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Everything posted by eot

  1. Still newer forum!

    The other ones look like defaults, so they probably just didn't bother/get around to setting icons for the other forums
  2. Sure, but I think part of the charm of these games is making your own way through it.
  3. Yay, Dark Souls! I know what I'll do when I get home. Regarding the world structure, I think you should withhold judgement until you're further into the game. Or to put it another way, I'll be curious to hear if your opinion of it changes. It's one of the things that sets Dark Souls apart from most other games, in a good way. Let him make mistakes. He got through DkS3, he doesn't need people telling him what to do. People seem to forget their first playthroughs weren't perfect either.
  4. Recently completed video games

    It's my understanding that the game had a slightly troubled development, and changed director half way through. He had to salvage the content they'd already made and the DLC was his chance to develop something wholly his own.
  5. The middle, Vizima part of TW goes on for longer than it should. I also took a long time to finish that game, but I got stuck in the 4th chapter and just put it down. I have this mild urge to replay it but I'm not sure if I could make my way through it again. Too much bad combat to deal with.
  6. Diablo II

    Would anyone be up for running through Diablo II, all the way to Hell Baal, in Hardcore? It's been a long time since I did this but it's good fun. If you die you're gone obviously, however if you want you can try to catch up on your own. I've been playing it a bit in single player but I miss the MP.
  7. Breaking Bad

    I finished Breaking Bad.
  8. The Next President

    Kanye said he was running, didn't he?
  9. Breaking Bad

    The forced tension is one of my least favourite parts of Breaking Bad. The cheap cliff hangers lose their effect pretty fast when nothing never comes of them and they're resolved in mostly undramatic ways. It's like click bait headlines.
  10. The Next President

    You sure about that? I thought I read the voter turnout was really poor this year. I don't get having to wait in line for hours btw, or not being able to vote because you're working. That stuff shouldn't happen.
  11. The Next President

    You forgot the worst one in my opinion: the FARC peace treaty referendum
  12. Breaking Bad

    I started watching Breaking Bad, mostly because it's the one show that people keep mentioning in the same breath as The Wire, as a contender for best TV show ever. I'm maybe halfway through season 2, and while I enjoy it I don't think it's anywhere near the best television I've seen. That is of course an unfair thing to hold against a show, so I don't, but at the same time I feel like I'm waiting for it to get to bits that supposedly set it apart from other series. I'm not invested in the family drama, there are too many "suspenseful" soap opera moments, most of the supporting cast feel like caricatures and the writing is pretty hit or miss (for how small the cast, and how much time they can give each character I don't think they develop them all that well). The motivation for the main character is quite questionable in my opinion, and there were some plot holes that stood out to me so far, like:
  13. Movie/TV recommendations

    Finally watched Ocean's 12, a decade or something late. Wow, this movie is a garbage fire. I don't watch that many movies, but it was clear to me within maybe the first 10 minutes that this movie was going to suck. The re-introduction to the cast didn't have a single good moment in it and went on foreeeever. The script is awful and everything feels phoned in. I mean, forget the uninspired directing, that all the comedy (which there is too much of) falls flat, the lame villain and so on, from a pure storytelling perspective the movie is a disaster. I mean, it's ostensibly a heist movie, but the main heist is a catastrophe and isn't enjoyable to watch at all. The payoff at the end is for a character we barely get to know other than as a love interest. What the hell is this movie?! The scene with the lasers was so bad too, I mean everything is bad but that was really bad. I hate this movie.
  14. I enjoy the first Serious Sam, especially the level with a lot of Kleer (I love the dumb names too). You'll know which one. It's also a good co-op game. Anyway, I'll be curious to hear what you think of the Second Encounter, if you decide to play it and get far enough in both of them to compare and contrast. The consensus seems to be that it's just more of the first game, but I haaated it. I thought the encounter / enemy design was dramatically worse, and the difficulty very poorly balanced.
  15. I agree completely with Campster in that video. I'm aware that I'm a bit of a luddite, and that people find match making convenient, but there are so many upsides to dedicated servers that I don't understand why it's a dying trend on PC. It's especially weird to me that even Valve seem to be moving away from them, considering the community self moderating aspect of them seems like a very Valve thing. Maybe things weren't better before. You'll probably never convince me why an ocean of free skins and weapon sound, character models, maps and spray tags, on servers that had a sense of community is better than paying extra for all that while being match made with people screaming in Russian (maybe complaining about their poor ping) and with no recourse to deal with abusive players other than voting. We couldn't stream opening weapon crates on twitch back in my day though.
  16. As I recall, the gold edition of AvP did have (limited) number of saves, the original release didn't. It's also on Steam The Marine campaign in that game is fantastic. Despite the almost Doom like movement speed it does a great job capturing the feel of the second movie. The Aliens are so damn fast, deadly and come out of nowhere. The gunplay is satisfying too, which is helped by using the original sound effects from the movie (the 2010 game screwed this up). One of my favourite FPSs from that era. The Alien / Predator campaigns aren't as strong, but they have their moments and the way they implemented some of the cheats are pretty cool.
  17. Still newer forum!

    Not sure why I don't see that option
  18. Still newer forum!

    That is what I was looking for but it wasn't displaying for some reason. I'm on mobile now but I'll check again later.
  19. Still newer forum!

    MOBA test Btw, I don't see the option to disable the GUI post editor. In the old software you could do all the formatting by hand, which I found useful because the GUI kept fucking up quotes and stuff.
  20. If it sells it'll have 3rd party support, the Wii showed that. The question is if it'll have 3rd parties taking their time to make good games, or just quick cash grabs. It's obviously not going to compete with the current gen(+) of consoles, so it'll have the same issue that their last two home consoles did of not getting new AAA releases also coming out on other platforms. Which doesn't have to be an issue, but to me it's not entirely clear what people mean or expect when they talk about good 3rd party support. Do they mean big, ambitious games developed specifically for this console? This thing would have to outsell the PS4 by a lot for that to be economical, and even then big 3rd party games have a history of not selling on Nintendo platforms. What is different this time?
  21. It runs on 11 year old harware, I'd be worried if the NX couldn't run it.
  22. Still newer forum!

    I always hate when forum designs change, but this one is similar enough that I won't stop browsing out of spite
  23. Duolingo - TWO LANGUAGE-O

    I'm Swedish not Norwegian but I can tell you that it's because you inflect them according to the gender of the noun, as well as plural/singular and definite/indefinite article. edit: whoops didn't see this page
  24. Duolingo - TWO LANGUAGE-O

    I just lost my streak today for no apparent reason. Maybe it failed to synch or something.
  25. I Had A Random Thought...

    This is probably nothing new but I came across this question and answer site (like yahoo answers or something) but the questions and answers are all computer generated. Good way to get some ad money I suppose.