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Everything posted by JoeX111

  1. F.E.A.R. demo out and stuff.

    Maxed out everything, though I later turned down Volumetric lighting to up my framerate. The physics on bodies just seems extremely weightless to me. Whenever I walk over one, he half bounces and slides. Bodies falling off railings have a tendency to get a hand caught and just hang there without pulling free. It honestly feels like Hitman 2 & 3.
  2. Dukes of Hazzard

    I wonder if his campaign slogans referred at all back to his TV role at all. Something like, "You'll have a hooter if you vote for Cooter." 's better than electing the Governator.
  3. F.E.A.R. demo out and stuff.

    For all that hefty downloading, I was hoping for a bit more gameplay. Instead, you get a very lengthy and somewhat cheesy intro, and a brief little battle with some pretty generic enemies (though I must say, the AI wasn't half bad). However, I felt like I was playing a "scary" version of kill.switch. And for those of you that have played it:
  4. Serenity/Firefly

    Have any of you been reading the Serenity prequel comics, written by Whedon himself? The first two are out, with a final one planned to be released in September before the movie hits theaters. Most Borders stores around here have several copies to go around, although I will warn you all that the writing might give some heavy doubts as to the quality of the upcoming film.... Let's just hope that is the end result of the show being forced in a 30 page comic format.
  5. F.E.A.R. demo out and stuff.

    Very slow download through FileShack at the moment, since 3DGamers didn't have any available mirrors up and I'd rather battle a rhino than try to wade through the FilePlanet servers.
  6. Write some reviews in 15 words or less

    Thief: Deadly Shadows - Good ending, decent story, iffy gameplay, wonky physics, horrid engine. Boiling Point: Road to Hell - Thus far, best beta I've ever played. Vampire: Bloodlines - Looks great, feels like a dozen other games I've played before. Thief 2X: Shadows of the Metal Age - Awesome fan work, but way too easy. Flatout demo - Holy. Freakin. Shit. Pariah demo - Looks pretty. Plays like generic FPS #345635437899. American McGee's Alice - Not as good as I remember....but still fun.
  7. Why the Hate on Metal Gear?

    I concur. I played all the way through MGS, thinking it pretty good, then grew more and more dissatisfied with it the more and more I thought about it. Rather like seeing Star Wars Episode 3, in fact. Though I haven't played any of the sequels, I've had friends try to explain the plot to me and found it asinine. Hideo Kojima is overrated.
  8. The ultimate keyboard

    So, when you play a point and click adventure game, like Myst, does the whole thing go blank?
  9. Seen any good movies lately?

    Yuck. I just rewatched the pilot episode \ movie of Twin Peaks, along with the prequel Fire Walk With Me, and now I'm rewatching my vhs boxed set of the entire show. Great stuff.
  10. Dig up your shit!

    I used to be crazily addicted to the Stargate game on Game Gear. I wonder where that bloody system is now.....
  11. Dig up your shit!

    When I was going through my collection in order to post it all on my IGN users page, I discovered an old copy of William Shatner's TekWar game that my Uncle had given me with a few other worthless games about ten years ago.
  12. Why isn't Psychonauts selling well?

    But didn't most of the copies only sell because they were later bundled with Splinter Cell?
  13. London

    Don't forget rape.
  14. London

    Geez, glad you guys are all alright.
  15. Why isn't Psychonauts selling well?

    PC Psychonauts never showed up where I live until about two weeks after it was supposed to have shipped, then only arriving at my local EB Games where I had been badgering the employees daily. I have no idea when it showed up at GameStop stores. But now, months after its reported release date, I see a few copies of it everywhere I go. Bestbuy, GameStop, EB Games, Walmart, everywhere seems to have a few to go around, though they never seem to move. Even when I cover up big ticket names like GTA: San Andreas and Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory. Personally, I've never seen any of the TV ads, but the few I've seen on different websites definitely don't resonate at all. When I'm reading a few articles on IGN and I see "PSYCHONAUTS!" along with Raz swimming through the mental slip stream, it doesn't really make me want to rush out and buy a copy. It just makes me sad that they couldn't do something a little bit more engaging. I mean, that damn animation is on the intro screen to Majesco's website for P-nauts. How hard was it for them to make that ad?
  16. no gizmondo support here then?

    About a hundred dollars.
  17. From what I was reading, Colbert's show will probably directly follow the Daily Show, which would start introducing a segment where John and Colbert have a split screen anchor discussion with one another about the top news. This would end the Daily Show and lead into Colbert's show. No word on whether that is final or not, though.
  18. Land of the Dud?

    Just saw Land of the Dead today. It was....alright, I guess. But definitely not the second coming of the Zombie movie people were hoping it would be. George Romero's vision of how society would end up at the end of his zombie apocalypse is pretty spot on, I think, but the movie lacked a lot of the truly human moments that made it feel authetic in the original three (well, I guess I should say two, seeing as how I've never seen Day of the Dead, but still). While being the second best movie I've seen this summer, it still isn't that great. Anyone else?
  19. Land of the Dud?

    I'm not a hardcore Romero fan (though my friend David is, who had the exact same response to Land as I did), but I recommend that if you like the original Night of the Living Dead, that you give the remake by Tom Savini a try. Very very little is changed in it, aside from having more convincing gore and being in color, but something about it just strikes me as being better and more exciting than the original. And Tony Todd is absolutely awesome as Ben.
  20. Psychonauts Nominated for Crappy Award Show

    I pre-ordered a copy of the game through EBGames, called every day to see when it came in, watched almost every promo video, bought a shirt and a poster, and got into a huge fight with the mother of my girlfriend over her pirating a copy of Psychonauts that almost ended our relationship despite my significant other being nothing more than a bystander in the whole mess, all to show my loyalty for the beloved Double Fine and its mighty stallion king. But register on G4's website? I dunno....
  21. Heh, he should be the one leaving other people alone. Wasn't he mutilating all of the other creatures into automatons or something like that?
  22. Why does Taz look like a hardened veteran from The Grape Escape?
  23. I like Gellar for the role much better than Milla Jovovich, who was set to star back when Wes Craven was still in talks to direct it. Not much better, but an improvement none the less.
  24. Ronald McDonald Extreme!!

    I have that game, though I can't possibly fathom why I bought it. I think it was a gift or something, seeing as how I was seven or eight at the time. Anyway, I found it annoyingly hard, especially at the end where you went to Hamburglar's fire realm or whatever the nuts it was. Other fun bits were going to where the Grimace lived on the moon and holding a block above your head and then using one of the omega springs that would shoot you up in the air faster than the screen could scroll (if I recall correctly)....
  25. Ronald McDonald Extreme!!

    So mixed with the white, the streets would run with pink then.