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Posts posted by Erwin_Br

  1. I still think it would be a rad idea to do an as-dense-as-possible, as-vertical-as-possible, reasonably safe city with dangerous frontier outside. Now that the world height has been doubled, this can be super rad. That said, I dunno if I have the time to dedicate to it, or if anyone else cares to, so mootness all around. :fart:

    That would be awesome. Don't know if anyone remembers my office building in New Haven, but I love building skyscrapers.

  2. I started playing again today, single player survival. Took me a while to get a world I was ok with.

    This jungle stuff is insane, also eating... things have really changed since IdleMC went dark.

    I wish we could restart IdleMC, in survival mode, without unlimited resources

    Me too. I can't enjoy single player mode anymore since IdleMC.

  3. what happens in the final cut-scene depends on how many War Assets you have accumulated.

    That part is kind of cool. But the balance is incredibly harsh: I did every proper quest I could find in Mass Effect 3, made sensible decisions that didn’t conflict with my choices in the previous games, and brought people together. But I still got a gallingly bleak ending.

    That’s because I’d never played the multiplayer.
