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Everything posted by zerofiftyone

  1. That Shrek mask on the right of the picture will haunt my dreams.
  2. Ha. This was talked about in episode 129. Can't remember the details but I'm pretty sure Phaedrus was involved. And so the circle is completed.
  3. I Had a Random Thought (About Video Games)

    Sounds like a pretty good meets-meets-meats.
  4. "Ethics and Journalistic Integrity"

    I took that news to mean that their in house economist is leaving Valve for a new job.
  5. Unreal Engine 4 Thread

    The video tutorials on the Unreal Engine youtube account have been pretty much invaluable to me over the past few months, and to my experience they've held up pretty well over time. What specifically have you been having trouble with? If it's some minor change in nomenclature, perhaps I could help out?
  6. Idle Thumbs 194: A Grave Ghost

    For what it's worth, you share a birthday with Junior Mints (unless I misheard that).
  7. Idle Thumbs 194: A Grave Ghost

    I was so excited and then immediately so let down. You guys are just rubbing salt in the cheese wound.
  8. Unreal Engine 4 Thread

    Voted. Good luck!
  9. Unreal Engine 4 Thread

    I saw this on the Unreal forums earlier. Looks real nice!!!
  10. HAH this is excellent.
  11. Is the episode supposed to end mid sentence? I was listening earlier today and assumed I was having some kind of buffering issue when I reached the end.
  12. Designer Notes 3: Frank Lantz

    Great stuff. I'm looking forward to listening to this on my commute. Thanks Soren! Edit: I think you have a typo in your description (unless calling him Frantz was intentional).
  13. Amateur Game Making Night

  14. Lethal League

    Is it just me who is terrible at this game? I think I've hit my skill ceiling because every time I have friends around or go to a LAN, I will bring out Lethal League; and before the evening is done the new players will have surpassed my skill level. I love this game, but it doesn't love me. P.S Have a jawbreaker.
  15. Spelunky!

    I stumbled across this video today. It's a supercut of Remo's daily challenge videos, from days 1 to 99. I really enjoyed seeing the skill progression from start to finish, and there were a few moments in there that I recognised from watching the original dailies over a year ago. Thought some of you would enjoy it too.
  16. Plug your shit

    This surprises and delights me every time someone triggers it.
  17. Plug your shit

    !!!!! How exciting! I did not see this coming. Also, it was cool meeting you on the weekend.
  18. I miss Steve after reading this!
  19. Woop! I have a five and a half hour commute tomorrow and now that I have a fresh cast to listen to, I'm more looking forward to it. On the other hand, I kind of want to bust it open right now because I'm impatient....
  20. "Ethics and Journalistic Integrity"

    That's a really interesting connection there. I don't have anything to add other than to say that I really dig the observations in this post.
  21. What is the Nadir of the Simpsons?

    That gif is perfect.
  22. "Ethics and Journalistic Integrity"

    Woof. Owned.
  23. Idlethumbs changed my life forever

    Is it wrong that I clicked on that hoping for a link?