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Posts posted by YoThatLimp

  1. So I picked up the 35mm 1.8 and...I am returning it Friday. I have this weird back focus issue with it on my D5300, I have contacted Nikon but they have kind of put me through the ringer of tests and alternatives, it seems there are a few reports of users with issues with the 35mm so at least I am not crazy. I am going to pick up the 50 1.8 as a cheap portrait lens and keep my 18-140mm as my walkabout. 


    When using the 35mm in live view the lens was so damn sharp, amazingly sharp on that D5300, I wish lens adjustments were available through the camera body, the lens was focusing 2 or 3 inches farther than intended ruining a bunch of shots when opened up wide. 


    Ah well! It's a bummer that has been kind of hampering my photography mood lately. Nikon support has been pretty awesome to deal with though. 

  2. Seems like they're mainly trying to deflect attention from the shooting. I'm sure the media will take the bait and quickly become distracted. Theft isn't a capital offense and police aren't judge, jury, and executioner. None of that is up for debate, but I'm sure media "experts" will waste everyone's time with that "debate" nonetheless.


    Yeah it sounds like they are tying to re-paint Mike Brown as a thug, it feels weird that the chief would mention they found the stolen goods on him. I don't understand why you wouldn't just say 'we approached the suspect after the robbery, a struggle happened, etc). Why keep clinging on to the 'the officer did not know he was a suspect' thing? Do they think that makes it better if he has slightly less motive? They are definitely muddying the waters with this release and without any solid proof on either side I think the cop walks with a slap on the wrist and Mike Brown gets the Trayvon martin treatment. 

  3. I've put about five hours into the game and while it's obviously very well made, it has yet to captivate me. This might be because I played all the Bioware and Black Isle games back in the day, but I just don't see what makes it so special.

    I would say keep with it, the battle system is pretty interesting with all of the elemental combos and environmental effects. 

  4. Here is a misery statistic. SWAT teams are now used 137 a times a day, most often executing search warrants for drugs. So these aren't known criminals/hostage situations/active shooters, these are legally innocent people SUSPECTED of a nonviolent crime. SWAT door busts are used in 70% of warrant executions against non-whites and in 38% of white cases, despite drug usage being mostly equal across races. 


    This tragedy just happened a few months ago.



    Both of my grandfathers were Chicago cops for 25+ years, both retiring in the mid 90's. My grand father cited a very big change in protocol then, the hiring of bullies not peace keepers.

  5. I've been working on making good homemade Pizza for the past year or so and am still trying to figure out what is the best way to make dough. I've found 1 or 2 ways that I like but I was wondering what are y'alls personal preference?

    I personally tend to just use this recipe, turns out really well!


    Making pizza is sort of scary, that over is so damn hot, hah. I need to practice transferring the pizza to the hot stone, I always seem to botch it. 

  6. I will add you, though I still haven't found the nerve to play with real people yet. I think I will do every possible training thing until even thinking of giving it a shot.


    I know it is intimidating but stepping up into player versus player really hones the little skill you have quickly. You are going to lose. a lot. but you will continually improve! 


    I played a single match today and it was amazing, I fed the Lion 3 deaths in quick succession and thought I had screwed myself, we were pushed back to our base and slowly but surely we came back to win the game in just under an hour. I wasn't a major player , but I assisted during team fights by stunning the enemy team with tide hunters ult , pushed in all of the right places and helped heal everyone up with mekansm. 


    Felt good. 

  7. As a new player I've found the DOTA 2 community to be way better than I anticipated. Like, usually when I mute someone it's just because they are kind of annoying, or their mic is too loud or something, and not because they are behaving like some terrible human being.



    Yeah the dota community is actually super great at low-mid tiers.  The people at the upper tier tend to be from a more rancid time, but even most of them are cheering up.  I still think it suffers from skewing to a younger less mature crowd than other competitive multiplayer PC games, but I was expecting much worse.



    IMO, Dota2's gotten significantly friendlier in the last year or so. I'm convinced that the introduction of ranked mode self-segregated a bunch of the hotheads and has resulted in a much more relaxed pub atmosphere. It's still an intimate game where your teammates can cause frustration, but at least I'm not running out of reports every week.


    So this has been my observation, I am 25 matches in. I started playing last year,I got 10 matches in and dropped it due to the abuse. It felt like a shitty self-fulfilling prophecy where I would suck, try to learn in low tier games and instead of helping me my team mates would scream at me. it just sucked, and I had no fun at all.


    I started playing again last week because of Brad from GB and Sean and I'm totally having an awesome time. Every time I join a pub game I seem to be meeting a good friendly duder or two to group up with and have only come across a handful of dicks in the last 15 games. A Russian boy called me an 'American Faggot' and a guy was verbally abusing a dude I had grouped up with because he died a few times in a row, and everyone told him to calm down.


    is it normal for people to report someone for feeding? If they aren't intentionally doing it, but doing it because a lack of skill or some bad play, I don't find that to be a reportable offense. 


    Also fellow new players, add me lets play some Lords Management, my steam name is the same as my username. 

  8. My loremaster is also a weak-backed archer and crafter which means that I have to use her to collect all the items, identify the armors and weapons and so on and then send them to appropriate character only to realize that they already have better gear. Jahan is the blacksmith so I send all the stuff that needs repairing to him. An so on..


    Selling stuff is pretty painful as well with separate money stacks and inventories. I haven't even bothered checking whether one of my characters has significantly higher bartering skill (let alone whether I can temporarily boost it somehow).


    Also, what the hell? Loremaster can inspect enemies when pressing 'ctrl'? Agggh..


    Yeah, one huge shared group inventory would be so nice, when repairing or identifying using the person who has the highest skill in that trade would make sense. 


    I totally fell off this game, I haven't been playing too many games in general because of finals and work stuff, trying to get back to it this week. I avoided the boss in the church and am pursuing the white witch.


    I made an hour long descent into a lair, beat a bunch of enemies etc, made sure to save and quit the game and when I came back to it, the game had not actually saved my progress. I am not totally sure what happened, but having to re-do that last hour is bumming me out.


    Setting save to a mouse button sounds pretty smart!

  9. You've inspired me to give this a shot. Just put it in the oven a few minutes ago. Will report back before I go to bed.



    e: The meat got to 135 in less than three hours (currently at ~160 six hours in). I was baffled how it could take 8+ hours for a piece of barbecue to reach temperature when it went so quickly at first. This afternoon, I have learned a lot of cool shit about how cooking barbecue works.




    Awesome dude! How did you season it? yeah initially you think "well, I've fucked up something here" haha, those last few degrees takes forever! How are you serving it? 

    Post pics when your done!

  10. Dibs, that looks awesome!


    So the one thing my wife really misses from New Zealand that she can't get in the states is a decent meat pie, we just do not consume them. I have finally made a mince and cheese she was really happy with, with a little Watties Tomato sauce it felt like home!



  11. Has anyone here moved from Europe (or the UK specifically) to the US for a job? I'm coming to the end of my contract here and I'm intrigued by someone at the University of California Irvine who might have a position (if I get my research published soon). 

    Is it a massive pain in the ass? Are you at a big disadvantage not being a citizen while living/working in the US?


    My wife is from New Zealand, if you are properly documented you should be fine

  12. Sorry to intrude, but if there are any new players lurking in here, hit me up. I am moving my shift to a more shift (from 3rd shift) so I'll finally be able to play with people, hah!