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Everything posted by Erwin_Br

  1. Did we REALLY land on the moon?

    At least you're not in Alabama. Which brings me to a question: Do you know the TV series 'Any Day Now', Kingz? --Erwin
  2. Flying dinosaurs didn't really appeal to me. I always was more of a 'GI-Joe' kid. --Erwin
  3. Game Packaging

    Idle Thumbs is a website. --Erwin
  4. HL2: stacking barrels?

    If you're talking about the blue floating barrels; put them in the cage underwater. --Erwin
  5. Half Life 2 First Impressions

    Goddamnit, I had to clean up my hard disk. I have enough space, except on the disk on which I installed Steam before, and now I'm forced to use that disk to install HL2. I would have enough space if I choose not to include Counter-Strike Source with the installation, but checking that option appears to have a known bug: Installation stops at a certain point, telling me a CAB file is corrupt. But it finally works, after a tiresome quest to deinstall software to make some room for the giant that is HL2 (4.5 Gig). And Steam didn't even give me any trouble. Woohoo! --Erwin
  6. Half Life 2 First Impressions

    I bought the game this morning, but I didn't have time to play it yet. Arghh! And when I came home, I saw LFN's server's been fucked up again. More Arrrgh! So what I did was beating up my brother in Def Jam: Fight for NY, which I also bought this morning. The good news; I have taken a day off tomorrow, so I can play HL2 all day. The bad news; I need to see the dentist in the afternoon. --Erwin
  7. The horror of working for EA

    I blame the Thumb's layout, for I never read the news on the front page. Not that I'm too lazy to scroll down, mind you. It's a psychological thing. --Erwin
  8. I'm going to install Windows XP

    What? The best internet browser in the World... doesn't install? --Erwin
  9. Damn Steam

    I assume they have this 'single system' clustered. --Erwin
  10. HL2: Will it be woth the wait?

    I'm gonna buy it in a store because I need to be there anyways, plus I don't want to strain my internet connection on which I run my own webserver. Plus, I don't trust my ISP. I get disconnected every once in a while. Maybe on purpose, because I'm violating my service agreement by hosting a website. I'm also not allowed to share my internet connection which I, naturally, do. Yeah, my ISP has some crappy rules, and provides equally crappy service. --Erwin
  11. Barricades in CS: Source

    I'm gonna but HL2 tomorrow morning. In a store! I'll also buy Def Jam for the PS2, because it's fun to beat up my brother (virtually). --Erwin
  12. Welcome to the Jungle. --Erwin
  13. I'm going to install Windows XP

    Never will I leave my beloved Windows 2000 Professional for Windows XP. Never! --Erwin
  14. Exclusive show report: GAMEXPO 2004

    I've been there last Friday. The boothbabes were indeed cute, but I think I liked last years expo better. But maybe that's because I went on Friday, instead of Saturday. --Erwin
  15. Happy Birthday, Spaff!

    Ditto. --Erwin
  16. I don't see what all the above replies have to do with the world. If *I* could change the world, I would make it flat, like a pizza. No wait, bad example. A pizza is round too. --Erwin
  17. Why you should use Firefox

    Actually, I have a pretty new system and IE loads faster too, so it's not your crappy PC. --Erwin
  18. Prove that you're smarter than me!

    You forgot 'At the prom.' No wait, that was someone else's punchline. --Erwin
  19. Hugo's House of Horrors

    You may not know it yet, but I'm your second personality. Yeah, nice to meet you too. Now if you'll excuse me, I have an appointment with my psychologist. Coincidentally, he happens to be your third personality. --Erwin
  20. Prove that you're smarter than me!

    Take off your socks, though. Some globes find it a turn-off, when you leave -em on. --Erwin
  21. Hugo's House of Horrors

    After all these years I STILL don't know what Jeff can do to get past Purple Tentacle... Aw, crap. Wrong thread. --Erwin
  22. You're more than welcome to...join us...

    The man has enough of it on his head. --Erwin
  23. You're more than welcome to...join us...

    I don't like Bush. --Erwin