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Everything posted by zerofiftyone

  1. Unreal Engine 4 Thread

    Do you mean capturing high quality screenshots from the game, or implementing actual in game photography? If you meant the first one:
  2. "Ethics and Journalistic Integrity"

    This one?
  3. IDLE THUMBS 200

    That intro music!! That lineup!! Robo-ghost Chris! This episode has everything.
  4. Amateur Game Making Night

    I figured out how to make recordings through UE4's Matinee, but it's a pretty long winded process to turn a .png sequence into a gif. The process reminds me of using the demo recording tool in the Source engine. I'll give GIFcam a try. I made this clip using Matinee:
  5. Amateur Game Making Night

    Phwoosh! That is extremely cool looking. Is this the current state of your free running project you showed earlier? I should really show what I'm working on here... What software do you use for capturing gifs from UE4?
  6. Amateur Game Making Night

    I don't think that's enough bloom. I can still make out shapes.
  7. Amateur Game Making Night

    Hey, looks like Source 2 is now formally a thing and will be free. Sure is a good time to be getting into game development.
  8. I kind of wish I had held off for those same reasons. I was in no way on the fence about buying it so I didn't need persuading, I just kind of hit the play button and started watching out of excitement. Still, it's no big deal. Life goes on etc.
  9. Unreal Engine 4 Thread

    I'm pretty sure it was $30 store credit + a pro-rated refund for the last month. In other news, looks like they just added a friends list to the Unreal launcher? If anyone wants to add me on there, I'm zerofiftyone.
  10. "Ethics and Journalistic Integrity"

    Oof. Owned.
  11. Don't want to spoil details for anyone who hasn't or doesn't want to watch the video, but some of the things they showed in that demo are EXCITING.
  12. Unreal Engine 4 Thread

    Ahh you beat me to it. Yeah this is big news! $20 was never a huge barrier to entry to begin with, but the perceived difference between cheap and free is a large one. Edit: Just realised I've used the phrase "big news" for two posts in a row. I'm so predictable.
  13. Nuclear Throne: Oh! I accidentally ate my gun.

    The little crown dudes have been around for a while now actually, except previously you had to reach them through another secret method. I guess maybe they're trying out having them available from the beginning now.
  14. Unreal Engine 4 Thread

    Wow. This is pretty big news.
  15. Project Godus: Don't believe his lies

    Yeah, I think you're right. Although he could have been referring to the slacker backer thing, or more likely their splitting up of the game into two acts to get more funding.
  16. Project Godus: Don't believe his lies

    I don't think that calling him a pathological liar right off the bat was exactly necessary. I think that Walker could have gotten what he was after without being so overly hostile.
  17. Project Godus: Don't believe his lies

    Ugh, that interview is so difficult to read. There's something really strange about seeing Molyneux swear out of frustration, when his outward persona is so cool-headed. When I read it, I got the same feeling as I used to in my youth on the very few occasions when my dad would swear. The fact that he never did in normal circumstances made it so much more grave and meaningful.
  18. You can use shovels to loot graves?! Of course! Why didn't I think of this!
  19. The threat of Big Dog

    Seeing one of those things in an office building is really weird! How can anybody get any work done with all the noise that it makes?
  20. Oh yeah, certainly. You heroes level up as they complete adventures, and you can get upgraded skills/gear for them as they level up, so it's worth making sure our favourite heroes are looked after. Also, more experienced heroes don't get stressed out quite so easily. As you get further on in the game, some of the missions are way too hard for you to not have levelled up guys doing them.
  21. Grow Home, that ghost flower game

    I've been hearing this game mentioned quite a bit in the past week. It surprised me to learn that this is from the team who made the Driver series. I know literally nothing about the game, but after seeing the trailer, I love the low poly visual style.
  22. Other podcasts

    Thanks for the recommendation, sounds interesting. Lately I've been eating up podcasts at an unsustainable rate, so I'm glad to find this thread.
  23. This game has some of my favourite elements of XCOM in it. It also reminds me of Rogue Legacy with its traits system; though I'm aware other games have had this too. I do like how you can become pretty attached to your characters. I made the mistake on my first run of naming all my characters after friends, only to watch them all get wrecked by skeleton men. Good game! My one wish is that the characters had some minor cosmetic variations so I could tell people apart within the same class.
  24. Unreal Engine 4 Thread

    I'm not sure if this is a bug, or just something that's not supported, but in my project, none of my blueprint interface events are triggering from within widget blueprints. Is this a known thing, or am I making a mistake somewhere?