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Everything posted by Wormsie

  1. Adventure Gamers...

    This is SO typical. Whatever I say, people always reply with "nice avatar". Once I posted some music of mine to a website where usually each thread got at least five replies. The only result was that one person PMmed me and asked: "Hey, your avatar is cool, where did you get it?" Anyway, I chose the avatar, because I like cats. (You can understand that in two ways as well. Hehee. Hahaa.)
  2. Adventure Gamers...

    *HUGE SHOCK* WAS THAT MOOSFERATU OR HIS EVIL TWIN I ASK?!?!?!?!?! He isn't even supposed to know... Man.
  3. Adventure Gamers...

    I can't stand those n00bs at AG. They're freaky. When Moosferatu was a newbie he wasn't nearly as freaky... I probably was rather freaky when I joined. Anyway, I have never liked the get-a-book method of learning to program. I like to learn as I go and not do any kinds of excercises, mostly because I think it's an uncreative way. Of course, it MIGHT be easier and more consistent. And I can't muster the motivation to learn something just for the learning's sake, there must be a reason for me to do it, like wanting to actually program an application. When getting into a new programming language, I study the very basics and then just look at the help file when I need to know new stuff. Microsoft Visual C++ has an excellent help file with lots of examples. C++ isn't difficult, but getting the hang of DirectX, MFC & other stuff is. I once started with C++ but then gave up. Now I have some new ideas again... So it's a good thing there are engines like Wintermute and AGS. AGS especially is easy to get into, I'd suggest you try that, Trep. You can go far with it without any programming knowledge at all. You will need programming at some point, but no worries, AGS has a great programming tutorial.
  4. What's your favorite kind of soup?

    I hate soups. I wonder where Yufster is BTW. Probably in the lavatory, vomiting up snakes.
  5. Confirmation

    Newsflash! RUMOURS NOT TRUE: Yufster is not insane in the way those AGS forum holics think she is. :noskatebo CONSPIRACY REVEALED: It was me who voted for Yufster's Mother in that COT poll (once). I also gave one vote to remixor. Yeah, I cleared my cookies the other day a couple of times. Consider the results INVALID. TIM! TIM! TIM IS GOD!!
  6. I remember the Battlezone (the new one, not the old one) installation. It crashed because of its funkyness.
  7. Is it just me, or does Moosferatu sound more... confident? happier? ...these days than a couple of years ago. Oh, I forgot. ?
  8. That aside, here's some good music. I love that tune that plays when you are waiting for the broadcast to start.
  9. As far as I know Che wasn't much good at anything. I mean, he died, even. But Maggie is still alive! Good old Maggie! EDIT: Ah, but Che is alive in millions of t-shirts. Of course.
  10. The problem was that I had difficulties in defining Che's side myself, so I didn't fully get your intention. But that's just typical of me. In the elections there was this strange sort of "find your candidate" -internet machine, and when it had analyzed my answers it informed me that I should have voted for either fascists or communists. Which just goes to show that I'm a radical in many ways. In my thoughts, at least.
  11. What I have in store for you next... ...will knock you all unconscious. Though it is obvious.
  12. And it's not even true. I don't know why I wrote it. There just seemed to be a place for something to write, like a "best wishes" kind of thing... My mind works in strange ways. And it as a reference to that one thread, long time ago, where I pretended to be angry. It's interesting that when I write in English, I don't understand that everything I say means something. I think it's called stupidity. Hmmm, but what if she was aided by... MCDONALD'S?!?!
  13. Blow into this paper bag Go home and stop grinning at everyone Blow into this paper bag Go home and stop grinning at everyone It was nice when it lasted but now it's gone It was nice when it lasted but now it's gone Blow into this paper bag Take your armor off, you're not under attack Take your armor off, you're not under attack Come on, come on Blow into this paper bag Go home and stop grinning at everyone Blow into this paper bag Go home and stop grinning at everyone They were honeybees on a blade of grass Take your armor off, you're not under attack Blow into this paper bag Blow into this paper bag P.S. Trep takes care of the slapping around here.
  14. I mean, Kingz could get me really mad, if he wanted to. And that wig is fooling nobody, Yufster.
  15. Why do you assume that my mother doesn't know how to use a mouse? FYI, she does know how to use a mouse.
  16. Just because I haven't quoted her in a while, she is acting like a... whatever. Something bad, anyway. I mean, that's like whoa. But if she is trying to make me really mad, she has been quite unsuccesful. Only Kingz can get me really mad.
  17. I have grounded myself voluntarily. Nothing to see outside but cows.
  18. No, I don't believe you, sorry. Because... ...how do you know I'm into calling people dopplegangers? Huh? HUH!!! Then why don't you? Or maybe you are just using that broken keyboard you told us about. Perhaps it doesn't have the shift-key. Why would I have wanted to edit my own post? They all look neater that way. The posts are their own entities, and it would be sacrilegious to merge them. So fuck you.
  19. Interesting bit about Psychonauts

    Whe-hell, hahaa! At least we'll know who to blame!
  20. Interesting bit about Psychonauts

    xbox uses DirectX, I believe. But OpenGL... However the requirement might have nothing to do with the development of the game itself - it could be just about the creation of PC-based tools, for example. Psychonauts might not get a PC version, but perhaps some future Double Fine title?
  21. It sounds like Yufster needs a drink. *gives Yufster a bottle of whiskey*
  22. As long as you add a feature which allows news items to be commented, go ahead!
  23. I think I got it now. I voted once, and then the poll was reset. Then I accidentally voted twice. "It was the third floor. Or the fifth. I can't remember." - Igor Stravinsky