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About dpp

  • Rank
    Cry me a river...


  • Location
    Boston, MA
  1. What is the Mystery of Scoggins?

    Just finished the game, I'll agree that the first one was better for the story. The puzzles are still way too easy, Layton is a hundred light years ahead in that department. Still, the perfect game to spend a Saturday afternoon on the couch. Can't get enough of Tethers screaming at the gnomes!
  2. Civilization World

    This game is ridiculously addictive... I need to stop playing it
  3. Civilization World

    I'm in game 159 in the egyptian dynasty... JulioC
  4. Civilization World

    I'm in... anyone else?
  5. Frozen Synapse

    dpp on tx3
  6. Portal 2

    I downloaded/read the Last Days of Portal 2, that was a nice investment of 2 bucks and about an hour and a half of my time... I just wish I knew it was available for the iPad before I got it on Steam, but I guess it's my fault for not being up-to-date with gaming stuff
  7. PAX East 2011?

    Boston is usually pretty strict about carding people and it's common to have a bouncer at the door during the weekends. But I haven't been to that place so I wouldn't know for sure. I'd give them a call to check.
  8. Shadows of the Damned

    reminds me of Alan Wake for some reason
  9. So, QWOP, then...

    I played this a long time ago... I managed to get to the end, where you .
  10. What is the Mystery of Scoggins?

    Puzzle Agent 2 confirmed for this summer! I really enjoyed the first iteration, but I hope it will be more challenging this time.
  11. This week on Top Chef they had to make cookies for Cookie Monster and Elmo... I had a good laugh watching it
  12. PAX East 2011?

    It sucks that it won't be at Hynes anymore, it was very easy to get there from where I work... but at least it seems that it's a bigger venue, so here's hoping that we can ACTUALLY get in and watch the panels.
  13. Buying a New PC

    Intel is infamous for killing socket formats... I bought an i7 920 couple of years ago and I have no obvious option for upgrade without a new motherboard. At least most games nowadays are more GPU-intensive than CPU.
  14. PAX East 2011?

    Damn I completely forgot to buy the tickets... and now the 3-day passes are gone . I'm going Sunday for the panel at least!
  15. Buying a New PC

    If you're not into nVidia for some reason and you want more power, the Radeon HD6950 2Gb is a good option. It can be "unlocked" and become a 6970 with a simple firmware update. Have in mind that the choice of GPU is directly related to the max resolution of your monitor. If you're playing at 1680x1050 for example, you can even shoot for a cheaper card. However if you have a 30" monitor you might want to get a better card to take advantage of the higher native resolution (where it will look the best).