird to me how blizzard/activision made all this effort to make a platform for selling games/updating/chatting/streaming/etc and they still several years down the line have not made any effort to expand that beyond blizzards own titles? It's baffling to me. I did install Origin to play titan fall 2, for the first time since battlefield 3.... the client is SO BAD.
  14. It's not that valve does not bring anything to the table, they clearly do. That's so beyond basic I don't really know how to approach that type of comment? Does that excuse valve having a competition for maybe getting to sell your work with them taking 3/4ths of the cut, them setting the price of your work, while taking on none of the costs?
  15. Probably the only thing on video games that I think has been worth reading for the last couple of months: https://www.polygon.com/2017/5/16/15622366/valve-gabe-newell-sales-origin-destructive I think it deserves it's own thread. Ugh I'm so fuckin tired of all this shit.