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Posts posted by YoThatLimp

  1. While Trump's protest was cancelled due to counter protests thousands of people attended a Bernie Rally at a local school, it was a pretty good atmosphere and I took a few pictures. He had the guy who ran against Rahm Emanuel for Mayor of Chicago (and lost) come out and introduce him, which is kind of awesome.


    The line to get in was 3/4 of a mile long to get in, it was crazy. 







  2. This is the most nit-picky thing to nitpick if you're trying to be critical of Sanders or fair to other campaigners.


    While I agree that is a little nitpicky i can see the point, lobbyist should be on the list with superpacs as entities that shouldn't be allowed to donate to a presidential campaign.

  3. I messed around with Tabletop Simulator a bit more over the weekend, and I agree with the assessment in that article. It's great for letting you move pieces around in a virtual space, but any information management is extremely clunky. You want a character sheet? Load an image of it into the game to get a weird textured slab that you might be able to draw on with the pen tool, but not very well. Alternatively, put it on the web somewhere and view it on an in-game tablet's browser. Something like Fantasy Grounds is much more suited to pen-and-paper games.


    Yeah, it seems like that is how most people feel. Fantasy grounds is just crazy expensive though, especially considering roll20 is free!

  4. It's probably worth actually pulling that number out, it's not just small, it's extra tiny in comparison to his total fundraising:



    That's what, about 3/100 of a percent of his total fundraising?  Yes, it is an oddity worth questioning about, but it's also coming from sources like the ACLU, pro-weed groups and unions, none of which individually are people Sanders would mind being associated with.  They aren't exactly what people picture when they think lobbyist. 



  5. Ok, so I don't have to worry about the counter too much yet. Thanks!


    Holy shit, my latest mission was rough. I thought I had everything figured out with my badass squad, when I got a new retaliation mission. I made one move with my soldier and immediately triggered two groups of enemies. This was the first time encountered both berserkers and improved versions of advent soldiers. I managed to kill them in a couple of turns with pretty much everyone in my squad taking some damage. I immediately triggered another squad of enemies, this time one berserker and two mutons. I moved my best, most damaged soldier to safety and triggered a faceless one. At the end, all of my team survived, although 5 out 6 got wounded.


    I guess this means that I should be upgrading my weaponry, so that it won't take ages to kill advent troops from now on. I thought I would absolutely hate sectoids and vipers because of their mindcontrol and tongue pull abilities, but in many cases they actually turn combat situations into interesting puzzles ("Ok, so I need to hit the viper to release my soldier, who can then run to the sectoid and try to kill it to release the other soldier from mind control"). Advent soldiers are just boring, with the exception of Advent stun lancers who are fucking annoying.


    Edit: I did not understand how Skullmining worked and therefore did not even research it yet. Maybe I should. Probably should use Proving Grounds a lot more in general. How does the Proving Grounds armor work? Are there any penalties in using E.X.O. suit (or whatever it is called)?


    The EXO suit has a sweet heavy weapon, additional HP but lacks and extra grenade slot it seems!

  6. Phew, that makes me feel better. I feel like I've had a handle on the actual fighting portion, but still having trouble with the metagame.


    I'm just getting into bigger/crazier enemies, I feel like I've botched the weapon upgrades because after the first level of tech upgrades I feel like I haven't hit any newer upgrades in a very long time even through I've researched all that I can for the most part. I have yet to Skulljack a dude, I still need to do that.

  7. Bernie is less than 200 delegate down if you don't factor in Superdelegates with 3k left to go. It's a little early to call it.


    I agree with you guys that our election process and messed up, it's hard to change a broken system when you must rely on it to try to enact change, it's a hard thing to try to fix. 





    The weird thing about Trump is that Austria, too, recently saw a clownish, old, rich guy with silly opinions try to enter the politics, and it was a total failure. Maybe that speaks to a different political climate, maybe we got lucky that he wasn't as charismatic as Trump, or maybe local xenophobes are just satisfied sticking with the nationalist parties that have consistently been making gains here.


    I think the thing with Trump is that he has spent the last 20 years selling his brand to the American people, he has has a crazy excited base who are extremely anti-establishment. I honestly think they are a tiny minority of voters but are just great with voter turnout. It's embarrassing how few people vote in this country. 

  8. I totally love Travis on MBMBaM, but I am not sure his humor works to drive something whole cloth like Justin and Griffin's humor does. He makes an amazing 3rd chair on MBMBam but I've kind of bounced off everything he's put out with exception of an older podcast he did with 2 co-workers when he was still in Kansas ( I think?).

  9. Not necessarily. I've heard it justified as not wanting to vote establishment, which is valid in its own right if misguided in supporting Trump.


    I could totally see that, there is obviously a genuine need for a 3rd (and 4th party) but voting in Trump to make a point could be pretty disastrous for the long term.

  10. Yeah I've heard similar things from some Republicans (including overhearing a phonecall a coworker was making - said he'd prefer Cruz, which is... well, they're the same person, Trump's just honest about it). Some of them hate Trump.


    But I've also heard people say they'll vote for Trump if Bernie doesn't get the nom. I think it's a vocal minority saying that, but it's scary nonetheless.


    I fucking hate Hillary, but I have no choice but to vote for her if Trump is in the running. ):


    That's absolutely nuts, like "want to watch the world" crazy.

  11. Fuck, I'm about to get a ranger killed by saying this.





    I have never missed a sword swing. 



    Also, it I don't know what the proc chance is, but the stun ability of the second sword has a very high rate, to the point that if an enemy survives being hit, I've never not seen it stunned.  This includes a Codex, and stunning a Codex prevents her from cloning herself. 

    I just upgraded my sword so I am pretty pumped to hear that, I think i will finally skulljack if that is the case.


    I like the Ranger's Run and Gun ability, it still is pretty damn useful for the tightly timed missions.

  12. I don't think very highly of the Republican Party or its elected officials, but it was a new level of disappointment for me when all the candidates said they would vote for the republican nominee even if it was Trump. That provides me with an additional clue about how their priorities are completely driven by power and loyalty to their party's name.


    This is the problem with the 2 party system, if you don't vote with one of the parties it is like you aren't voting at all.


    I am a Bernie Sander's fan, and if he doesn't win the nomination I will begrudgingly vote for HRC because at the end of the day I would rather  have someone who represents 50% of my interest than 0%.


    I have anecdotally heard several republicans I know who are abstaining from voting if Trump wins, so it could mean lower voter turnout for republicans this year even with Trumps rabid base.