
Phaedrus' Street Crew
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Everything posted by twmac

  1. Wrong Fucking Movie

    There is a comic strip where, I think, Ms. Marvel complains about having accidentally rented The Room instead of Room. This happened to me recently when my partner borrowed The Room from the internet instead of Room.
  2. The Fast and the Furious series

    Bummer you didn't like it, but I can totally see why. There is something to watching the entire series and getting the build up of characters. If even the action sequences didn't get to you then, yeah, that is fair. For me they were pretty inventive (the fight between Paul Walker and Tony Jaa in a van sliding off the side of a cliff is a good example). F8 and the Furious is the dumbest name. I am so excited.
  3. The Huge Armored Core Playthrough

    If you can get a modified Xbox (they are cheap now) you can get MWC pretty easily. I bought my copy for 178 dollars but that was only after borrowing it off the internet. As for writing to IiT: - Lore in Fromsoftware intro - You used to think that the AI cheated - Discovered Human PLUS cheats on gamefaqs and how ridiculous they are to trigger (give an example of the trigger, what it means and how ridiculous it is), discovered Human PLUS lore - Realised that all the 'cheating' AI is actually Human PLUS - Mind blown and a 'fuck you' to From is delivered - Suggest they go to this forum post for more detail I bullet pointed it but you could explain all in less that 400 words. If you don't I might while pointing the finger at you.
  4. Movie/TV recommendations

    Usually being a fan of Woody Allen movies that don't feature him in a central role - I thought Celebrity was utter shit. None of it was interesting, Brannagh felt flat (which is unsual for him). Leonardo felt like he was desperately trying to not be the Titanic guy. The culmination, given Woody Allen's fucking gross proclivities, felt twee and token rather than triumphant. It was a film that got pooped on at the time, being a contrarian, I wanted to like it but I just walked away bored.
  5. I really should go back and rewatch Jessica Jones after the amount of positive posts here. It was so bored of it almost immediately and at the time it sent me to sleep, but I just cannot believe that there isn't all this good stuff in that show.
  6. The Huge Armored Core Playthrough

    I love that so much - I know that the new podcast doesn't cover this but have you thought about emailing the IT/Important If True guys with that information about the Human PLUS stuff. Also, I know it isn't canon but are you planning to play Metal Wolf Chaos? It is a great mech game by From, it is a crime that Murakumo: Renegade Mech Pursuit was released in the US but not MWC.
  7. Plug your shit

    Cheers! To be fair it is a credit to the editor as he made me hack apart my original article. He focused on the positive aspects of Songkran and made me cut out some of the social commentary and/or irrelevent parts of it (for example I went into how a lot of this holiday gets subverted by holiday makers and becomes an excuse to party hard - too hard). Anyone who has read the original and second draft pretty much says that this was the best one. Anyway, thank you for reading.
  8. What is really funny is that I loved that appearance. Yeah, she was really drunk but I was laughing my arse off. If I remember it correctly she recounted a tale of stumbling over to the Voice Actor who does Cole Train in Gears of War and she was like 'You're my favourite' and he replied with 'Damn right I am'. I can't understand people not being entertained by drunk ramblings. They are abnoxious in real life because it is hard to get away from them but in a recording I savour them.
  9. The Huge Armored Core Playthrough

    I love all of this.
  10. Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

    I totally agree with you. You pretty much surmarised our two perspectives
  11. The King of Comedy

    I was about to start watching King of Comedy after reading most of that. Then you drew parallels to Curb Your Enthusiasm and you lost me completely.
  12. The Next President

    I just went back and read that Idle Weekend post - fuck that was depressing. Congrats to Gorm, Jenn and Twig for putting up with that nonsense. That 'wait and see' attitude and the 'we have different opinions' arguments were exhausting to read.
  13. Plug your shit

    Wow, haven't been on here for awhile, congrats on getting books done guys! I got my first ever paid article gig for a travel site: Not as big a deal as the stuff you guys are working on but I am a little proud.
  14. Movie/TV recommendations

    I just finished watching The Lobster and I don't think I have anything meaningful to add other than it made me laugh a lot. Like, it might be favourite black comedy ever. I hear it is in the running for Oscars, I don't think it will win it but, man, everyone (even Rachel Weisz) is in top form.
  15. Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

    See, I really didn't like Rogue One but that one scene had me go off on a complete tangent about the Mos Eisley guys. In my head, the reason they are pricks is because they have heard through back channels that something is going on on the planet so they are make a mad dash for their ship to get out of there. It is a heroic success and the two of them, demoralised and freaked out by watching a planet obliterated they try and drown their sorrows in the Mos Eisley cantina and some fucking yahoo farm boy bumps into them. The altercation is them explaining their 100 yard stare and how this blonde innocent pisses them off. So after being wanted on multiple systems, escaping an exploding planet only to get cut up by an old man with a light saber in a miserable little bar feels like the most meaningful story in Rogue One.
  16. The Huge Armored Core Playthrough

    Not sure about front page but if you tag it with Armored Core and gaming then yes, it can randomly appear in people's feed and could get recommended to people in emails. There is an option to make entirely private so that people can't get to it without a link.
  17. Movie/TV recommendations

    The Expanse was great, I loved Thomas Jane in that show. He is framed as this hardass alcoholic detective but he has all these wonderfully effeminate flourishes to his character (they way he plays with his hat and hair), I heard that the show already diverges quite heavily from the show - for those that have read the book I am glad. Even if would make sense. I just watched Krisha , it is about a woman trying to reconnect with her family after a long separation. The writing and the central performance is shit hot. Speaking as someone that has a big family with one member being extremely destructive and hateful, but also craving the support and love of the rest of her family it hit a nerve. There are some spot on representations of being hardcore drunk, better than Leaving Las Vegas, and waking up half drunk and half hungover. Really great but totally harrowing at the same time.
  18. For Honor

    Let me know what this game is like as I am pretty psyched about it.
  19. I am fine either way but if it hadn't been for Idle Thumbs, I would not have played Far Cry 2, Trine,Torchlight and a few others that I feel would have been necessary to my gaming vocabulary. Speaking of what you look like, my partner asked if I knew you guys, to which I said 'not really' (I know Spaff). As you were talking some more she just said that one of you sounded sexy. She didn't clarify who but proceed to give me a long story about how she had done temp work at this place and earned a ton of money while drooling over a guy that had sounded like one of you.
  20. Recently completed video games

    I played a lot of it on X360, it was the last gasp for XBLIG and it was a good final one.
  21. Recently completed video games

    One Finger Death Punch was awesome.
  22. The Huge Armored Core Playthrough

    Medium is free and you can link it to your Twitter or Facebook account and you are rolling - it would also allow me to follow you and get notifications when you update. Just think of it as doing the same that you are doing on the forum (still post a link or copy/paste here) but it is easier to find for non-forum locals. Any and all talk about Armoured Core fascinates me. I've been a die hard fan of From Software since Otogi and Metal Wolf Chaos, so hearing more about their products is welcome as far as I am concerned.
  23. The Huge Armored Core Playthrough

    I look forward to reading more stuff on this. Any chance that you might make this into a short blog on medium or the like? Would be easier to link this on facebook or twitter that way and I know a few people that are into the AC series (wait for that big change of style of play when you get to AC IV and V)
  24. Recently completed video games

    I just played through Ironcast, it steampunk game based in England where you prepare for 9 days (ie: do 9 missions) for a big boss fight. The gameplay is about linking 'nodes' together to power elements of your Ironcast (a giant robot) so that you can attack enemies or activate defenses. It is kind of like a match 3 game but you string combos together in a puzzle fashion that I have not seen before. Hard to explain but you can link like coloured nodes together for as long as there is a direct line to them and even link different colours together with specific nodes. It is a roguelike, and the permanent elements are commendations that you earn from XP accumulation and from picking them up in the gameplay sections. It could be really good but I think this is where the roguelike elements actually fail. Essentially, the game cannot be beaten through skill as the final boss is a huge bullet sponge and has crazy defences. The only way is to grind for commendatons and keep increasing your health and ability to generate scrap (used for upgrades) so it just means replaying missions over and over again. You get random passive boosts from leveling up and these are random every time you play the game, again this doesn't feel good because your playthrough can be easily derailed by not having good passive abilities. So, if you see it on sale, definitely give it a go but it will not likely hold your attention.
  25. I love this thread and I wish I could contribute but due to a combination of moving house a lot, multiple computer hard drive failures and also I would occasionally come across something I had kept and proceed to burn it out of embarrassment.