
Phaedrus' Street Crew
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Everything posted by Murdoc

  1. Yeah I'm really curious as to how this works for indy games. I've always just noodled on stuff at work, in which I couldn't resell it in any way possible. But software is F#$%ing expensive, yet there are a bajillion 3d games out there. The whole educational thing is another debate, since Autodesk has a monopoly now it's become nearly impossible for students to get their hands on these products and learn from them; I really think that company is shooting themselves in the foot. Makes me wonder...
  2. Thi4f

    Yeah there were rumors about how bad the production went on this, but I'm still disappointing because I really liked that last Deus Ex and I've played ever Thief game since the beginning, so I dunno, I'll wait for a steam sale. I'm a little sad because in this day and age, especially considering Square Enix's past year, a failure isn't going to go down very well, so I just hope Eidos Montreal stays safe.
  3. Either of those works for me since I'm on the westcoast.
  4. Okay, setting it up now; one question, everyone cool with playing a game in a dark galaxy? I've never tried it before but apparently you can only see stars in your scanning range.
  5. 3 questions for those of you who work in the Industry

    What do you like most about your job? Why? I like the sense of accomplishment within my own individual work. When given the freedom to do what I do best, it's great. I like being creative, making art and doing cool things, so when that gets to happen, even with long work hours, I feel pretty good about myself. What do you like least about your job? Why? The fact that being creative, making art and cool things only happens about 1-10% of the time while most of it is fire fighting, headaches, and long, long hours because of bureaucratic headless chickens. What advice would you give your 19 year old self? I went to a game design school when I was 17, I think I took a year off to re-evaluate what I would need to get into the industry, so by 19, I was probably applying for 3D animation. Right now, I would tell my self to stay out of school, keep working, do different jobs, and wait until I was 25. I know if I never went into the industry I'd probably be on this forum lamenting about never doing it, but I'm 31 now and I know I won't survive another 2-5 year production cycle, life has taken it's toll and I need a career change (Not to sound like a downer, I used to teach and mentor people at a couple colleges and it's pretty clear the big corporate, stable jobs in the games industry aren't going to be around in abundance, with so many schools churning out very talented people, it's a tough industry and the people that make it in will be chewed up. Maybe this is my idealistic nature talking, but if I was going to school today for games, which I would tell my 19 year old self not to do, but if I did it despite that advice, I'd tell myself to take the courses that would gear me for independent development. Which isn't to say that's a cake walk or there is anymore of a sustainable future in it)
  6. I'll start up a game tomorrow morning and send everyone the link and password. So if any new comers want to join in speak now! A small game should be really interesting, I'm not sure if it'll be more vicious or oddly peaceful.
  7. Sorry, I didn't mean I just want to test out the mechanics, I should have said I'm also excited to see what the new mechanics are and hows its change. I want to play a serious game, for real. But I'm cool with 4 too because I've never tried that before.
  8. Games development discussion forum?

    Yeah, understood it shouldn't be the wild west, but I guess my point was just consider the posts in amateur game making night could be several threads already. Not demanding anything now, just showing support that a separate forum for this stuff would be cool and probably needed, if not now, but the near future.
  9. Games development discussion forum?

    Fair enough, but, and I realize I might be a fringe case here, but I have a lot more time to discuss game development than actually developing a game. The Amateur Game Making thread seems a little more focused on the specifics and minutia of game development (IE: I saw some code on there for something) Super cool stuff, but for a single thread it's hard to parse the conversation, with everything else that's going on there.
  10. Games development discussion forum?

    I lurk here more often these days after I stopped listening to the podcast, but I'd probably post in game development since you guys are cool.
  11. Hey, sweet, at least 4 people makes a more interesting game than 1:1. Let's wait a week and see what happens, a couple more would be cooler. Or if we want to try a smaller galaxy, maybe 4 is cool? I just want to see what's changed since they've been tuning the mechanics, also, destroy my sleep cycle.
  12. So they've done some updates and it's really been awhile since I've felt the horrifying anxiety of space. Who's down for a game?
  13. Getting into the industry?

    Then the game industry isn't for you. I don't know what it's like in mobile, casual, or indie, but most game companies i've worked for aren't the most social places, it's sit down, put ear phones on and do your job. By the time the work is done you're probably too burnt out to go out half of the time, the other half, and this could just be me, the last thing I want to do is hang out with anyone from work. Not to sound so glum about it, I've been talking down the business practices and working life of the AAA industry for years and from what I can tell in my 9 years, it's getting worse, not any better. What is going on with the Idle Thumbs crew is amazing and extremely rare due to their personalities and years of hard work; I'd call it a miracle if I believed in such things.
  14. Rust: It puts the lotion on its skin

    Okay, so I found out this was made by Gary's Mod people... am I totally crazy in thinking they were making some typical shooter with narrative in it not that long ago? I can't find anything about it from the internet, which makes me think I've gone insane. But I was sure they were making a typical shooter that looked horrendous... maybe I got my developers mixed up? But I was pretty certain it was Gary.
  15. Sex in video games

    My character paid to have sex with a scarecrow in Dragon Age. Fascinating.
  16. Shorts in Winter (Gone Home vs Brothers)

    I have nothing to add, but I found this snippet really amusing and can be taken out of context. "But Brothers, now that was a game. It starts with that wonderful cutscene"
  17. The threat of Big Dog

    Robots? No, no, they're working on our doom.
  18. No Man's Sky

    Yeah I just listed to the Bombcast where they described what they were told. Sadly, no naming rights on locations. But man, everyone starts on the edge of the universe and your exploring the interior... sign me up.
  19. No Man's Sky

    Visually, it reminds me of the new Everquest stuff too; I guess that's'ts because it might be based on the same voxel tech? No idea, I'll have to read up on it, neat little trailer though, could be interesting. I 'm guessing from the title card at the start you explore and lay claim to places by naming them? Seems neat even if it just turns out to be a experiment.
  20. Risk of Rain

    I was playing a lot of the demo during the summer. I dont know how the final game turned out but as far look, feel, art, sound and fun items/class combos, this was seriously a cool fun game. I played the demo over and over, so even if the greater game didn't turn out all that spiffy, I'll be picking it up to see what items and classes they've added, it was super cool.
  21. Dark Souls(Demon's Souls successor)

    In all my complaining, I never thought about googling "Dark Souls essential mods"... oops. Thank you, this will make the experience a little more palatable.
  22. Dark Souls(Demon's Souls successor)

    Ok, finally installed the PC version and going to give this another shot. I might be late to the party on this, but why does the txt look like dog poop? It looks like it's been upressed in MS Paint.
  23. Candy Box 2

    I'm enjoying it so far, it feels more like a UI reconfiguration of Candybox than something totally different, but it's a really exciting revision. It does get to the action quicker which is good/ bad. It's good because probably by now we all know what candybox is about, but bad because I can't point people to it and have that crazy adventure that was in candybox one when you realize what the game is about.
  24. Really scraping the bottom of the nostalgia barrel on kickstarter here...