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Posts posted by Kyir

  1. Hollow Knight is GOTY for me easily. I find it really hard to describe why I love the game so much other than just listing off the features I appreciate, which are its visuals, music, general lore, and gameplay (aka the entire game I guess.) It's something I never realized I needed until it actually came out.


    It's harder to say after that. Maybe Cuphead or Divinity: OS2. Both of those grabbed me in different ways.

  2. This game is one of my favorites. I played Bloodline Champions a ton (the studio's previous game, and which shares a ton of mechanics and characters,) and I've played this a ton too. It's made me realize that I never really liked doing all the extraneous stuff in LOMAs like farming creeps and hitting buildings. Bought the thing back in early access and never regretted it. One of my favorite things about it is that it's perfectly feasible at most skill levels to 1v2 after you teammate/s died, which is always exhilarating. 


    I'm down to play if anyone ever wants to.

  3. Based on conversations I've had with other people, I think a lot of this comes down to whether or not you've put a lot of  time into similar games. There's nothing particularly revolutionary about the way movement works in Cuphead, and some of the attacks are pretty standard for the genre (though there are plenty that were shocking the first time through it,) so practice with related games counts for a lot.

  4. My perception has probably been somewhat skewed by too many IWBTG fangames, and I hadn't meant to suggest anything negative about anyone who considers the game to be hard. It's certainly harder than a large portion of games, but I don't think there's anything about the game that would actually prevent most people from beating it provided they have a desire to do so and a sufficient amount of time. That's pretty much how I feel about Souls games too, so take it as you will.

  5. I'm a huge fan of this game. I think the only thing I could really bring up as a complaint were a few questionable hitboxes and some minor related bugs, but I never reached a point in the game where I wasn't having fun. It's a shame the conversations about the game so quickly turned to "what does the difficulty of this say about us?" as opposed to "is this actually difficult?," because I don't think it really is. It requires more pattern recognition than some games, but once you understand those it doesn't seem to require very high reflexes (I certainly wouldn't be able to beat it if it did.)


    Anyway, my point is that everyone should try out Cuphead.

  6. 11 minutes ago, TychoCelchuuu said:

    Just saw this for the third time. Still a very good movie. One of my favorites this year. I did not go in watching for nipples specifically, but thinking back, I'm not really seeing an abundance of nipples. What exactly do you mean? I remember nipples in two scenes, I think, plus very briefly when K showers and when Mariette gets out of bed.


    All the instances of human nipples, plus an abundance of statue nipples in that one place, plus at least one instance of giant holographic nipples. I'm sure it's not as many as are in some movies, but they stood out a lot to me for whatever reason here.

  7. I would like to note that in Cuphead, the charge shot significantly reduces the finger strain mentioned in the episode. Switching to it made my experience a lot less physically painful (though I love the game in general.) I put a ton of time into it for the full clear, which was really, really satisfying. Would recommend it to everyone pretty much.

  8. I feel like Nintendo got some backflow from working with Ubisoft with regards to objective design. It seems very much designed with quantity over quality in mind, which isn't necessarily the worst thing, but having 300 moons probably makes the 301st feel a lot less eventful. I'd have liked to see more restraint in that regard.

  9. I've been playing a lot in the last few days. It seems like there's just not a lot to do at the high end of the power curve unless you have a dedicated group for strikes (or PvP, though doing that solo hasn't been the worst thing ever.) My battlenet ID thing is Kyir#1788 if anyone needs and extra person for shooting pixels.

  10. After 30something hours, it still feels like more of the same from the first game (not that I was expecting anything drastically different.) The only real complaint I have is that defending fortresses is way, way more boring than attacking them, to the point where I'm kind of surprised it released with this part of the game in the current state. Despite the various loot box drama, I haven't reached a point in the game where I felt like purchasing them was necessary, or even would have added to my experience if I had the money to drop on them. 


    I will add that this game is great for numbing the pain of a really hideous day though.

  11. I recently finished Cuphead and went back for all the assorted achievements. It took 17 hours according to Steam, which feels about right. The side-scrolling/platforming sections were the only parts of the game I didn't end up enjoying much, and I think everything else was really well executed. The art gets a lot of praise, but the music's really good too, the controls are solid, and there's a lot of variety in bosses. It's kind of a shame that reviews of the game immediately spiraled into a culture war over content locking based on difficulty in games, since I think pretty much all media about it really overstated the actual difficulty of the game. It would be a shame if a lot of people didn't play it just because they assumed it was going to be too hard for them.

  12. I'm really loving this game so far. The combat's basically got the same weird, exploit-encouraged style to it (which I enjoy, even though I'm not very good at it.) More importantly, they've really tightened up all the areas I had problems with in the first game. The story has more steady pacing, the characters are more fleshed out and enjoyable, and the voice acting is good across the board. That last one's impressive since there's so much of this gameI'm 60something hours in and I don't think I'll be done for at least another 10, based on how stuff seems to be going. A few of the quests have had really obtuse solutions, but there's usually a workaround to those that involves the game's many other mechanics. 


    I've especially enjoyed how often some weird little detail from earlier in the game shows up later on. Some of those are just characters who know each other, but there's also stuff like taming a bird in one act giving you a new option with a ghost bird in another act entirely. It's good.

  13. I read both Ninefox Gambit and Raven Stratagem twice over the course of the last couple weeks, and they're both very close to my favorite science fiction books. They're very light on actually explaining the science (which is a plus in my eyes, honestly) while referring to it in terms that are endearingly weird. I've been trying to push both of them on people for a while now.