Fuzzy Lobster

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Everything posted by Fuzzy Lobster

  1. Mass Effect 2

    I've heard that's what they're doing with an upcoming Jack the Ripper game as well.
  2. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves

    Ooh! It's out? I really want to get this one too. I never played the first one, and although the trailers of it look pretty awesome too, I've heard it's really short. Does anyone who played the first one (that may be everyone but me, actually) think that it's worth it? Would you recommend playing that before this one?
  3. Dragon Age

    Hey, man. That was EXTREME. I'm kind of expecting this game to be a little bit like watching a B-movie at this point anyway, what with all the dwarf sex and whatnot I keep hearing about, so why not a bit more head-smashy to go along with it? It will be interesting to see what the actual game is like (both this and Mass Effect 2) and whether the trailers are really representative of the overall goofiness of the games.
  4. Dragon Age

    That reminded me a lot of this: Heh heh heh...
  5. 'Time Gentlemen, Please!' from Size Five Games

    I know I'm colossally late to the party on this, but I just bought the bundle on steam and have been wildly enjoying BTDT. Your/Dan's admirable dedication was well worth it! Many hearty thumbs up! :tup:
  6. Movie/TV recommendations

    HAH! I just saw that recently as well... Oh man. I was completely dying when Mulder showed up in his future-shooty-person gear plus sword.. I've recently been totally addicted to a super old British show called 'Allo 'Allo if anyone's ever heard of it. It's totally side-splittingly funny. I really like the Evil Dead movies as well and I LOVE Peter Jackson's older stuff of similar genre. I absolutely adored Dead Alive.
  7. I love your avatar.

  8. Idle Thumbs 46: First Annual Year

    Holy Neck-hole thing! Creepy!
  9. Cytogeneticists grow mechanized human organs in vats for implantation into military test subjects. Oh, wait.. that's Cybergenetics, and is fake. I wish that was my job.

    I do have a robot that harvests little dishes of human fetal cells for me, so that's conceptually pretty awesome. :)

  10. Demon's Souls

    Woah! Thanks for starting a thread! I'd never even heard of it, but it looks awesome! I'm definitely picking it up. Also, while watching the trailer, I was overwhelmed by the EXTREME quotes. I wanted "This game will chew you up and spit you back out" to be followed by -IGN.com really badly.
  11. So how come PSN is so shit?

    Something about PixelJunk Eden was lost on me. I got the demo because I heard that it was really fun, but I just didn't know what to do with it... maybe I didn't give it enough of a chance? Maybe I'm a big dumb-face? I still want to play Monsters.
  12. So how come PSN is so shit?

    A lot of those games are pretty entertaining too. Flower is great and I like to play Flock every once in a while also. Maybe not enough to make it worth $10 or whatever it is, but hey.
  13. Lucidity

    It's very cute, but it seems a little bit boring. Is it like Lemmings, or are you actively controlling the character?
  14. Have people seen Machinarium?

    I post this with one eye on El Muerte's sassy little response there... That's why I only played around for a few minutes to check it out and get the hang of it. Now I'm waiting for the real thing to come out as well.
  15. New people: Read this, say hi.

    Wow! Nice job, Kingzjester! I really like the logo. Plus, I'm a big fan of your cosmic oven-mitt avatar.
  16. Idle Thumbs 46: First Annual Year

    Hooray for Katamari! I agree that the first two are the way to go. I'll also 'fess to just having bought the new one for PS3 though. No, it's not novel and yes, it's more of the same thing, but what can I say. I like rolling things up. It's fun. Also, the colossally bored clerk at Game Stop gave me a blinky prince phone-charm-thing that lights up when a signal comes into my phone. I'm such a sucker for free stuff.
  17. I think my 360 is dying... AGAIN!

    I know that around here, there are people who will fix 360's for $40 or so, apparently fairly reliably. Maybe you can find someone who can fix it if it barfs without having to send it in? I guess it's a quick and easy fix but I think it may void your warranty completely. I've been really lucky and never had a problem with mine so far *knock on wood*.
  18. Epic Disney on GameInformer

    Well, I don't think I'll buy it, but credit where credit's due for doing something different, I guess. I think that drippy cover-Mickey is pretty nifty. When those guys mentioned this game on the podcast a long time ago, I thought they were joking when they called it "Epic Mickey". Heh.
  19. Idle Thumbs 45: Episode Forty-Five

    Maybe "rad" is a regional thing, because I say it all the time too and have no idea why.... When I lived overseas, I too was picked on by Irish people for it.
  20. Have people seen Machinarium?

    I love the picto-dialogue too. Just got the demo yesterday. Since I'm an absolute sucker for hand-drawn-style anything and am rendered helpless and gelatinous by extreme cuteness I'm completely sold, even if it is short.
  21. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves

    I never played the first game, but I just got the demo for this one. It looks great! I'm hoping that it will be a nice split between the shooty stuff which I am poop at and the jumpy, puzzly, finding-stuffy stuff which I am not poop at. Also, the main character reminds me of the captain guy from Firefly for some reason.
  22. Idle Thumbs 46: First Annual Year

    Man, I JUST got Metal Gear Solid out of guilt two days ago since I've never played it. I've only played the first few minutes, so I hope it won't be so narrative-tastic that I'll get bored with it. Also, as I've never played it, I didn't realize that Mr. Remo's Metal Gear voice was as accurate as it is. Zounds. Oh yeah. Happy Birthday, Podcast! Here's to many more Wednesdays being wildly entertaining.
  23. Funny Pictures Thread

    Ahh, but I live in a cave and am stupid, so it's new and fresh to me! Sorry it's old news to everyone else. I will henceforth be totally entertained in silence.
  24. Help Edmund McMillen (if you want to)

    I'd never heard of him, but I just went and checked out his page. His stuff looks pretty great! Maybe I'll contribute a few and get Gish from steam.