Hey thumbs. I've listened to the cast forever, but just made an account to respond to Katie's reader mail on the last cast.
I am one of the assholes Katryn is nice enough to play with on a near nightly basis. I'm pretty sure she wanted the email to be anonymous, as we are all Idle Thumbs fans. Instead, I got a group text from my brother at 3 am last night that went something like "KATIE YOUR EMAIL WAS READ ON IDLE THUMBS. also Jer and Zac we got burned (rightfully so)."
So that started a day long conversation that was at times awkward and at times enlightening. I think we all ended up better people.
Ok, now the real reason I'm writing. Sean's suggestion that it might be time to move on was kinda harsh. I've known Katie for over 10 years, and I would count it a great loss if she just decided to move on because a bunch of guys said some insensitive things on Skype. I'd like to think losing my friendship would be a loss for her as well. I believe that you really only get a small number of truly meaningful friendships in this life, and that it is important to at least make an effort to work through issues.
Anyway, I thought Danielle's advice was insightful and wise, and she makes a great addition to the cast.
Love the cast!