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Everything posted by Wormsie

  1. Public service announcement!!

    This website proves that anarchy doesn't work.
  2. Emerging Artists, Local Bands, and YOU

    All bands I can think of never emerged. I used to be a part of a and called Absinthe (until we dissolved). A few excerpts from the Official Website, as badly translated by our ex-bassist. Originally the text was written by me in Finnish but the translation was more like a rape. More stuff like that in Finnish.
  3. Tell Us About Yourself

    I'm deadworm. I have problems and a new PC. I'm playing "Beyond Good & Evil" Demo. Trep & me have a platonic relationship.
  4. Hey, there's no reason to be like that. The only person who wants you dead is Kingz, and he wants everybody dead...
  5. Pendantic, that's me all over. Frankly, my dear, I just don't give a damn. This """"discussion"""" is the most stupid one ever.
  6. I find your claim of Mein Kampf once being the bible of all Germans being highly suspicious. There were people who didn't care, and people who were against the nazis, too. Even Hitler's personal secretary didn't care!
  7. Actually, I said that, but to my defence I knew it was a moot point. I just wanted to give him a reason, as he was looking for one.
  8. That's what I meant. OK, I'm sorry. To delight you all, I won't post my own reasoning here.
  9. PC/Console lines blur

    Microsoft is doing this just to help us.
  10. Marvellous. Thank you for your time. And sorry for wasting it.
  11. I just happened to mention it. Don't take it too seriously. Breathe. I never knew such a rule existed. They really should have told us about this at school. ...let me assure you that it is a lot bigger.
  12. The fact is that your post doesn't mean anything unless you make those assumptions. I assumed that you must have meant something, so... Of course, the other option was that there was a grammatical mistake you just wanted to point out (I couldn't find one), but why, I couldn't figure. And the third one was an ironic remark. (As well as the second one.)
  13. I'm not so good with irony, so I'll translate for myself: 1) You think it's good Mein Kampf is banned in Germany. 2) You think I'm an idiot. 3) You hate me.
  14. Why should all that matter? And I notice you said "available in stores" - it is NOT the same as "owning it". I agree that it would be strange if it was advertised in magazines, for example, but just OWNING IT, come on! The book has clear historical value. If Mein Kampf wasn't so boring (as I have heard) I would read it. Because there are better books - and books with a wider perspective - I will most likely read some other books on this particular subject instead.
  15. But why? Why do you get locked up if you own it? I don't believe that, actually.
  16. In the US, people feel guilty about taking the country from Indians Native Americans, I have noticed.
  17. The Detinator!!!

    The only time I was in a ride at an amusement park was... Some sort of horror thing. The guy next to me screamed all the time, but I didn't find it at all scary. Rather, I could tell when there would be something meant to be scary. A strange type of clairvoyance, that.
  18. YAR! it be talk like a pirate day!

    Great to see Idle T mainpage has the same spirit.
  19. Clusterfuck!

    Ewwwwwwwwwwww! EDIT: Oh, I forgot.