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Everything posted by Architecture

  1. Elite: Dangerous (Kickstarter)

    Ships doesn't work. I can't launch it at all. They broke their own game. Idiots.
  2. FAST Racing Neo

    Weird--this is made in Germany?
  3. Elite: Dangerous (Kickstarter)

    Also, is the 25% off a limited time deal? If it is, that's kind of shitty for existing players who paid full price for the game a year ago. I don't mind $45 annually for a game as complex and evolving as Elite, but it seems lame to jerk around the folks who buy in early but didn't back at the beta level for lifetime free updates.
  4. Elite: Dangerous (Kickstarter)

    So...Horizons isn't an expansion, it's an entirely new executable? Also, what the hell was that 8GB patch yesterday? Or was that them adding in the Horizons data to my client so that If I buy it the game's ready to go? Explain this to me, Wooks.
  5. Just go along the row.
  6. I've been making this complaint since 2009, don't worry. "There's not enough science in this Trek," is usually how I phrase it.
  7. Fallout 4 — Boston Makes Me Feel Good

    It's weird, no? At first I thought it was the kind of artifacting you see before the GPU gives up the ghost, which was alarming. It apparently affects both GPU chipset manufacturers as well. Ultra preset, 1080p, small cave interior while staring at a wall. Frame rate? 32-36 FPS.
  8. Fallout 4 — Boston Makes Me Feel Good

    I've had plenty of graphical issues, and I'm not just speaking about tanking frame rates. This one was weird because it was only the LOD textures--when the hero textures faded in, it looked like rock. Luckily, a reload made this go away, but it looks a lot like the blank texture calls you find in New Vegas. You can see the broken compass as well in this shot. It's still broken, just broken in different ways.
  9. Yes, at least of this writing. Skylake is not worth the extra build costs surrounding it--brand new boards and DDR4 cost a lot. I would personally look at the 4690K and a good mid-range board and like a GTX 950. The GPU's the first thing you replace anyway (except RAM, I guess), so there's no reason to buy the best card on the market out the gate.
  10. Fallout 4 — Boston Makes Me Feel Good

    If you liked New Vegas, you'll love Fallout 4!
  11. Rainbow Six: Siege

    Does having your progeny hanging from your bosom limit the number of expletives you let fly mid-match?
  12. Peter Moore is awesome. I'd follow him into the gates of Hell.
  13. Fallout 4 — Boston Makes Me Feel Good

    So I don't know if this is just AMD cards or what, but this game is mad buggy in DT Boston. I can hit like 27 FPS, down from 60.
  14. I just kind of assume everyone has my shit but it doesn't matter because I'm nobody. So I've been researching the process of custom-sleeving my own PSU cables, and it's kind of insane the amount of work which is required. We're talking double-crimped wires here, folks. But look how beautiful this is:
  15. Rainbow Six: Siege

    Please tell me you're gaming with a baby strapped to your chest.
  16. Gone Home from The Fullbright Company

    Steve, my friend's wife is in an all-woman doo-wop Misfits coverband called the Missyfits. I thought you should know this.
  17. "Ethics and Journalistic Integrity"

    I don't understand how an average GGer would go for ancillary content like this. Wouldn't the use of birth control lead to the greater possibility of unprotected sex? Or is it just that GGers aren't getting laid at all, so they concern themselves with female purity?
  18. Arizona, weirdly, has some of the best pizza outside of your traditional pizza meccas. Granted, that's not strictly Italian, but a lot of east coasters move to AZ for the heat.
  19. I Had a Random Thought (About Video Games)
  20. Elite: Dangerous (Kickstarter)

    My recommendation? Play in offline mode. The AI is less aggressive than your average player and it gives you some room to learn the systems and mechanics of the game. I have put more than 100 hours into Elite and other than meeting up in a private group a few times, it's all been solo. Also, my enjoyment of the game was directly tied to the amount of money I spent on peripherals to play it, but I knew that going in. Playing with a decent flight stick and throttle made all the difference, for me at least.
  21. Screenshots. Shots of your screen.

    Game is beautiful
  22. Fallout 4 — Boston Makes Me Feel Good

    Also, does anyone have an AMD card and has experienced the compass glitch?
  23. Fallout 4 — Boston Makes Me Feel Good

    Check your in-game date. The guards mentioned Halloween when I first arrived and I noticed my Pip Boy said 10/31/2287.