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About heinlager

  • Rank
  • Birthday 08/05/1985

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  • Gender
  • Location
    New Zealand
  • Interests
    -Putting those damn social justice warriors in their place with my trick questions!
    -Not acting in good faith.


  • Occupation
    Bus Driver

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  1. The question of if I'm acting in "good faith" keeps coming up, it appears you've had MRAs/trolls come in and you're on the defensive. I think ill just bow out of this conversation.
  2. I'm asking the opinion/stance of someone. I'm sure these questions have been addressed in numerous places by other people. There is so much rhetoric flying around in these discussions I like to know what I'm talking about. I see you have also answered, but perhaps I should clarify my questions as they seemed to have been misunderstood. - Do you feel the notion of "women are expendable pawns in the lives of men" is perpetuated in media/entertainment other then games? (Perhaps the interactivity is what is problematic). - How prevalent to you feel this notion is?
  3. - Do you view all entertainment in this context? Or just video games? - Do you really think people hold this notion you speak of? I don't, and I'm a man.
  4. I think they mean the context of the video game.
  5. Dota Today 9: The Dazzle In Question

    Thanks for the shout out guys, and as much as I appreciate it I have some bad news for you: The guy who assualted me as been remanded in custody so he won't be able to suscribe. In fact he has been charged with Aggrevated Robbery and from what they tell me, if he is convicted he might get a few years in jail. Even when he gets out I'm not sure he liked the podcast anyway, when approcahed by police he threw my ipod at them. Did he hate the podcast or was he fed up with the lack of surrender option in Dota? Personally I think Dawngate has the best system, you can't surrender unless someone on your team has disconnected/afk'd or you are getting stomped so hard it triggers a vim/gold threshold.
  6. Oh it wasn't too bad no permanent damage. The real bad news is that when I gave my official statement the other day they didn't put that I was listening to DOTA Today as the detective said it might be confusing. So no plug for the show in New Zealand district court.
  7. I was beaten and robbed at knife-point while about halfway through this episode, When the mugger took my ipod I could still hear it playing. The police caught him but they are keeping the ipod for evidence or taking prints off it or something. Due to my head injury's I don't remember where I was up to and will have to start at the beginning, which is really inconvenient. It was a good episode but the violent assault really ruined it for me so I can only give it 5/10