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Posts posted by YoThatLimp

  1. Help I'm addicted to Rocket League.


    SO damn good. I put in 10 hours this weekend, and I rarely if ever do that with a game. I think the quick matches and how easy it is to get into the next match make this the perfect time burner. I find myself going "Well, I'll have a quick match" and 6 or 7 matches later I'll remember I am actually in the middle of something. 

  2. I'm listening to the latest Danswers, and am pleased to hear Danny and Paul offer a pretty earnest challenge to Dan's "always be doing a job you like" magical thinking for a moment. To be fair to Dan, he was presenting a slightly more measured version of it (i.e. it can't always be a dream job, and that he's very fortunate to be where he is), but he still seems to have trouble accepting that the playing field is hugely uneven. There is something to be said for relentless optimism, particularly when it comes to privileged but defeatist people such as myself, but phrasing it the way Dan does, and coming from the place Dan does, is very dismissive of some very real and very profound differences in people's situations. Not to mention the whole thing that the distribution of work to be done has no reason to correspond at all to the distribution of work people want to do. Toilets need to be cleaned, etc.

    Anyway, while I do like Dan, it's good to hear him not constantly getting away with his bullshit entirely unchallenged.

    Also, Austin seems like a pretty great addition. I also briefly had difficulty distinguishing him from Jeff Bakalar, but in the end I decided he (Austin) is the one with the slightly higher voice.


    The way I interpreted Dan's answers from the last Danswers is he is aware of how challenging it is, but in the face of challenge he would prefer to be hopelessly optimistic and put all of his eggs into a basket.


    Thankful that seems to have worked for him, because man not sure what else he could do. 

  3. While th monsters are great, I'm not so keen on having high level versions look identical to lower level versions. I've cone across level twenty something ghouls that I rocked up on and got one-shotted.

    Also, I had my first go with Ciri last night

    She is much more mobile than Geralt, but lacking many of his tricks. I don't know if it's just because it's early on, but all I could do was thwack with my one sword, and teleport-dodge. Maybe more powers will be unlocked later.


    She isn't a fully trained witcher so it makes sense, the mobility comes from some sort of inner-power, should be interesting to see more of her.


    Currently with a certain bloody baron, and getting wrecked in the botchling fight/transport, might have to kick it down a step difficulty wise. 

  4. I have dropped about 3-4 hours on Witcher 3, and after having loved Witcher 2 I am very cool on this one.


    The open world seems to have led to a dilution of the strong story telling from 2, maybe I need to play more of it so that it becomes a little more thematically clear but it just seems to lack the rich side missions of the previous game and resorted to a Red Dead Redemption/Skyrim formula (AKA: boring as watching paint dry) that just means that I am not invested in it.


    I feel like it has as strong of story telling, you just have to travel a little bit during the story and if you don't like the open world nature, this might not be for you.



    On another note:


    Killing from horse back feels so good, hah.

  5. Really? I'm on a 970 too and have things spread between medium and high, and I'm still getting these fairly regular drops of 5-10FPS for a second or so when moving around in the world. I'm not sure whether it's a streaming issue or what. The actual stable framerate is good, but then like I said I get these brief sudden drops for no reason.


    Yeah i did turn off the hair non-sense though!

  6. I started this on the PS4 and the UI text is uncomfortably small (and this on the "Large" setting). My TV isn't huge, but it's not tiny, either, and I'm not sitting that far from it (and my glasses prescription is up to date). I get that QA dungeons consist of a bunch of people sitting at desks with their faces in their displays, but geez, c'mon.


    I mean, CD Projekt is obviously a PC-centric developer, so I can cut them some slack, but this isn't their first rodeo.


    Glad I am not the only one, was trying to play on my 42" in my living room on my PC. I know my left eye is a little blurry but everything seems way too small to read, I wish you were able to scale the UI up manually. 

  7. I've never used a slow cooker before. Are they heated up by gas, or do you just plug them in to the wall and run off electricity? 


    I want to do slow cooking stuff, but I hate the idea of putting something in my oven for 8 hours (it's gas and I'm paranoid about burning the house down). Also doesn't it end up costing a shit load of money if you've just got something running for 8 hours straight?


    I basically just want to make pulled pork, because I love pulled pork.


    Maybe a 1$ or two, I've cooked several and really never noticed a huge uptick in my gas bill, but yeah leaving the oven on for 10 hours feels weird, hah.

  8.  Oh man, totally loving it so far. I have had one crash going from cut scene to regular world. I'm playing everything on high on a GTX 970 and the frame rate is amazing and looks great. 

    I forget how much I loved learning about enemies, creating and applying oils and kicking ass. I love how fleshed out the side stuff is in Witcher games, everything feels "major".

    Just finished up the Griffin quest, looking forward to being let loose in the wider open world. 

  9. The terrible UI isn't incredible in and of itself, but it's the fact that they've made it so you can replace your guy with a chicken and everything works, and if you rev your engine at a red light some aggressive AIs will race you, and if you wear shades in first person there's a tint to the screen, but inviting a friend to a race is 20 minutes of fucking torture.


    This is a perfect way to describe it.