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Everything posted by werd123

  1. Guitar Hero 4 "Not Just About Guitars"

    They'll think of a tagline like they did with "Legends of Rock", like...like...Band Legends.
  2. So, this "GTA 4" thing then...

    WHAT??!!! Their is no custom soundtracks!!! Rockstar put this feature in a Xbox 1 game four years ago and had the feature on the PSP games but they didn't bother with this one feature!!! And the soundtrack doesn't look it would excite me bar Nas "War is Necessary", but everything sounds average, but no country music thank god. And 60% within only 30 hours, I thought Rockstar touted having 100 hours of gameplay in this version.
  3. So, this "GTA 4" thing then...

    If anything I'm waiting for the PC version, IF I get a new PC, I might have to think "fuck it" and get a 360 for this (and a few other games not on the PC). From what I heard so far, it's great....but, I'm just wondering if this game actually has a custom soundtrack feature and if there is a chainsaw (Even if it is not like Vice City, blood spraying about and more like San Andreas with less violence I don't care, it's GTA tradition.) This game just screams detail, I don't care if it's a another Oblivion (Played it, finished it, so I won't play it ever again), the gaming experience will be worth it.
  4. The Great "Rock Band" European Rip-Off!

    For a moment I thought this thread was about some game company making a game similar to Rock Band and releasing their own controllers for it....wait a minute... Anyways, this is bogus, totally bogus. This should open the floodgates for the amount of people not buying this great game and sticking with the sub-par pre-Harmonix Guitar Hero games.
  5. The Dancing Thumb (aka: music recommendations)

    It's either listening to Oukast or Van Morrison, my "Shuffle" button.
  6. Best reviews I've ever read

    Well that's wierd, I didn't know that in the UK games didn't have to be rated to be put on the shelf. In Australia, the title has to be rated, otherwise it is stopped from being sold by the Government.
  7. RE0 Wii

    I don't simply get it, why don't you get the Gamecube version? That's what my friend is doing, borrowing the Gamecube remake of Resident Evil 1.
  8. The Format isn't over yet, the HD-DVD still have to compete with media downloads (Like it matters here, Australian internet speeds are horrible) and DVD's. Yeah and with HD, the customer is absolutely clueless, I know a couple of friends that have a 30" inch Sony Bravia, I keep giving them hints "You have a HD television" but they don't seem to care, just the fact that they have a big television. We were even watching tennis through the analog-aeiral setup and watching DVD's on a non-upscaled DVD player.
  9. GTA IV

    The only GTA I've finished is San Andreas, but vice city is the one I enjoy the most. At first I was pissed that they hadn't announced the PC version, but they did and now I'm more excited about this game.
  10. Gears of War for Windows

    I'd give it a 8.5/10, what could've of been a average shooter in the light of Halo is surprising fun, because of the "Extremely Awsome" moments it has in the game, which since Resident Evil 4 have been a common trait in most video games these days. I don't get the innovation of duck/Cover system, kill.switch did it on the PS2 a couple of years ago.
  11. Guitar Hero IV "this year"

    There doing it again!!! Their getting another series and constantly releasing that have no new features and add what's cool and hip (and lame) in the industry today, just like Tony Hawk. It seems Rock Band is beating Guitar Hero in terms of quality, is it selling well over there in the US? Skate, according to critics was better then the latest Tony Hawk and outsold it 2-to-1, not bad.
  12. Soul Calibur officially jumps the shark

    I think they jumped the shark when the memory card glitch occured in III, never has a game company broke a track record of glitch-free, "Finished" games in a shitty way.
  13. Need for Burnout: Paradise Lost

    Yeah, apprently the guys over at Citerion...well the lead designer Alex Ward doesn't like the PC, with it's so called "Complex" controls, stupid idea to not release Black only on consoles. Anyway, Burnout 3 was one of the very few games with my PS2 purchase where I went "Holy Shit!! How awsome is that!!!" and I think kinda got me back into gaming for a while. Revenge was kinda dissapointing, I didn't like how the crash events turned out, now the latest Burnout they pump out will divide people to what changes they like.
  14. Dr Who Xmas special

    I never thought of Doctor Who as a kids show, even the new series which looks all sexed up, new and all.
  15. Crysis

    I think I wait down the track until I get a new computer which might be never, would rather play it when computers become more advanced then half-assed with the computers currently available.
  16. Half Life 2: Episode 2

    Definately!!! This whole Physics system is what makes it stand out as "just" a game running off a engine that is 3-4 years old. It's so unique, I don't why this is a "next-gen" feature more common in games. But when you back, some games are still trying to perfect physics when it comes to falling bodies.
  17. Paprika

    I wanted to see this but it's only up to buy, not to rent. My video store usually has anime to rent. (I was surpised when they got Ghost in the Shell 2 in.) I don't want to blind buy anime, even most good anime doesn't seem to be rewatchable and Spirited Away seems to be the only one.
  18. Half Life 2: Episode 2

    *Raises Hand* I've Finished it. Now let me get a few things out of the way, despite this being really enjoyable and being better then Episode One, like this is my GOTY. I didn't really enjoy the Final Battle as much as I thought, I just stopped playing before the big ending without knowing, I was having a conversation with my friend and told him about it, then he hit me the bombshell that it was the "Final Battle". It didn't felt like the Final Battle, I don't know but there wasn't much of a build up of the battle, the atmosphere would usually change telling you that something is big around the corner. And though at first "WTF?" about the ending all of a sudden happening after the final battle, but then I thought that without the ending just..popping out of nowhere that it wouldn't have as much impact.
  19. Portal into the Orange Box?

    ahhh.....The DVD cases by EA Games, borderline ridiculous. It's twice as thick, so you would expect this really thick instruction booklet or some extra stuff but no. The instruction booklet is either 10 pages long or in the case of Half-Life 2:Episode One you just get a piece of paper, one side has the controls, the other is if you need support if you have a crappy graphics card (Eg: Nividia). I got my "Black Box"...well just the new games like TF2, Portal and Episode 2 off steam, just downloaded all of it.
  20. Terry Pratchett has alzheimer's

    I haven't heard of Terry Pratchett, apart from the fact that one of his books got turned into a game. And also good to see someone not praising, not kissing the ass of J.K Rowling. She flat out lied that the latest Harry Potter book would be her last is absolute crud, she will publish more books just for more money.
  21. Every Extend Extra

    I actually got it off a bonus CD off a Video game Magazine (Hyper) with all these freeware games, it was to show the top 25 Freeware games of all time. So much for "freeware" games, I think I was the only one who actually liked it around, I gave it to my friends and they thought it was too shallow.
  22. Every Extend Extra

    Did anyone manage to play the freeware version of this, created by one guy before they started making this game on consoles?
  23. Guitar Hero III (and demo!)

    One thing that pisses me off is the complete lack of support for PS2 in the first place, why the hell did they release the first one on the PS2 in the first place? It would be a good exclusive on the 360, even playing Guitar Hero II on PS2 seems like it's missing something, even though number II didn't have a PS3 version. And yes your spot on with the humour of Neversoft games, especially with Tony Hawk's. 2-4 the humour would make me giggle a bit and it was harmless, then when Underground 1 and 2 and American Wasteland (Which "tried" to be punk, errrgghh), it just seemed like they were trying too hard with all the characters acting so hardass.
  24. Assassin's Creed LE

    Is it really that bloody/gory? Does the blood flow like wine? I am waiting on the now *delayed* PC release.
  25. New people: Read this, say hi.

    Well what I think it's maybe takes away how ugly the urban environment is in some shots, some of the footage is stock footage from NASA, various government launching nuclear bombs, falling buildings footage, looks mostly from the 50's and 60's....