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Everything posted by Griddlelol

  1. Modest Tech: The NX Generation (Nintendo Switch)

    Honestly, it looks like I'm going to skip the switch or wait until it's cheap with a good back catalogue. Paying for online is not something I've want to do for two services. I love the idea but as others have said, the execution leaves a lot to be desired. That said, the new Zelda game looks fucking amazing. My Wiiu will have plenty of use from that
  2. There is basically catching pokémon, breeding and battling AI/people. It's enough for me, but yeah, it's pretty slim. I don't think it's 700 pokémon, only like 200 or something in Sun/Moon.
  3. 2016

    I really liked Titanfall 2, Overwatch, DOOM, Hyper Light Drifter and Pokémon Sun/Moon. They're all awesome games, but I think it's telling that I'm still playing Titanfall 2 and Pokémon the most. Overwatch is great but I don't like the competitive mode. It's so good, but it's so infuriating. Then QP has a bunch of problems, like people not playing the actual game, and running off to fuck about. Overwatch IS the competitive mode for me, but I hate the stress of it. DOOM is great, but I just can't force myself to play through it again. It's a damn good shooter, I just prefer Titanfall.
  4. I genuinely think that this is the best pokémon game yet.
  5. Rocket League

    It was the constant whiffing. I couldn't hit the ball in the direction I wanted, I couldn't stop the ball and I couldn't get the ball in the air. Found it very inaccessible actually. It required devotion to be competent at.
  6. Other podcasts

    Just gave it a listen and that's really not my thing. Didn't even crack a smile.
  7. Other podcasts

    Any comedy podcast recommendations?
  8. Recently completed video games

    Transformers Devestation Bayonetta light, with the cartoon aesthetics of 80s transformers. Unfortunately I am slightly too young to ever have loved transformers, having been born in the late 80s. Still, I appreciated the look of the game. So bright and beautiful. Plays well too. I mean, it's basically just Bayonetta. So it's hard to go wrong! Edit: I have actually picked this up for the challenge modes after beating it once, and am even having a crack at the hardmode campaign. This is a REALLY good one of those Platinum Style games. There seems to be less juggling involved, but counters/vehicle attacks and guns make this a great version. Seriously, the guns, are amazing. You can absolutely destroy anyone with a dodge-reversal-vehicle attack-shoot combo. Really loving this game, didn't realise how much I wanted a Platinum style game recently.
  9. I Had a Random Thought (About Video Games)

    I've made a conscious effort not to buy a ton of games this year just to stick with the zeitgeist. It's nice to talk about stuff as everyone is playing the same thing, but man, it's a lot of money. I'm just sitting back and spending a ton of time with Overwatch, Hearthstone, TW3 (again), MGSV (again) and any freebies I get on PS+. It's pretty nice. I even started up my old sae game of Xenoblade Chronicles X I never finished and managed to get the Skell. Shame about the story in that's terrible.
  10. DOOM

    It's a good game. I finished it but had no desire to do a second play through though. Which kinda sucks. It's super enjoyable. Also the sound track is now available for purchase from itunes/googleplay and is also on Spotify.
  11. Personally I find Idle Weekend to complain-y. I don't like listening to how gamer culture sucks and how gamers are terrible people every single episode.
  12. Shaving My Thumbs

    I also shave in the shower, unless I'm in a rush. Always with shaving foam though. I shave against the grain on the moustache area, and with the grain everywhere else. Cheap as fuck bic razors last me months if I shave 3 times a week. I don't have much hair though...
  13. The Witcher 3: What Geralt Wants

    I restarted TW3. The beginning of this game is fucking amazing. It just drags on far too long. I'll have fun right up until the point it should end (then push myself through to get the damn trophy).
  14. Hyper Light Drifter

    I can't beat North boss on NG+. One mistake and I'm dead. Maybe I should leave it and come back once I have the shotgun. That thing does so much damage it makes short work of bosses.
  15. What is the Nadir of the Simpsons?

    I also like that episode. It's not among my favourites, but it delivers good, consistent laughs and explores one of my favourite side characters (Skinner).
  16. Quitter's Club: Don't be ashamed to quit the game.

    I think I'm done with No Man's Sky. It's just kinda boring. There's nothing to do and once you've seen 5 procedurally generated planets, you've seen them all. The exploration is pointless. You just find the same shit. Same buildings. Same everything.
  17. Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain

    I just 100%ed MGSV. It's not something I usually do, but it's such an incredible game, I wanted to do everything it offered me.
  18. The Witcher 3: What Geralt Wants

    Character creation? In TW3?
  19. Yup, I liked Dan on there. He fit in well. Dan's the most interesting when people are questioning him about his weirdness. I think the Bombcast crew got tired of that, and so he seemed to just drift into the background.
  20. ketchup on pizza

    That's clearly chips.
  21. I like them for killing Tracers and Genjis. Once I've got a few hits on them, I just need to aim at the ground and it'll finish them off
  22. Soldier 76 is my jam. On offence he can take out turrets or bastions before they know what hits them (that rocket helps) from afar. Also he can make widowmakers and other snipers panic and relocate when you land a rocket or a few headshots in succession. On defence he can hold a position by himself thanks to the self heal and the rockets help burst down healers that others seem to ignore! I'm trying to get to grips with Tracer. Half the matches I feel like I dominate, constantly killing with hit and run tactics. The other half I spend dead or hiding because I'm about to die. Can't seem to play consistently, and certain match ups really fuck her because she's so fragile. She also seems to depend heavily on the med packs lying around.
  23. The rockets? They're a staple for securing kills for me.
  24. ketchup on pizza

    I don't really like sausages, so there's not much that can make them look appetising to me.
  25. Drink and Game pairings

    Rocket League and the cheapest beer you can find.