Trip Hazard

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Everything posted by Trip Hazard

  1. I Had a Random Thought (About Video Games)

    Man, I love Mass Effect 2. Is it time to replay the whole game again? Think it might be!
  2. I Had a Random Thought (About Video Games)

    Half Life has good pacing IN THE MAIN. There are some bits which are tedious as all hell, mind you. Same goes for the sequel, IMO. Arkham Asylum has excellent pacing, I feel. The player doesn't feel overloaded or without any clue what to do next, and because it's a tighter, more linear experience than City or Knight (or that other one which I never played) the opportunities for the player to get massively sidetracked are reduced. Also, they didn't go completely overboard with riddler trophies: they were just a lovely incentive to explore, to make use of your tools to get around and into new places. Great stuff. Dragon Age doesn't have good pacing, I don't think. After that first little village, it's like "here are three things we have to do before more events will happen". Makes it feel like nothing is happening in the world, it's all dictated by the player to do these tasks and unlock the next cutscene. The world is in complete turmoil but you don't ever really get the sense that it's all in danger from War and Hellspawn. Will likely think of more at some point
  3. Guild Wars 2

    I played this ages ago, but didn't get that far. Is everyone now sporting max level demigods clad in gleaming armour, or can I join in as a level ~25 scrub?
  4. Armikrog: Earthworm Neverhood 2?

    Armikrog is out now, as we're all surely aware, and apparently it is dogshit?
  5. Something to do with a japanese brainteaser?
  6. I'm tearing the DLC a new one. The Sunken King was great, loved the visual design of that place; it seems so otherworldly and mysterious. I did get lost sometimes, but not for very long. I think From phoned it in a bit with the trio boss, and the dragon was just a bloody nuisance to fight, no fun for my build. I'm now almost done with the Iron King dlc, and again I've really enjoyed hunting out the Nadalia totems. Feel like From did a great job of clueing the player in to destroying the totems before engaging any surrouding enemies. Firstly, the enemies are ash covered, secondly the totems are whispering at you, and thirly they're usually inflicting bleed or curse just by their presence. Good bosses here too, but I might be a bit overpowered at this point because the *ahem* knight only took me two tries. Hoping for more from Sir *ahemahem* Edit: Five tries, but it was a close one. He could kill me in two hits
  7. Recently completed video games

    will do, thanks! Edit: Ooh, that was really good. I damn near bust out crying at the end of that demo
  8. Games giveaway

    Gosh, the Gamemaker bundle seems like really good value for money. That said, I know I won't have time to play everything in it, so I've got keys for the following: Another Perspective Spoiler Alert Detective Case and Clown Bot First come, first served but if you've literally just joined the forum then I won't send them to you, sorry
  9. Quitter's Club: Don't be ashamed to quit the game.

    The characterisation in ME2 was, I thought, worlds ahead of that from ME, with the exception of Wrex who will forever be my favourite. I loved Mordin, thought Jack's character (while seeming a bit one dimensional initially) developed very well, liked getting to visit the Quarian flotilla and the...unpleasantness that ensues. The twist with Archangel...that was SO COOL. Aria T'Loak is badass. In ME, you've got Garrus and Wrex, who are very good. Liara, who is flat. Kaidan, who is literally not anything at all. The space racist woman. Tali is mysterious, but all you learn about her comes though static conversation, which isn't as much fun as ME2's personal missions. Totally get what Griddle is saying about the reapers being this enormously menacing entity from beyond the stars. It's great how you have to fight to get people to accept that they exist and pose a real threat. They played their hand too soon in ME2 with the collectors, I thought, and they're just not that interesting.
  10. Quitter's Club: Don't be ashamed to quit the game.

    Hah, I loved my renegade Femshep in Mass Effect. She would brook no argument, leave no compliment unchallenged, and always always found a way to chastise. It's a shame that it isn't running well for you, Henroid, and I agree that it is a poor port. I have more issues with it than most people (not on the technical side), but it's a great game that deserves to be played through to completion.
  11. One Evening Games!

    Not much new to add, and probably these have been mentioned Gone Home L'Abbaye Des Morts (freeware) Deadlight (tho I personally thought it was mediocre) World of Goo Grow Home, already been recd but it's so good Knytt Stories (freeware) Risk of Rain Super House of Dead Ninjas VVVVVV
  12. I Had a Random Thought (About Video Games)

    I played through it on the Wii and loved every minute of it, actually found it became pretty easy because the controls were so damn good
  13. Pokemon GO

    Just cringed myself half to death watching that trailer
  14. Discworld

    Didn't know this was typical for them. Still, this is the first one I've seen in which the author openly states that he has no direct knowledge of the subject before expounding at length.
  15. Yeah, tough boss! Feels like a pretty high stakes fight 'cos you have to use an effigy every time you want another pop at it, although by that point in the game the average player will usually have quite a few to use up. Good luck. It is weak to an element, which you may have discovered already.
  16. Quitter's Club: Don't be ashamed to quit the game.

    Have quit Bastion for the second time. So boring! zzzzzzzz
  17. Discworld

    I'm surprised and disappointed that the Guardian would resort to this obvious trolling nonsense just for a few stray clicks on a wet bank holiday
  18. Other podcasts

    I just finished listening to Watch Out For Fireballs! which I saw mentioned in a thread on Neogaf. Each episode focuses on a single game, and they seem to vary in length from around 1h30m to about 3h in length. The one I heard was about Zombies on the SNES, a game I loved as a kid, but which I never would have seen the end of if the level select codes weren't already written in the manual (it was pre-owned). The two hosts talked about it with a great deal of enthusiasm and it was plain to me that they both enjoyed it a lot, but they weren't gushing and focused more-or-less equally on positives and negatives. I don't think they failed to touch on any single aspect of the game, which is great 'cos often with podcasts something will be missed out or skipped over, either because it's considered less important or there are too many hosts jostling for attention. Looking forward to listening to more of this.
  19. Rocket League

    Would I need your psn if this game has crossplay? genuinely don't know how that works. And I'd like to play, with anyone from this forum, but you're quite right that the timezone difference will likely be a problem
  20. The Big FPS Playthrough MISSION COMPLETE

    Doom 2 is a blast (quite literally when the super shotgun is involved) but when the levels start getting really big and labyrinthine, I always get bored. Sometimes you'll whack a switch (which doesn't remotely resemble a switch) on this side of the level, and then have to backtrack to that side of the level to a door which you didn't know was even a door which is now open! My mind can't cope with that.
  21. Rocket League

    Just bought this, if anybody would like to show me the ropes, or just pulverise me whilst laughing like a maniac. Very happy it has crossplay - a major factor in my deciding to get in reasonably early. Edit: Well this is just insanely good fun
  22. The Witcher 3: What Geralt Wants

    Oh god, that sounds like a nightmare. Maybe I'd better hold off until I can buy a new graphics card
  23. The Witcher 3: What Geralt Wants

    Anybody here got a dusty old PC like me and running this on a Radeon 6950?
  24. Favorite Level in a video game

    I have fond memories of that soup submarine in Mystical Ninja on the N64. I can't remember what it was like to actually play (maybe it was a royal pain in the arse) but it was weird, and came out of left-field and represented what I really love about that game
  25. Dark Souls(Demon's Souls successor)

    Looks like the twitch stream went backwards. They're now at character creation again? *Shrug*