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Everything posted by Ozzie

  1. Feminism

    Too bad, I need that t-shirt in my life. That's all I have to say. I'm really only here to listen.
  2. Feminism

    Could someone explain the connection to Beyonce to me? I don't get it. :/
  3. Feminism

    I love the way Tim Schafer taunts the people that are cross with him. It reminds me of Raz taunting his opponents in Psychonauts or the kids at Whispering Rock taunting each other. I feel it's in that same spirit.
  4. Plug your shit

    Thanks for the very true comment! I think what I learned from the improvisation is that the piano, no matter how loud it is played, can't prepare the listener for singing this...extreme. Vocals could prepare though, they should have built up to that extreme. Lesson learned! I like your new tune! Like all of your stuff it is very relaxing and appropiate to put on in the background while I need to learn/do stuff for university. Very moody! I definitely hear the post-rock in it. It sounds almost oldfashioned by now, like the music of my teens, of the early 00s.
  5. The Dancing Thumb (aka: music recommendations)

    I think Stephen Fry would like to have a word with him...
  6. Plug your shit

    I recorded an improvisation today. I called it "Violent Yelling". Enough said. https://soundcloud.com/ted-ist-tot/violent-yelling-improvisation Would like to hear your opinion, whether you think it's terrible or not. Warning: May be as painful to listen to as it was to sing.
  7. Comics Extravaganza - Pow Bang Smash!

    The Book of Genesis illustrated by Robert Crumb arrived at my doorstep two days ago. Haven't read much of it yet, but it looks gooood. I had it on my Amazon wishlist for a long while and I finally bought it so I didn't have to pay for shipping costs. It's a good excuse to read a bit of the bible I think.
  8. The third is merely a good movie, I guess it's so reviled because people don't consider it worthy of The Godfather name.
  9. Perfect. Somebody write a screenplay of it!
  10. I didn't notice it before either. But then so didn't the thumbs apparently.
  11. I just looked at the trading forum for Broken Age on Steam and saw that someone wanted the Broken Age trading cards. I thought "what the heck, I just give them away for free, I want to get rid of this shit anyway", but then I remembered Sean's story about this one guy, the mover in the song singing / dick sucking / item trading community, who wanted an item from him. So I wondered: can I just delete/destroy the trading cards? I would rather like to do that than get rid of them by giving them to someone else. Because I'm not sure I actually want to be involved in this shit.
  12. Screenshots. Shots of your screen.

    Onmund prefers being overtly nude to being well protected for some reason. He has a strong need for anonymity though.
  13. That KeLo dream message...I laughed so hard. The words you understand, even how they relate to each other, yet the message makes no sense, except in a dream kind of way. So perfect. Nick shares some of the best anecdotes when he's on the 'cast.
  14. Thanks for the advice!
  15. Summer Games Done Quick 2014

    I liked the insight Cosmo gave into his "optimization technique".
  16. Summer Games Done Quick 2014

    Fair enough. I certainly didn't catch all of Chibi's presence, and from what else I've seen based on what people posted, he does seem immature. I didn't get what the jumping jacks were about. Was it a donation request or just him being obnoxious? I think it would be a good idea to make sure that the chemistry on the couch is right.
  17. Summer Games Done Quick 2014

    Twitch chat is a cesspool, it brings out the worst in people. :/
  18. Summer Games Done Quick 2014

    The ZZT one is the most comic speedrun so far. And a short watch at around 6 minutes.
  19. Summer Games Done Quick 2014

    I looked forward the most to the Psychonauts speedrun. Expectations were met and confounded. I couldn't stand the attitude of the speedrunner at first, though I warmed to it, though not to his obnoxious crew. Also, his mic constantly slipped off, causing mic readjustment guy to re-appear every time it happened. Once mic readjustment guy gave the speedrunner overly enthusiastically a kiss on the head, it looked like he almost knocked him over. The two most memorable runs so far were in the same night (for me, probably day there and for others). The first was of sadistic fan mashup game "I Wanna Be The Boshy", speedrunned by witwix. The commentary was insightful and funny, the speedrun skillful. The second one wasn't memorable because of the execution, but more for the performance. It was the race of "Castlevania: Symphony of the Night" between romscout and Dacidbro. The witty banter at the beginning was great, and the singing of the end tune by both of them, after romscout finished his run and while Dacidbro still tried desperatedly to finish his as fast as possible, was also really something. A memorably failed speedrun was the one of Double Dragon Advance, which Murphagator softlocked by triggering a bug. He throwed an enemy of a cliff which continued living out of reach. It was kinda hard for me to stop watching. So compelling... Edit: From NeoGAF Well, I guess a runner has every right to ask somebody to shut up. Still, being a no-fun isn't exactly positive for a charity event and I thought Chibi's comments lightened things up and were harmless enough. I wonder though why he was there on the couch since he didn't speedrun anything at the event. Either way, no big deal, of course, just an awkward moment.
  20. I know this has been a few episodes back now, I just don't remember when exactly. I'm kinda sad that Die Augen der Welt has been renamed, since Chris' helpless attempts to pronounce the title never failed to amuse me.
  21. Lemme see...I bought... ...the original 5CD version ordered from cduniverse.com. ...the German language version on DVD, published by THQ. ...a copy from GOG. ...it as part of three different Humble Bundles (Humble Indie Bundle V, Humble Weekly Sale: Double Fine! and the recent Summer Games Done Quick 2014 Bundle) Yeah, I don't think I ever bought more copies of any other game. I think the first Penumbra comes closest with about three or four copies (and I never played it).
  22. Dune

    I liked Gateway. Does anyone else like Gateway? I like it. Uh, sorry for crashing in like this... About Dune...I read the maybe first hundred pages of it. I couldn't bear the writing style, like someone else said before, it made me yawny. Also, I'm a terrible reader, there are very few books I get through, so this doesn't really speak against Dune. But yeah, otherwise I was impressed with it. Good world building with intriguingly unique, culturally foreign details, and some suspenseful scenes. I guess I may listen to it as an audio book some time before I go to sleep every night (or day). Sounds like a plan.
  23. Summer Games Done Quick 2014

    Hm, looking at the list, I guess I'm only interested in speedruns of games I know rather well, which spaces I know and know how to traverse. Very few of the games on the list I played. I never played the first Earthworm Jim, I would have loved to see a speedrun of the second one. The same with Heretic. Otherwise, I'm curious about the Psychonauts speedrun and especially looking forward to the solo coop speedrun of Portal 2. Sounds intriguing! I never finished the coop campaign, though.