
Phaedrus' Street Crew
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Everything posted by Hermie

  1. Pokémon X and Y

    I'm currently grinding for the Elite Four, is there a better way to do it than just killing stuff on Route 22?
  2. Looking for non-game related podcasts

    If You Like This Thread, You Might Enjoy The Other Podcasts Thread.
  3. Pokémon X and Y

    Mine is continental, apparently. How boring.
  4. Life

    Oof, that's harsh. I sadly have little to no knowledge of the Canadian social systems. Go where your heart tells you.
  5. The Dancing Thumb (aka: music recommendations)

    I enjoy Baroness, but prefer a bit tighter, rockier bands, such as Graveyard, Rival Sons or Spritiual Beggars. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HXriaYdhYec
  6. Life

    Are you bringing a dolphin puppet?
  7. 3DS Friend Codes

    Thanks dude, I appreciate that.
  8. DOTA 2

    Bloodseeker loses the speedcap with Thirst active. Result:
  9. Pokémon X and Y

    Great! By the way, I did some internet research and discovered what gets you into the Boutique Couture. You have to do all the challenges in the first two restaurants (one and two stars), and do all three jobs in the hotel. PS: Adding my friend code here as no one added me back in the multiplayer networking thread: 1993-8227-3356
  10. PL4YST4TION 4

    It's absurd. Here's a breakdown from my girlfriend:
  11. 3DS Friend Codes

    Got my replacement 3DS for the one that was stolen. Adding everyone again now. Earn Hundreds of Pokémon From Home Using This One Simple Friend Code: 1993-8227-3356
  12. Pokémon X and Y

    Wow, that's thorough, thanks a lot! I just got Fly, so I can finally return to the two random Pokemon and the berries I left in that area.
  13. Pokémon X and Y

    Agreed on the movement, it's bizarre. I'm up to the second gym right now. The game feels very dense with systems and information, as they have kept piling up every generation. As someone who has little Pokéxperience, I constantly feel there are things I should be keeping in mind, but that isn't obvious. Can someone (Tegan?) make a post of Things To Know? For example, what's up with breeding/Pokemon daycare? How does it work? Should I match up the Pokemen I leave there, or just someone I want leveled up? Also, does anyone bother with the super training/Pokemon-Amiee? As the activities aren't fun, I have been ignoring both.
  14. Nintendo 3DS

    Actually, Nintendo can restore your purchases should you lose your 3DS. We contacted them because our 3DSs got stolen, and they said they could potentially restore digital purchases, but we only had carts in them so far.
  15. Feminism

    Where is the like button on this forum?
  16. Movie/TV recommendations

    I saw Hot Fuzz and The World's End as a double bill yesterday, having caught Shaun of the Dead on DVD the day before. Everybody knows Fuzz and Shaun are fun movies, and TWE holds up the same raunchy, yet emotionally honest tone that works so well in the other movies. It's fascinating to see the characters reflect the different parts of life that Pegg & Wright are in while writing the movies. In terms of the action plot, TWE and Shaun are very similar ("fight off mindless creatures, get to pub"), but the group dynamics are completely different. Also, I desparately want to see...
  17. 3DS Friend Codes

    My 3DS got stolen! If you see me online, please send a threatening message to the asshole.
  18. iOS Gaming

    I am hopelessly addicted to Pocket Trains. Either send help, or send me spare train parts via Gamecenter. This has happened before, as I actually beat Tiny Tower. I got every single floor that existed, all they way upgraded.
  19. I haven't played Pokemon since the original Red/Blue, but as I recently got a 3DS, I'm thinking about grabbing X or Y. I am going to catch all of them?
  20. Building a home theater...

    I don't know much about projectors, but I echo JonCole about Samsung and Panasonic plasmas. Panasonic TX-P50ST60Y is a really good TV, and at least here in Scandinavia it's often the subject of price wars between retailers. It's often considerably cheaper than the more advanced model (VT60Y) or the bigger version (65ST60Y).
  21. Movie/TV recommendations

    Have people watched A.G.E.N.T.S.O.F.S.H.I.E.L.D. yet? I'm torn. The pilot had more cheese than Switzerland, and the characters spent most of the time snarking knowingly at each other, and the one character that did have an emotional journey, felt flat and generic. On the other hand, Whedon has shown several times that he is really good at setting up a slick, stylized, over the top story environment, and then slowly seeding in an emotional core that has you weeping when he eventually and brutally kills off a character, and there's definitely the possibility of pulling that off here. On the other OTHER hand, Dollhouse. Am I alone in seeing the hope for this? Or is it just stockholm syndrome?
  22. /ghost, /idlethumbs and /camposantogames also absent. It's like they don't even care about us.
  23. This is fantastic. I wonder how long until they need a Norwegian customer support representative.
  24. Life

    Yeah, I have the same, working in customer service now. They good part is that I'm on the phone, so if they start yelling, I have a button that makes them go away. The guys in the store aren't as lucky.
  25. Life

    Ugh, the right wing coalition won the Norwegian election. Hopefully they won't change the immigration policies for the worse, but I'm scared. It's gonna be hard enough to bring my girlfriend back into the country already, I can't imagine what will happen if the far-right get too much power about immigration.