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Posts posted by Apelsin
SpoilerThe Signal from Tölva! Great game!
SpoilerBattleblock Theatre?
SpoilerShadow Warrior 2?
28 looks like
SpoilerSpirits of Xanadu
Oh, that water is some real fine water.
It looks like we've got the 8-year old El Dorado at my local state liquour store, so I might just try it out.
I'll follow jennegatron's advice first though. I've purchased enough bottles I ended up not liking
Thanks for the advice!
If one has never tried rum before, what should one get? Something to mix?
Putting something like this together in such a short time is very impressive! Very well done!
Like has been pointed out earlier in this thread, this could very well be the prettiest Game Jam title I've seen yet!
Having recently played through Shadow of the Colussus, I must say the world's aesthetic in TWBWY gave me a similar feel.
There are a few of things I'd like to critique though, mostly with how the environment art guides the player through the space in one section. Hiding in a spoiler so I don't eat up all the space.
SpoilerIn this section of the game, the grass and the wall of off-kilter rocks creates paths that direct the player toward this platform at the very bottom of the screen. The shape of that platform makes it look like a safe gameplay space, perfectly guiding the player up onto it.
After getting onto the platform itself however, I was initially confused as to where I was supposed to go. I had stop to figure out where the playable space was. Although the rock wall that helped guide us onto this platform (above the red arrow) looks more safe from this direction, the height of the first rock both looks too high to scale and obscures the other rocks you need to reach behind it.
Another problem is the use of grass on the platforms circled in blue. As in the previous picture, the grass is easily read as a boundary, especially with the "clean" surfaces of the rock wall right next to it. Covered up, the surface is also less readable as a solid and safe spot to jump to.
So while the first tall rock (next to the character) does obscure the path, the grass on both sides of it and that it's lit almost all the way (unlike the first grassy platform which is covered in shadow) guide me up along the red arrow, across those platforms in the back.
As the camera does not follow, it does become apparent that this is not the correct path, and in the end it I wasn't stuck for long. But here's what I'd done to help the player find their way a little easier in this section:
- Move the tall rock so it does not obscure the path behind it.
- Remove the grass on the platforms so their surfaces become and visible and look safe to jump to.
- Make it more apparent that the row of platforms at the back are not a viable path, for example by removing the two pillars covered in blue so that the distance to the next one is clearly unreachable
Like I said in the beginning though, what you've done is truly impressive and I really look forward to seeing what you do next!
If I jump onto the post card train now will I be hopelessly lost?
I keep meaning to post in here, but much like these shows it keeps slipping from my mind.
I actually skipped the entirety of Arrow season 1 when I first started watching, on the behest of a friend who had already finished it and found too "soapy". Having barely even heard of the Green Arrow previously I appreciated most of the show (even the flashback segments) except the way that many of the characters just keep on making the same mistakes over and over. Especially as I got into season 3-4 and that trend just keeps on going.
3 hours ago, Twig said:Worst Netflix Marvel show to date, without a doubt.
I definitely second this.
It's certainly not the worst show I've ever seen, but when contrasted to how I've devoured some of the other Marvel shows... Iron Fist sort of reminds me of the start of Agents of SHIELD quality-wise
59 minutes ago, Twig said:I think the animations are an easy (and funny) target, but what really bothers me is how utterly uninterested I am in any of the dialogue that's happened in any of the videos I've seen.
Yeah, from what I've seen a lot of the dialogue just seems real sloppy.
On 2017-02-28 at 8:17 AM, darthbator said:I used to paint a fair amount of 40k models. I had a pretty reasonable eldar army for a while. I was probably more into painting and fussing over all the miniatures then I actually was into playing the game. It's one of the only hobbies I've pursued where for some reason I trended towards the aesthetics rather then mechanics. I've recently heard some pretty positive things about Infinity wargaming. Has anyone here played that?
Not played that no, but Shut Up and Sit Down has had a nice article and "Let's play" of it.
Semi-related to that though is that me and some colleagues have been playing a Kill Team (Skirmish)-variant of WH40K made by some folks calling themselves Heralds of Ruin. It's pretty fun with it's smaller forces where each model acts independently, coherency be damned.
If one wanted to get into Elite Dangerous now, what would I need to buy? Horizons?
Ok @tabacco, so I just sat down and did another test.
Trying to play or download any episode between (and including) Episode 160: Die Übiverse and Episode 221: Meet the Kerfluffles results in an error message being shown. Episode 159 works just fine, as does Episode 222. Unfortunately I don't quite have the time to test every single episode prior and after this period.
I guess it could be related to my ancient smartphone (iPhone 4), and as I may be getting a new one quite soon I'll do another test. That it specifically affects this range of episodes is very strange though.
Edit: @tabacco Just tried downloading episode 166 on my new phone and it works just fine. Must have been a device specific error. Very strange though that it was just this specific range of episodes that were broken...
I'd like to try my hand at streaming as well. Unfortunately I'm in a moving house limbo and I've only got access to a laptop atm. I'm guessing that streaming from a laptop over wifi is not the best possible experience?
Just finished watching SuperBiasedMan's stream, good stream and wow, there are some really impressive games this time!
I can no longer access this episode and at least a few others from around the same time (165: Kelo. Is. Here. and 167: And that's why Skeletons fart that way) in my podcast app. It says it cannot find the files anymore. I'm using Pocket Casts.
I am so impressed by this (and many other projects in the jam). The level of ambition and quality that people put into this is just staggering.
I can't wait to see how the Thumbs are going to react to this Hitman briefing!
I'm real curious to see how the "hit" itself will go down, a Blendo Games/Virginia take on Hitman sounds very intriguing!
Earth Defense Force is such good, silly, stupid fun.
I've racked up around 30 hours in 4.1 so far doing Multiplayer Co-op with a friend of mine. The sheer insanity of the number of enemies, your arsenal and the way the game reacts when the former are combined gets real satisfying from time to time.
I laughed so hard when the game had me piloting a giant mech in what essentially was a boxing match against Godzilla.
On 2016-11-08 at 1:47 PM, clyde said:Here is a video of me playing a shootie-shootie game called Rainbow Six: Siege which is branded as somehow related to Tom Clancy
I think Rainbow Six is one of the few Tom Clancy-titles that is actually based on one of his pre-video game fame work. Only the first game is directly connected to his work though, as far as I am aware.
Damn, I guess the original thread title was prophetic.
I would like to say I was surprised, but after Brexit I can sort of see anything happen.
Sounds real good!
And was that a "Down Under" cover at the end there?
They are very close, yes. If you understand one Scandinavian language you'll be able to understand the others relatively easily. Especially in writing. Pronunciation can be quite different at times though. Swedes often have trouble understanding spoken Danish for instance, but can read it quite easily.
The fact that they are so close most of the time can be a bit of trouble when they are not. Especially in some cases where the exact same word has different meanings in the different languages.
An example of this is "Rolig".
In Swedish "Rolig" means "Funny", while in Norwegian (and perhaps Danish as well) it means "Calm".
What's the Name of the Game!?
in Video Gaming
Close, it's Battlezone 1 (or "Battlezone 98 Redux" as the remaster is called)