Ben X

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Everything posted by Ben X

  1. I really enjoyed JJ Abrams' directing on Alias, LOST, MI3 and Star Trek (and to a certain extent Force Awakens), but I won't get into that. Thanks for the article, it's very good. (I don't even think one needs this reading to appreciate , but there you go.) I recommend Cloverfield but bearing in mind it's a totally different movie and one that's only about as smart as one would expect. Also, some people hate found-footage movies, so be warned it is that.
  2. Endorsements from Thumbs Readers

    This feels more like an endorsement than a movie recommendation, I guess because it never got released; Cracked put me onto this really interesting documentary about the making of Emperor's New Groove: Sting was initially hired to write a bunch of songs when the film had a different name, director, supporting actor etc, and as part of his contract his wife was allowed access to document the production. So even as Sting's role gets majorly reduced, the doc continues to give a pretty honest look at the sometimes painful Disney process where if the story isn't working they quickly replace anything and anyone to get it going.
  3. Movie/TV recommendations

    Can't be bothered with a new thread for this, but saw Deadpool and really enjoyed it. The tone, structure and action were all surprisingly well-considered, and although the comedy wasn't particularly sharp, it was charming.
  4. Fargo (TV series)

    You should do it!
  5. The Big FPS Playthrough MISSION COMPLETE

    Thanks for the offer, eot, and the (anachronistic) review, aoania! I'll link back to it when I hit 2011/play EYE myself.
  6. Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor

    I know, don't worry If I'd bought it maybe I would have struggled through a bit longer, but as I only had a limited time with it... But yeah, my tolerances with certain stuff can be pretty low, although having said that I didn't have these issues with Assassins Creed 2 or Arkham Asylum, for example.
  7. Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor

    I am persnickety, but I wouldn't characterise my reaction to the game as that!
  8. Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor

    This is free to play on Steam for the weekend. I've played an hour or so and it's fucking terrible. Just a constant onslaught of menus and objectives and combat moves. If you have about six combat keys all with different results depending on if you tap or hold them, your combat is too complicated. I went from 'looking forward to killing some orcs' to 'do not give a shit about any of this' in about ten minutes.
  9. The Big FPS Playthrough MISSION COMPLETE

    You should try this thing called the Complete Mod!
  10. Preacher

    That's what I said previously in a post from the megathread, which got relocated to the Ghostbusters thread. I just re-watched Season 1 to refresh before watching Season 2, and it turns out I'd not watched the last few episodes for some bizarre reason. Man, it gets even better. That was just an amazing season finale. Cannot WAIT to get into S2.
  11. Crazy Ex-Girlfriend

    Would you say that the quality picks up in the second half of season 1? Seems like Nappi and I both lost enthusiasm around the same point...
  12. The Big FPS Playthrough MISSION COMPLETE

    After some discussion with Laco in PMs, taking into account their recommendations, critical reception and my previous experiences, I'm going to accept their generous offer of: Call of Juarez (15/09/06) TimeShift (30/10/07) Section 8 (01/09/09) Sniper: Ghost Warrior (29/06/10) Superhot (25/02/15) I'll have to jump back in time a few months for Juarez, but that's okay. (I'll also have to remove the 66% complete from the title! [EDIT: actually, I forgot to count the ones I'd already played, so I'm still pretty much at that %]) Thanks Laco, it's nice to know people are enjoying the thread!
  13. Baby Driver (Boss Baby Successor)

    Thanks, it was pretty clever of me to mention it!
  14. Baby Driver (Boss Baby Successor)

    Oh yeah, was that in the opening long take, where dialogue is matching the song? I could tell something clever was going on there but couldn't get a handle on it. I was just reading that editor interview Patrick linked to, and it made me think, what I'd love is a viewing mode for this film where they visualise all of this - so maybe there's a dot in the corner flashing with the beat, but every time an action hits the beat, instead of the dot there's a visual outline of that action.
  15. The Big FPS Playthrough MISSION COMPLETE

    This is a backlog-busting playthrough, so I'll only add a game if someone buys it for me or it becomes free!
  16. Baby Driver (Boss Baby Successor)

    I did notice occasionally that gun-shots or a person's hand-gestures while outlining a heist were timed to the music, so I'd like to watch it again looking out for that throughout.
  17. Crazy Ex-Girlfriend

    Ha ha ha, that is so much better!
  18. The Big FPS Playthrough MISSION COMPLETE

    I've decided against Complete because all I want to do is patch bugs, not have new graphics, AI etc in there. (I do wish these fan total-overhauls had the option of picking what to mod and what to leave alone.) I'll keep going with this until it bugs out or I do. Unless I end up loving it and playing a large portion of it, I think I'll take the other two off this list, partly to avoid repetition and partly because they really are far more RPGs than FPSes, even more so than the Deus Exes, I think. However, if anyone's interested in risking a play-along, the games are all currently on sale on Steam (£5ish/$7ish for all three) and gog ($5 each except Clear Sky which is half that).
  19. The Big FPS Playthrough MISSION COMPLETE

    I've played a little bit of this, and one of my first thoughts was "uh oh, maybe i shouldn't have included RPGs in this play-through", because I was getting some Deus Ex niggles here, like super-hard combat and missions that seem to dead-end or at least expect me to take an extra step that I'm not aware of (like being told there's a backpack hidden at a certain location but getting there and not finding it - is it near that location? Did someone else get it because I was too slow? Am I supposed to find some other information first?). Also, there were some translucent circles on my map marking areas of interest, but when I died and reloaded they disappeared - I'm not sure if that's a bug or if I'm mistaken about how I triggered them. And there's some stuff on my UI that has not been explained, which I'll need to find the manual for, I think. So, rather confusing. However, it's also very intriguing and well presented. I've been eased into the world quite well on the whole, starting off at a mission/trade hub with a guy talking me through my PDA and giving me my first mission. It's also cool to wander around and encounter such a hostile setting - weird anomalies to be avoided, packs of wild dogs and boar, and NPCs wandering around doing their own thing. I actually wanted to wander around and do some side-missions, but the game seems to be pushing me along the main storyline, so I'm sticking with that at the moment (although it's also suddenly given me like three things at once, two of which seem to be the same thing though I'm not sure). Confusing.
  20. The Big FPS Playthrough MISSION COMPLETE

    I hadn't realised that the games were that different structurally.... Re. fixes, I'll have to look into a balance of patching bugs (which I'm happy to do) vs modding the gameplay/graphics (which I want to avoid)...
  21. Split

    M. Night Shyamalan's latest. Got a very warm reception, which I think may have been slightly exaggerated through relief to see him making a solid thriller again. It's a little long, but full of enough cool and creepy moments to keep it bubbling along, and McAvoy is ace. I really really hope that it's revealed
  22. The Big FPS Playthrough MISSION COMPLETE

    Alright, I finished it. It definitely dragged towards the end, mainly thanks to some bullet-sponge mini-bosses and mildly irritating puzzle-based boss fights where you can't avoid getting shot at while you try to figure shit out. And yeah, it does get a little repetitive although a few more new things got dropped in, like the asteroids you can walk all the way around. In retrospect, I think the revival mini-game is a bit of a band-aid over the fact that you're going to die a lot because the level design and shooting don't really match up - there's not a lot of cover to use and yet the enemies are really tough, so it's easy to get pinned down in a corner or take a while to figure out from which direction you're getting shot at. The shooting was intermittently fun, though, and at least they did create that band-aid - I probably would have rage-quit pretty early on without it, but as it was I never got too stressed out. And it never gets old having a firefight on an anti-grav walkway and watching the enemies tumble upwards when you kill them. Story-wise, it continued to do some cool stuff. It felt very Valve quite often, especially when you're making your way upwards through the alien spire (which I think they may even have called the Citadel) while the female-voiced antagonist mocks you and moves level tiles around you to create new paths, or jumping in and out of vehicles to solve little puzzles (and this is aside from the orange and blue portals essentially identical to those in Valve's game from a year later). The female characters tick pretty much all the tropes - the damsel in distress, the sexualised exotic priestess, the bare-breasted alien mother with an HR Giger thing coming out of her stomach - and the damsel eventually gets melded with a monster which you have to defeat, at which point she begs you to kill her. Depending on how much credit you want to give the game, though, there's potentially some clever metaphor and foreshadowing going on, where Tommy's wish to 'rescue' Jen from their reservation and way of life to be assimilated by American culture (despite her telling him she doesn't want that) is mirrored as she is abducted and eventually turned into a monster by the alien race that comes in and literally takes their land away from them. The main antagonist is revealed to be an Uncle Tom figure, who assimilated with the aliens and wants Tommy to do the same. It's also really effective when the aliens start to invade the spirit realm - it's unexpected and feels like a real violation, and the ensuing extended firefight has Tommy screaming in anger as you mow down a wave of enemies. (There's also some ancient astronaut stuff which doesn't really fit in with all this but is cool nonetheless.) It definitely is style over substance but it's solid and interesting enough that it overcomes the rough edges. Brilliantly vitriolic retro-review from John Walker at RPS (I agree with all his criticisms tbh) A slightly more forgiving retrospective from Eurogamer A couple of Eurogamers have a playthrough (30 mins): My next game is Dark Messiah Might 'n Magic, which I've already played. Again, I'll paste some Size Five posts from when I played that: And here are allll the Thumbs threads, including some posts from me that echo my reaction above: And now onto STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl. I'm worried that this will be way too hard/complicated for me and I'll give up quite early, as it's a game that sounds interesting and I'd like to enjoy. I've got the two sequels as well, and I'm not sure whether I'll bother with those if I bounce hard off this one. We'll see...
  23. E3 2017

    Tim Soret interview at Waypoint.
  24. AFI's Top 100 G.A.M.E.R. Movies #100-91

    And this continues when The Transporter's storage container lorry chase pays extended homage to Raiders! (I'll assume it's not taking from Ben Hur as there's also a direct lift from Crusade and a supporting actor from Doom in the film.) Hopefully a fourth classic film will pay tribute to the Transporter in about 5 years from now.
  25. Crazy Ex-Girlfriend

    I've watched 9 episodes now and I'm finding this fairly irritating - I'd probably have given up by now if my partner didn't enjoy it. I find a lot of the characters irritating and/or unpleasant, the storytelling is quite clunky and it's not really very funny. The musical numbers often feel underwhelming too - I think it's partly the writing (and I guess I can't expect too much when they're doing one or two every episode) and partly that they don't seem to have the budget/time for lots of camera moves and choreography so you often get a lot of flat, repetitive reaction shots and general staging. One thing my partner and I do agree on is that awful title sequence - we skip it every time! I really want to like this show; I'm hoping it'll tighten up before the end of the season.