
Phaedrus' Street Crew
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Everything posted by miffy495

  1. Just Cause 3

    That's a huge bummer. I hope they fix it up for you. The game behind the glitches is awesome.
  2. Recently completed video games

    It's winter break! I have two weeks off of school. I'm using it to finish things! Undertale Finished this four nights ago. I killed one person in my playthrough. I felt terrible about it, and from what other characters later shared, I'm pretty sure it was the worst person to kill. Whups. That said, I'm happy to let that stand as MY playthrough. I realize that this is a game built around NG+s, but I feel like my journey through the game is done and I'm happy with what it was. The endgame was fantastic, ps. Just Cause 3 Done last night. When I say finished, I mean FINISHED. Every unlock, 5 stars on every optional challenge, etc etc etc. I have 100% completion of this game. I REALLY like it, but JC2 is my GOAT, so that shouldn't be a surprise. Glitches and bugs on PC were infuriating, but the game was good enough that I saw it through regardless. It is a very good game. Not as good as JC2 in my mind, but that said I tried going back to JC2 about a week before JC3 came out and found the controls kinda frustrating and it wasn't as good as my memory. This definitely came close enough to recapturing the magic that I have to give it its propers. Halo 5 Finished this up tonight. I know it got kinda mixed reviews, but I really liked it a lot. Glad the story decided to mix things up a bit. Controlled great, weapons were awesome, levels were good. I had a really fun time with this game. Good job, 343. You made a really good Halo.
  3. Quitter's Club: Don't be ashamed to quit the game.

    Yeah, I thought I "got" Undertale about 2 hours in, but I'm really glad I put in the time to finish it. A 5 hour commitment isn't that bad, and the end of the game actually managed to surprise me quite a bit.
  4. Just Cause 3

    I had some weird glitches where the water wouldn't appear for some reason, but nothing that bad. My weird glitches were always physics. Also the occasional random teleportation. For example: THAT SAID... Glitches aside, I finished my 100% completion run of JC3 last night. It's a very good game. If it ran better, I would say an excellent game. However, physics glitches, crashes to desktop, and the general bewildering choice to put a bunch of precision challenges in a game that is so much about things breaking in wonderful ways all hold it back. I don't know if it was a factor of the time that JC2 came out or if it's actually something that the earlier game did better, but cities didn't feel like they were as consequential as they were in JC2. JC2 felt like a world to me, JC3 felt like a playground. It was an EXCELLENT playground, and I'm saying this after 44 hours and 100% completion, so I'd certainly still recommend JC3 to pretty much anyone, but I feel far less blown away than I did after JC2. Bring on the DLC!
  5. Idle Food - Cooking!

    My birthday was last week and I got a slow cooker! I'm excited to try all kinds of things, but there is one thing that I'm super curious about. My girlfriend is vegan, but slow cookers tend to bring to mind delicious meats. While I will definitely be using it for those, I'd like to have some things I could make for her as well. I know there are similarly-dieted thumbs around. Does anyone have favourite vegan slow-cooker recipes to share?
  6. Intoxicated:

    Please, Crown Royale actually costs money. Our Jack equivalent is probably more like Canadian Club. Cheap enough to buy without thinking about it, juuuuuuust good enough to not regret it.
  7. Intoxicated:

    Yeah, Jack and Coke is a thing here in Canada for sure as well. It's not a GOOD thing, but it's definitely a thing.
  8. This forum is weird (Look a new topic!)

    I bet Speedydesiato could have. Man, where did that guy get to?
  9. ZONE OF THE ENDERS SPIRITUAL SEQUEL!!!!!! ...c'mon. Please?
  10. [DevLog] Cwine!

    This is amazing. I've used TWINE in the classroom for my students before and would love to use cwine as well. Please keep posting about this, as it's something that my kids can wrap their heads around and is an awesome way to get them invested in storytelling. I want to use this in lesson planning SO BAD right now...
  11. Psychonauts 2

  12. Just Cause 3

    Very much enjoying this game, but have been having some frame rate issues and am averaging one crash to desktop per hour. That's not good. I've got the same video card as you, Architecture, so maybe I'll try turning off vsync as well. Pity about the performance, because the GAME is amazingly good.
  13. This forum is weird (Look a new topic!)

    Nope, I was there too. I just changed my name between there and here. I will never reveal my original name, because then you'll realize that you've actually known me since I was in 8th grade.
  14. General Video Game Deals Thread

    Rainbow Curse was a letdown. I loved Canvas Curse, and this is trying to be that, but it's just not as good. Code Name S.T.E.A.M. is something I'm interested in, because it's Valkyria Chronicles as made by Intelligent Systems. That sounds appealing, but I have not tried it.
  15. General Video Game Deals Thread

    Slightly easier, and very good.
  16. This forum is weird (Look a new topic!)

    Pretty much exactly this. I remember being weirdly defensive when the podcast started and all this "new blood" started showing up... 7 years ago. It's been weird for me because I can actually track my own growing up by looking back over my posts. I was still a high school student when I joined IT, now I'm nearing 30. I definitely said some cringe-worthy shit over the years, and some of it to other people who are still here. The "Life" thread in particular is fascinating. It only stretches back to 2009, but there were others before. If I went back to that era, I could probably find a post about meeting this new person at a birthday party and wondering if there was potential there, and now we are as close to married as it's possible for people who don't care about marriage to be. Strange stuff. And Erkki, if I remember correctly, the first thread that went "mega" was the Movie/TV discussion one. That, or Life. Both of those have been running nearly as long as the forum.
  17. I Had A Random Thought...

    In life related news, I woke up this morning to discover that the roads had been ruined for the next several months by a huge dump of Edgar Allan Snow. My half hour commute to work just turned into 45 minutes minimum. Good times.
  18. I Had A Random Thought...

    Fair enough. Like I said, I'm younger than VHS' "win" so I never interacted with Betamax in the wild. All I know for sure is that we kept using Beta in the theatres until I left to finish university.
  19. I Had A Random Thought...

    It was digibeta, an HD variant of the betamax standard.
  20. Fallout 4 — Boston Makes Me Feel Good

    Pretty much this exactly. Due to a HDD failure, I never finished New Vegas. I feel like that should take priority.
  21. I Had A Random Thought...

    As a professional projectionist from 2006 - 2012, I can tell you that at least through 2012 independent film production companies that could not afford a 35mm print for film festival screenings would send beta tapes to the theatres. As someone born after VHS had already "won", it was definitely interesting to be running digital screenings on Beta in 2011.
  22. Life

    My sister lives in downtown Vancouver (works at UBC) and it's pretty expensive for her and her boyfriend to rent a 500sqft place, by Canadian standards anyway. I think it's one of our most expensive cities. That said, if you can afford it (and if you're coming from New York, I'm sure the most expensive places in Canada feel like nothing), it's a beautiful place. Really fun, and one of the nicest places to winter while still being in the country. Being just on the other side of the Rockies, I end up spending most of my vacations either in the city of Vancouver or on the Island. I think I prefer the Island myself, but I'm a dude who likes camping and such and even if you end up in the city, it's just a ferry ride away. Either one would be a great place to take a break and get some work done.
  23. Rocksmith

    Weird. I've never had a shock, and switch between 4 different guitars and a bass pretty regularly. What type of guitar are you playing on?
  24. Rocksmith

    So it's time for one of those "how many hours" updates. I just hit 400 hours in Rocksmith 2014 tonight. That's on top of my 100-ish hours in the original. I have spent much time in Rocksmith.