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About D.C.

  • Rank
    Thumb Tourist
  • Birthday 01/15/1985


  • Location
  • Interests
    Games, TV, and Movies... that pretty much sums it up.
  • Occupation
    I'm a Uni Student.
  1. You should watch more popcorn movies.
  2. Roland Emmerich: Stargate, Independence Day, Godzilla. That's a good track record. I'd prefer to watch these movies over some political statement, war in Iraq, strange, art house crap.
  3. This movie looks awesome. Popcorn movies kick ass. You people who'd prefer to watch something artsy can stay out of this thread.
  4. Quote of the Moment - Doug Lowenstein

    Everyones got an opinion. I agree with Chepito.
  5. Aliens invade Mexico

    http://edition.cnn.com/2004/TECH/space/05/17/mexico.ufos.reut/index.html Sounds like a military cover up to me.
  6. BioWare

    http://www.gamespot.com/pc/rpg/dragonage/news_6097833.html Crap. They mentioned Neverwinter Nights. (They also mentioned BG though)
  7. BioWare

    They made those Fallout games as well, right?
  8. GTA: San Andreas (Screenshots)

    GameSpot says modern times, but that's not really definitive.
  9. BioWare

    Did they even make that game?
  10. Aliens invade Mexico

    Also aren't the majority of aliens trying to get out of Mexico anyway?
  11. BioWare

    You've got a point, but then there are other extremes like Morrowind. In this game the world was so huge and there were so many quests that it's easy to loose interest in the game. Open ended gameplay is cool, but if I was forced to choose between a focused linear sort of game like KOTOR or an open ended game like Morrowind, I would definately choose KOTOR.
  12. GameSpot has some screenshots of GTA: San Andreas here. They don't look too bad, but they're not awe inspiring either. What do you think?
  13. BioWare

    I thought that this made the game more focused. They had a definitive quest and were focused on the quest. I liked the fact that the majority of the quests revolved around the main quest in some way. Jade Empire seems like it has potential, but it's an X-Box exclusive.
  14. BioWare

    I haven't played the BG games though. KOTOR and NWN are my first BioWare games and they are almost completely different.