
Phaedrus' Street Crew
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Everything posted by Nappi

  1. The Great "Rock Band" European Rip-Off!

    Perhaps maybe.
  2. Homestar Runner? Sewiiously

    Never really understood Homestar Runner, and the three trailers left me largely underwhelmed. I think I'm going to pass this one, even if that makes me a sad old fart. Not my cup of tee. I'm looking forward to seeing what else will be coming to WiiWare.
  3. Art/wank games

    (I like this new side of Idle Thumbs that encourages positivity, btw.)
  4. Art/wank games

    Could you name some other examples of these artistic wanking games you are pissed about? The way I see You Have to Burn the Rope is as some sort of pun that borrowed most of its funny from a certain part in Portal (and failed), and not as something that was created to be especially 'artistic'. And I haven't actually even seen anyone mention the game before.
  5. Dawn of War 2

    twmac, maybe dosbox will help?
  6. Dawn of War 2

    Nope. For some reason online rts has never interested me. Haven't had time to play anything else either lately for that matter.
  7. wtf

    The ones who try to pretend the banners don't exist... I actually adblocked them though, because they started to seriously annoy me.
  8. wtf

    There are no such banners all over the forums..
  9. Dawn of War 2

    I have neither positive or negative opinion towards Warhammer 40K, although I find it mildly more intriguing than some other similar franchises. It's just sci-fi in general I'm not that interested about, mostly because I feel like I had to study a whole lot of physics bending concepts before I could fully enjoy the experience. The austerity (if that is the correct word) of the face-hammering teaser trailer really fascinated me, however. Along with this kind of approach.
  10. Dawn of War 2

    Certainly looks nice. I'm not a big fan of the sci-fi/fantasy setting, but I did like Company of Heroes a lot so I might have to check this out. Are there any major differences between CoH and Dawn of War gameplaywise?
  11. The Dancing Thumb (aka: music recommendations)

    "Users may not upload multiple songs from the same album or artist, or songs they do not have permission to let Muxtape use." Which rules out quite a few songs.. Anyway, been listening to Melvins and Buckethead lately. Love them both.
  12. Off-Road Velociraptor Safari

    That's it..
  13. Off-Road Velociraptor Safari

    It was a bit like that but the parts were so far apart that you had to search for them, and there probably was some kind of time/fuel limit. Frustrating as hell.
  14. Off-Road Velociraptor Safari

    Argh, that clip made me think of the nes game my friend had where your space ship crashed or something and had to bring the pieces back using a jet pack. It might be a semi-classic but I can't remember the name. I hated it so much. Still don't know why. Looks very nice, though. The game will either be incredibly fun or somewhat frustrating (if they don't get the controls right).
  15. The Dancing Thumb (aka: music recommendations)

    The new Raconteurs album is currently in Luisterpaal. Sounds pretty good in my opinion.
  16. Feature: Shhh: Sounds of Silence

    One game where the (occasional) absence of silence really bothered me was Half-Life 2. When I was standing in the middle of City 17 alone and confused trying to figure out what to do next, I really felt alone. My isolation was highlighted by the silence which was only interrupted by occasional sounds of Combine chatter and security camera clicks. Later when I got a gun and started shooting stuff, the only thing I could hear, apart from the sounds of combat, were those aggressive Combine radio calls that seemed to be coming from every direction. I quickly learned to fear these sounds and they made me feel even lonelier. I also felt more like Gordon Freeman, in a way at least. But then there were times when the illusion was shattered. For example, near the beginning of the game I had to get somewhere fast as the Combine were chasing me. I hadn't felt this alone yet. Then suddenly, as I reached a tunnel or something, this strange action music began. At first I thought it was just like in action movies. Then I realized "Wait a minute. This isn't an action movie. I'm a scientist... in a very strange situation." And there I was, viewing the world through the eyes of a spectator and not through those of Dr. Freeman anymore. It all felt really confusing as the creators had clearly done almost all that they could to make you feel like Gordon Freeman (most notably, giving you control of the character throughout the entire game). Where was this music coming from? Is there a music player in my hazard suit? Or is the adrenaline rush alone supposed to make me hear it?
  17. The Colour of Magic (Discworld)

    Heh.. my opinion is just the opposite. But that is most likely only because I got familiar with Discword series through Discword II the game. Ever since I have imagined him to look more or less like this. Not sure what I should think of the film, though.
  18. The Dancing Thumb (aka: music recommendations)

    I actually got to know them through MTV Unplugged. It was very impressive and indeed, tragic.
  19. Zero Punctuation

    for mentioning The City of Lost Children.
  20. The Dancing Thumb (aka: music recommendations)

    Lately I've been listening to Polish progressive rock band Riverside, instrumental post-rock band Pelican, and doom/stoner metal band Electric Wizard. I'm enjoying the last one much more than I thought I ever would (as I don't listen to metal all that much). There's just something about their ridiculously fuzzy sound that appeals to me and makes me smile. Also, the more I listen to Alice in Chains the more I appreciate their music.
  21. Lack of Banter.

    Yes. But one had to use Laplace transform to find that out.
  22. This shit is right out of Silent Hill!

    I waited 15 seconds for the drums to kick in before I realized that this wasn't a music video of some crappy metal band. Impressive but sounds annoying as hell.
  23. I guess my view is just that you simply can't avoid progressing, that everything you experience changes you and how you see the world making it impossible to stay in one "place" or go back to one you have already been to. Although you get older and even move a bit horizontally just by running in circles in the game, the visual presentation of your one-way journey to your grave, in that case, is lacking, in my opinion. To me, it seemed as if the game hadn't completely decided whether the character was moving in a real environment or a more symbolic one. I'm not saying that I know how it should have been handled, but I would have probably prefered something like being able to control speed of your movement in a horizontal direction with minimal movement in a vertical direction (preferably so that you could always see the horizont) so that you could still choose whether or not to avoid the obstacles in your path. Just to make sure, I wouldn't have bothered with something like this at all, if I hadn't liked the game so much.
  24. Lack of Banter.

    Been busy with my studies as well. Strangely though, I end up here most frequently exactly when I shouldn't. Like when reading for circuit analysis exam...