
Phaedrus' Street Crew
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Everything posted by Nappi

  1. Pokemon Friend Codes

    What's wrong with getting new members to join the site? It will only liven up the conversation.
  2. Double Fine Halloween Competition

    I wonder how many two headed baby pumpkins there is going to be.
  3. This website is... UNTRACEABLE

    That was the best part.
  4. Runs smoothly on my Santa Rosa MacBook Pro. Don't know how it is with the older models, though.
  5. How to best explain Brutal Legend to your friends...

    All I had to do to get my friend interested about the game was to mention things like a heavy metal world, protective mosh-pit, Lemmy as a shamanic bass player, and a couple of the bands/artist that would be contributing to the game. Then again, he likes metal (not this kind though) and has somewhat similar sense of humor as I do. He isn't nearly as excited about the game as I am, but that's understandable as he doesn't know Tim Schafer and, like already said, only a few details have been revealed at this point.
  6. Double Fine

    Damn. A missed opportunity. But yes. It would seem quite odd if a small company like Double Fine revealed two big games at once. It could be a Wii port though, but I don't know if it would make any sense either.
  7. Rigby

    Very nice! I liked it how none of the levels were too difficult or frustrating, which is, for some reason, the case with many similar flash-games I have played. The graphics are really nice too. All I can code is a crappy text-based adventure game. (My first course of coding, though. But still...)
  8. The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass

    What's wrong with second page threads?
  9. Brutal Legend magazine scans

    I really hope that site will one day turn into an awesome river of user generated fire. Too bad all those pre-set lighters prevent you from seeing how many people actually are freaking excited about Brütal Legend. Can't wait till November 2008. Or beyond...
  10. Brutal Legend magazine scans That is all.
  11. Brutal Legend magazine scans

    Nice. I agree with Thrik on the antialising though. [nitpickery]The thumb shouldn't be extended. But then again, it might only make it look worse.[/nitpickery]
  12. Brutal Legend magazine scans

    I second that.
  13. Brutal Legend magazine scans

    I liked the head design of that big mouth thing, but, in my opinion, the body should have been a lot thinner so that he would look more.. (I don't know if this is the best term to use) impish. Now it looks like the rest of the body came from a fat man who doesn't know how to use solarium, and it freaks me out a bit.
  14. Brutal Legend magazine scans

    At least there is going to be high quantities of blood. Trailer wasn't too great, but the visual execution was pretty impressive. Except for that metallic Double Fine logo. It was awful.
  15. Portal

    BTW. Did anyone try to type "play portal" on the aperture science site after logging in? It'll redirect you to a Youtube site, but it just says the video has been removed by the user. Did it work in the first place? It could be something really lame like a Portal trailer, but then again, that would be kind of pointless, since people visiting the site most likely already own the game..
  16. New "best game ever?" thread

    I liked the bit with a water melon and couples in various dance or sex positions. Could someone who has seen the movie explain what it has to do with anything?
  17. Team Fortress 2 and Portal

    Last night was the first time I tested medic properly and found out to my surprise that I actually liked it. Our team was doing shit defending the last point in dustbowl, and we had no medics so I decided to give it a try. I started following the only (but not that skilled) heavy in our team while always keeping my cover. When he occasionally decided to go too far from the point we were defending, I didn't follow him but started boosting someone else. Needless to say he usually died shortly after, and when he respawned I could start aiding him again. After a while spies started to try and kill me, but they mostly got ripped to pieces by my pet heavy or one of the sentry guns near me. One of the spies managed to hit me in the face with his knife, however, so I shot him full of syringes and headed for the nearest dispenser. Anyway, I managed to stay alive for the rest of the level (about 17 minutes) and got 37 points. Compare that with my pathetic earlier record of 5 minutes and 9 points as a soldier. Thus, if you are not that skilled at fraging, you may still do really well as a medic at TF2 too.
  18. Double Fine

    Nothing special but Double Fine site has been slightly updated. You still can't click the Projects link on the top, but the link at the bottom of the site leads you here, instead of the main page where it used to. Hopefully the Brütal Legend link will start working soon. Edit: You know, we could start a rumor that the "coming soon" in Psychonauts banner refers to Psychonauts 2, the picture being from the original game just because they haven't had the time to make a new one. Further edit: Doesn't work anymore. For a while it led you to a site with Brütal Legend banner and darkened Psychonauts banner with "Coming Soon" text on it.
  19. Team Fortress 2 and Portal

    I'm not a big fan of online shooters, but I really like Team Fortress 2, especially because of the art style and distinctive classes. However, if you don't like multiplayer FPS games at all, which seems to be brkl's case, I'd imagine that TF2 isn't going to do it for you either. Despite all the differences, many distinctive online shooter elements that one may hate are still there.
  20. How is this even possible?
  21. Double Fine

    Well, that sounds FUCKING AWESOME! Heavy metal and nordic mythology; Full Throttle and Glottis' creations! I couldn't possibly ask for more. Except, of course, for: This is the craziest game idea I have ever heard. I was actually a bit worried that they would only borrow some of the imaginary from heavy metal mythology. I'm so glad they took it to such extremes! I really hope that the gameplay will be polished, God of War polished. Because if it is, I can't see why this couldn't be the greatest game of all time.
  22. Double Fine Playing the video will only make your ears bleed, though. It is truly horrible.
  23. Idle Thumbs Steam community Googled the error message. Don't know if it works.
  24. Double Fine
