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Everything posted by tabacco

  1. Dishonored - or - GIFs By Breckon

    I really really wanted to like the game, but the extremely narrow camera FOV made it pretty much unplayable for me. With such tunnel vision, I was having to move the camera around a lot, and it started giving me a headache. Unfortunately, since I bought it for the 360, the setting isn't changeable. Oh well
  2. Some under-the-hood server work meant shutting down memcache and nginx for a moment, so you may have seen a 502 error or been unable to connect for a sec there. Sorry about that, if you ran into either. The good news is, upgrades! Ideally you won't notice anything different - if something seems horribly broken, though, let me know.
  3. They've said a few times on the podcast and kickstarter updates: you should email [email protected].
  4. (Note: Sci Fi measured by weight. Contents may have settled during shipping).
  5. See, I didn't know about that, and it's because I've paid absolutely 0% of my attention to them since the second Matrix movie
  6. Looking to move out west

    This depends heavily on what you do. At this point, if you're a software engineer, it's competitive in the other direction. Way too few candidates for way too many jobs. Hiring has been extremely difficult for us in SF. And yeah, the market for apartments in SF is insane to the point of absurd.
  7. "This is Idle Thumbs. I'm Sean Vanaman."
  8. Clueless Gamer

    They actually did a few of these before they started putting them on-air: Michael Phelps: Push the Limit: Kinect Star Wars: Minecraft: Skyrim:
  9. Apple Event September 12th

    Interestingly, Passbook (which is new in iOS 6) isn't skeumorphic. Maybe it's a sign they're trending away from that again.
  10. Why are books so goddamn expensive?

    Why, out of curiosity? I have the current generation touchscreen one and it works pretty well.
  11. Why are books so goddamn expensive?

    Having owned a few kindles, I never found the physical keyboard all that useful. I mostly just used it for searching the store or book text, and that was rare enough that the touch keyboard worked fine (even on the old IR touch screen model).
  12. New website!

    Well how can I say no to that Chris did a hilarious amount of work to clean up a lower-res version. I think he basically hand-repainted big chunks of it to get it to look good at that scale.
  13. New Forums! Post feedback, notes, etc here

    Updated the forums to the latest version. Please let me know if anything seems broken. I've also added some additional checks against RBLs to the signup process, so hopefully it stems some of the spam registrations.
  14. New website!

    Thanks, maybe? For the record, there is absolutely nothing wrong with creating custom CMSs, and I definitely wouldn't label it the mark of an amateur or incompetent web developer (but then again, I may be biased). IF you needs from a CMS are limited and you have the resources (in the short term to build it and in the long term to maintain it) then it's, in my opinion, the right way to go. Generalized systems like ExpressionEngine or Wordpress are great if you want low development overhead to get a site off the ground, but in my experience (and I do have experience with both of those systems) they'll never be perfectly suited for any one site because they're built to such a general purpose. And if you get into the business of modding them, then you've gone down a dark road of dependency management come upgrade time. A custom CMS like the thumblord gives us a nice tidy code base that's easy for us to extend, change, rewrite, update, or do pretty much anything else we want to do going forward.
  15. New website!

    Yep, we are doing whole page caching via http://wiki.nginx.or...MemcachedModule - For pages that are marked as cachable (most of them, really), part of the job of the controller's after() method is to put the rendered page into memcache, so unless you miss the cache most requests are served straight out of memory. Not that the site's slow without it (caching was disabled for a week or two before launch, and for most of launch day, for example), but I care a lot about speed, and it's hard to beat just serving pages from memory
  16. Apple Event September 12th

    At least all the glyphs exist in non-unicode fonts. Unlike *some* donors I might mention
  17. A Song Of Ice And Fire

    Heh... this is a big spoiler for A Storm of Swords, but someone made an "It Gets Better" video for people who just finished the book. It's pretty great:
  18. A Song Of Ice And Fire

    Indeed, books two and three are when the series really hits 88 miles an hour.
  19. New website!

    (Sadly they still require Flash in Firefox because of Mozilla's refusal to support mp3) Amazingly, there is not a single codec/format that works in every browser. Even .wav is unsupported in some.
  20. New website!

    I prefer to think of it as an unintentional ARG.
  21. New Forums! Post feedback, notes, etc here

    That's what you think.
  22. A Song Of Ice And Fire

    I think the books hold up pretty consistently in terms of exciting goings-on. As far as being depressing, though,