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Posts posted by YoThatLimp

  1. So I'm having a ton of fun with this game, I really dig the way it feels and the map design! Haven't cracked into the single player yet, but excited to check it out.


    I got my first battlepack drop after 4-5 hours and got a camo skin, which is weird. I love that they brought back the in game 'revive' icons, I love me some Medic. 

  2. 18 minutes ago, Badfinger said:


    I hope Nintendo is super successful with this new thing, and sounds like a lot of people want exactly what they're selling. I don't, and that's somewhat disappointing. Like I said though, it's not a shock or a surprise (although admittedly there's skepticism), it's more that it's confirmation.


    Yeah, I mean I totally get the skepticism, their 3rd party track record has been hot garbage for years! I just want to throw it out there that I have literally 0 skin in the game outside of liking the premise of the console itself, I think the only Nintendo game I've ever actually finished was some of the SNES era Mario games and Duke Nukem for the n64. I bought a Wii that one time, and bought a 3DS at one point then sold it because I wasn't super interested in actually playing it. 



    13 minutes ago, Twig said:



















    Oh god, I don't know if I like this or hate this. Think of how you are going to have to store like 10 disparate Switch controller halves hah.



  3. 30 minutes ago, SuperBiasedMan said:

    I think the reason Skyrim is like "real" 3rd party support is maybe a bit of optimism, but also the fact that it's a very gamey ass game. It's a big popular AAA game that doesn't seem like it would run well on a poor specced system.

    I don't think that's particularly accurate tbh. But 3rd party support for the Switch would be a boost more than anything else. Letting me play games mobile-y would be nice but I'm fine with using my PC otherwise.


    I also think the pretty standarized control layout (2 sticks and some buttons, and a kind of d-pad) probably helps, but it sounds like the architecture is not going to do any favors in porting anything over. 



    8 minutes ago, SuperBiasedMan said:

    To be clear, I don't think it's a good reason to be optimistic about Skyrim's inclusion. I just think that's why people are responding in that way.


    SBM you didn't get the memo, we should be 100% pessimistic about everything all of the time. I thought it was interesting to even feature 3rd party games in their initial annoucnement video, I would assumed they would have just shown 1st party nintendo and a handful of indies and been done with it. 


  4. 11 minutes ago, clyde said:

    Everyone else's icon shows up by default if you have a revive-kit in your loadout. It's a big skull that looks cool as fuck imo. There is additionally a way to call out for a revive which seems to put an exclamation point up on the hud, but I'm not sure how to make the call-out when you are dead.


    Dang-it Clyde, I'm jonesing for some Battlefield now and won't be home for another 7 hours, boo.

  5. 34 minutes ago, clyde said:

    From what I've played Operations, it feels like a long game of Rush with capture points instead of things you arm and disarm. In addition to that, there are the over-powered vehicles that seem to always help the attackers. I like it because it focuses on a few points of the maps and I prefer flag-filling over arming and disarming. The multiple-level aspect doesn't add much for me accept longer matches which is fine.



    Interesting, looking forward to trying some out tonight.


    I didn't hop into to the EA Access early trial did they change anything about the revive icon for medics? I remember it being a little hard to see from just the mini-map, did they add any aditional on-screen indicator since the beta?

  6. 11 hours ago, clyde said:

    So I've earned two medals now. I'm not sure if they give you the xp-boost immediately upon finishing them or when the deadline is up.

    I don't know if these were in previous versions of BF, but I'm glad I've discovered them. It seems like you can switch between any medal available to you, so if I want to play as a medic for a while I can pick a medic-centric medal to work on. The reason I think it's cool is that I typically pick my class based on whatever killed me last round. But this slows the pace of those changes a bit. I feel like I'm just chilling with the game and working on my dailies. It can get kinda absurd though. I just spent my second to last match following around my squadies, throwing ammo at them every time they paused at a crossroad (I needed to resupply my squad 20 times for the medal). It can incentive orthogonal play, but in actuality I found myself attaching to my  squad more broadly (which I don't typically do). I think it is a neat direction for variated, personal play.

    I like these maps a lot btw. Some of them could just exist as high-fidelity simulated dioramas and I would be impressed.


    That sounds like a neat system! I've been pretty set on not following anything about the game leading up to it, so excited to hop in and discover the surrounding mechanics of those kinds of systems.


    Excited to hear that about the maps, have you done any of the new modes? The operations mode sounds really cool in theory, kind of similar to Red Orchrestra 2's 'campaign' mode. Looking forward to cracing this open tonight.

  7. So I mailed my mail-in vote ballot yesterday here in Illinois, man what a good way to do things. I was able to leisurely do research on each of the races and make actual informed decisions on most things.

  8. 5 hours ago, marginalgloss said:


    I'm worried about a few things. I'm worried about third-party support, still. I'm worried about what'll happen with the virtual console, again. I'm worried about having to re-buy Mario Kart 8 and Splatoon (though not that worried - I would guess those are expanded or new versions of those games?). I'm worried about this thing keeping up with Sony and Microsoft in the hardware arms race. I'm worried this will effectively signal the death of games which are designed around a great handheld experience, like some of the best GBA, DS and 3DS titles. But for the most part I'm excited and optimistic about this thing. 


    Yeah, I wonder a lot about their account management and online stuff.


    21 hours ago, Dewar said:

    Battery life, standby options, and screen quality are going to make or break this system for me. We'll see I guess.


    Yeah, battery life is going to be a real make-or-break kind of thing; I am not sure if i could justify the purchase if I couldn't throw it in my bag and play it on my daily commute!


    20 hours ago, prettyunsmart said:

    I don't know what to make of this. The whole pitch seems to be "take your games everywhere," but I rarely play games (aside from mobile time-waster things) outside of my house. I get the sense that this is the case for a bunch of people. I generally pick up Nintendo consoles since they offer things you can't get on PC or other consoles, but I don't know if I'm onboard. 


    So I really liked the idea of just being able to play a game on the Wii-U tablet and not have to use the TV. I actually bought an nvidia Shield tablet to stream my PC to so I wasn't stuck sitting at my PC in the office while my wife's in the living room. Having this functionality built in sounds perfect for that. 

  9. 14 hours ago, sucks2Bme said:


    I have always been taught and read that it is intentionally vague because the Constitution was meant to be a living document hat could be changed with time as society and the people under it changed. The founders were smart and if anything got overestimated, it was the people of the future. The Constitution was also written at a time when the US was supposed to be weaker federally and executive-ally (?) and the states were supposed to have more - at least as I understand it but its been a while - which changed after the Civil War. 


    Yeah, that's how I always looked at it, they built in the mechanics to change it becaus ethey knew society/the country would change with time. Hard enough where we couldn't do it willy nilly but we would have the ability to do that.


    So how about that debate? That looked pretty rough for Trump. Also did anyone notice the jacked up white balance on Clinton's camera? Very odd. 

  10. 3 hours ago, clyde said:

    I figure I'll write up my initial impressions while I wait to go home so I can play my remainng 7 hours of the trial.

    I don't know why this game feels fresh to me, but it does. It's got the same pacing as other Battlefield games in that you can spawn near to or far from the fighting, and the playable areas are wide and varied. I tried the new mode where it's a combination between Rush and Conquest. It was pretty neat. Having only two Conquest-objectives does a good job of forming a front-line. The attackers got an airship in order to retry when they failed to push the line all the way across the map. Not knowing how to fight back against that thing is frustrating, but also kinda interesting. I assume it won't be a problem when everyone knows how to deal with in, but in the meantime, it's kinda novel to have to run between cover (that is above you) as you try and defend objectives. I also discovered that I could snipe dudes who are manning the blimp-guns and that was unsurprisingly satisfying. 

    I played four maps and they felt vastly different from one another. The smoke and fog effects are both very pretty and mechanically significant. There were multiple occasions where I became disoriented while shooting through a cloud at an enemy 100 feet away and losing visibility of them (where the cloud was seemingly created by large munitions). I love that type of thing. 

    I'm completely unfamiliar with the maps, so I'm sure I'll develop paths that make them seem smaller eventually, but right now they feel like rich, dynamic spaces. 

    There are UI annoyances though such as not being able to customize your loadouts unless you are currently in an ongoing match; I have no menu option to quit the game directly after a match; the new mode's (not the pigeon one) start-menu seems intially confusing and also seems to kick everyone from the game at the end of it.

    I'm really enjoying it.

    I might have to join you in Battlefield shenanigans...


    Welp, GMG has it for $45 so I'm in. 

  11. Sounds like the interface circuitry either on the USB interface or the drive itself could be bad. Most disk checks are still going to pass that, right up until the interface fails. If you can pop it open, you might be able to hook the drive directly to a PC and get stuff off that way.


    Yeah I would grab that data and get a new drive, it sounds like something is failing.

  12. I can't believe Hillary was hoarding her phoenix downs all along, ugh.


    Well after the pneumonia scare, I can understand why her staff would want to hoard them.



    I kid, I'm sorry.


    I hope the debates go well and she takes Trump to task, this election seems way too close currently. 

  13. I'm glad I keep a beard, I just buy a cheapo $20 beard trimmer every 5 or so year and trim my beard back down every 2 months or so or it starts looking a bit weird. I don't have the patience to get it passed the 2/3 month hump. 

  14. Gosh I forgot how good this game is as a time-killer when I am feeling a bit slow in the motivation department. I could never get into Diablo-style RPGs because of the interface, so I skipped that style of Lords Management. If you are in that position, I recommend playing some team-matches against A.I. It's just kinda satisfying to play with all the heroes, farm bots, and earn cards.

    The new characters are super interesting. Greystone is awesome for beginners since his ultimate is a passive resurrect. Fey is fun because her powers stack really well and can stop a gank from happening. Lt.Belica has got some neat ways to discourage use of enemy abilities in an area. Super fun.


    Yeha, I'm having a pretty good time doing AI matches to learn the characters, still haen't really found my "one" yet!