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Everything posted by Akidu

  1. Plug your shit

    I guess this isn't quite a self plug, I don't normally make this sort of thing but I thought id post it here anyway. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/9lp81zkqvyatemo/AADfncy-kfxWHUGGtjEFbCJwa?dl=0 slapped this together for a job application as sound mixer at a game studio, I don't really know how to use unity or blender and such so I spent most of my time just getting the environment ready. Im not that sure this is a good idea, so I just want it done. Going to send it in anyway because it needs to get out the door. Based it on this picture (found on google): esc to get your mouse back, also don't fall off because I haven't got a running respawn system. ALSO can somebody please tell if the audio is functioning properly. Its audibly skipping on my computer and I suspect my audio driver is at fault. The ship sounds should be fluid, not skipping up and down in increments. It might be performance issues aswell, I have done virtually zero optimisation stuff..
  2. Star Wars VII - Open spoilers

    10 year old me (that tried to make a lightsaber out of tinfoil and LEDs) is resurfacing to say that scifi pseudo scientific explanations are awesome. Current me says I would be okay with the broad saber if the crossguard wasn't so exposed. Also could there be a lightsaber net? It would be pretty brutal.
  3. Life

    Yeah that way of approaching it could work. I think they might be more comfortable if i'm not outright shooting it down too. Thanks.
  4. Life

    Oh damn it. I was given The Secret by someone and am in the position of having to read it and then I guess tell them how I feel about it. I don't want to hurt this persons feelings but I'm also reallly anti pseudoscience and not willing to pretend I like it. Usually I just don't comment on this stuff.. I wish I could give a perfect argument and convince this person to ditch the pseudo stuff. I personally think these sorts of beliefs only exacerbate personal problems and would love to see this person start assessing things without the faulty rule book. But I don't think an argument would lead to anything, especially because i'm a layman with limited knowledge about scientific/research method. I think even if I presented a logical argument it would be torn down by "im right and you're wrong" type arguments (though I could be wrong). Arghhh I hate this feeling.
  5. I Had A Random Thought...

    (About musicians/music on youtube. ) After reading this blog post about upcoming youtube changes I feel so bummed. It seems like all the awesome elements of the site are slowly being removed and replaced with old style media stuff. With all the conditions proposed to put on the artist (5 year contract, must upload all music etc) it seems to be re-establishing the old gate keeper monopoly that was the record industry. It will be such a shame if a few single companies get a strangle hold on the internets musicians. I wonder if this period will be looked on in the future as a wild west type scenario where people made careers out of nowhere before everything settled back into a more controlled system.
  6. Feminism

    I'm hesitant to take a stab because I really am pretty clueless but i'll have a go and if i'm wrong maybe someone can enlighten me. I think a huge portion of people have absolutely no idea about whats actually driving their decisions. You mentioned "I can feel my intellectual shell hardening". To me that indicates a self awareness that many people don't have. I think that's one of the things many folks on this forum have in common. Its an ability to recognize those shitty pulls and pushes that try and take control and then resist them (though everybody slips up now and again I think you are far more ready for open discussion than many). I currently think that educating people from a young age about how we make decisions and how easily we fall into subconscious driven behavior could be effective.. I mean I don't think it will stop it, but including basic psychology in schools as a core subject in the same way math and writing is could be really effective at teaching kids how their brain functions and what pitfalls to be wary of. Anyway I made a bunch of assumptions in there about peoples ability to understand their thoughts and ill admit i'm shaky on this opinion but its been bouncing around my head lately and I thought I should air it.
  7. The Hall of Game

    Yah as would I. There's timesplitters rewind which is an HD attempt I think. I don't know how well its going though.
  8. The Hall of Game

    Well, I guess its debatable as being unmissable. But playing halo 1 local multiplayer was some of the funnest gaming I've had. I still enjoy online but theres a certain magic to local multiplayer. Its that gut squirming intensity when you find yourself in a sniper battle with a friend who's sitting right next to you. Or the hours spent grenade launching vehicles out of the map. You could probably have had the same kind of experience on other games from that era so I guess what I really mean is missing out on local multiplayer shooters. Also more on topic Timesplitters 2 was a ton of fun. I still played that up until a few years ago. It had a ridiculous amount of content. ahh I was trying to recount all the things I like about that game. There is too much. Seriously try Timesplitters 2.
  9. The threat of Big Dog

    I like to imagine the next part of that gif goes some thing like this
  10. "Ethics and Journalistic Integrity"

    That argument reminds me of similar arguments I've heard about music genres.. I couldn't care less personally and don't see much point beyond search-ability in Google.
  11. Quitter's Club: Don't be afraid to quit the book

    Ulysses - I don't currently have the ability to enjoy this book, I've heard Dubliners is an easier way of getting into that style of writing so I think ill try that before reading Ulysses again. I don't really know why I didn't get anything out of it maybe im just a bit slow, trying to read it reminded me of trying to read Lord of the Rings when I was like 9 or 10. Game of Thrones - I really enjoyed the first few books but I sort of stopped caring after a certain amount of characters died, I think I stopped reading right as new characters were being introduced and couldn't be bothered investing time into getting over the introduction hump. Don't think I'll be returning.
  12. Is It Wrong To Eat Meat?

    Yeah ok fair enough I think you've swayed me. In particular "Unless you can explain to me what the relevant difference between humans and non-human animals is". I can't.
  13. Is It Wrong To Eat Meat?

    :/ Nope of course not. Human sacrifice is not comparable at all, it would only be comparable if it served a real function that wasn't imaginary(to please god/usher in summer or whatever). I wish you would address my point with more than rhetorical questions, I might agree with you. Also I wish I didn't have to talk about human sacrifice.
  14. Is It Wrong To Eat Meat?

    No, obviously.. maybe I wasn't clear. What i'm saying is some people live in circumstances where hunting and living off the meat is necessary or a significant part of their life. To expect people to live by vegetarian values isn't fair because there are too many lifestyle variables in our current society. Folks living in very rural areas exist in a completely different situation than those in towns or cities and I think the value of meat eating has different values to each. That's why I think its up to the individual to decide for themselves. If you see what I mean.
  15. Is It Wrong To Eat Meat?

    My potentially terrible two cents. I don't have anything to say about mass farming of meat or global food issues, I think I largely agree with the posts in here so for this post lets just assume the larger farming issues have been solved and inhumane treatment of farmed animals is not occurring. It seems to me you have to find a line where you can say humans have a right to do what they will past this point, the problem is that line is massively blurred and changes depending on the circumstances of each individual. So I guess in my opinion it is an area blurry enough that enforcing one idea of morality on everyone would be kind of incompatible. I think it is up to the individual to decide whether ending an animals life prematurely will have enough benefit to justify the action. Heh well thats a first stab at saying something, hope that made sense.
  16. I Had A Random Thought...

    Do you folks have friends who share the same interests and ideas as you do? I understand having friends you might not agree with can be important but sometimes I wonder why I'm the only one I know who cares about the stuff I do.. I might just be overly sensitive though. Maybe its normal, maybe these thoughts are normal; Perhaps everybody secretly thinks this about themselves and we all think we have more layers to our personality than we actually do.
  17. I would love to see a really good world war 1 video game or film, the endless crushing nature of trench warfare could be an effective setting for something really dark and interesting. Also the collision of old war values and the new version of warfare is also so fascinating.
  18. "Ethics and Journalistic Integrity"

    I agree, honestly it seems like he doesn't realize you can be subconsciously prejudiced, which is the kind of prejudice the majority is.
  19. Crikey, It's Christmas (2014)!

    ^ thats fantastic haha. merry Christmas folks
  20. I Had A Random Thought...

    Yeah I agree with this, it makes me sad.. I spent ages trying to summarize my feelings on this but don't know how.
  21. "Ethics and Journalistic Integrity"

    My brain just leaked out of my ears reading that. Exhibit A for humans ability to follow one another down an insanity rabbit hole.
  22. Music of the Year!

    Best Albums Run the Jewels 2 - As discussed by OP. Great timed social commentary as well as just generally good music. Yeezus - Not sure if this counts, its late 2013 but I bought it a few days ago and I love the shit out of it. Im not a hip hop listener really, I listen to electronic music and so I put this album above RTJ2 on account of its production. I love how unafraid of weird song structure and sound design the whole album is. There's a section of a tune (I am God I think) where it sounds like Kanye screaming and running. I love it. The whole thing is so dark and minimal while still sounding massive and full. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hsgx7ZPSrfQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VzbIAfh43Hg This one apparently made Lou Reed cry (according to wikipedia). Ulterior Motives' The Fourth Wall - A pretty sweet DNB album, I particularly liked Tape Pack which is a nostalgic tune that sits really well with me for reasons I cant articulate at this moment. apart from these I listened to a ton of Drum and Bass from various comilation albums which were full of good music. Anyway thats my half assed mini awards
  23. Hatred: The Most Despicable Game of All Time?

    Yeah greyson's got it. Put it it out and let people shoot it down. I understand peoples concern over this sort of thing but I think drawing the line on where free speech ends is not a good thing. Its better to let the thing come out then point out its flaws so others can understand where it goes wrong.
  24. Life

    If you dont mind me asking where did you work? Also are you ok?
  25. Plug your shit

    I try make music, I still feel like I'm not making anything that does something different though. However, I try hard so ill post what I do here. I make electronic music. In future there might be more than Dnb. Energy has been my only objective until recently, hopefully something a little more thought out will be up soon. https://soundcloud.com/nzmonark/dependence-1