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Everything posted by Dinosaursssssss

  1. Summer Games Done Quick 2015

    That run has been one of my favs so far, and I stayed up until close to 3 by accident to finish it. Having the developers on hand to say "oh...yeah that's a bug" was cool, and I thought it was interesting that the runner actually died a bunch of times since I feel like all the other deaths I've seen while watching sgdq have been intentional. Also at the end the developers revealed a cheat code in the game that no one had seen before (it changes Ori's color) which was really rad.
  2. Amateur Game Making Night

    Terry Cavanagh just put out a new version of Bosca Ceoil, his music making tool. I think I've evangelized for this thing a lot around here already, but it's 'cause it is amazing and allows a goof like me to make some little tunes. http://boscaceoil.net/ Weirdly I think I got more excited for this new release than any games that have come out (or been announced) this year.
  3. Unity Tutorials

    I've been trying to track down an article on Finite State Machines that I had a vague memory of being on Unity Gems (which went down a while ago), and stumbled on a blog where some articles from that site have been reposted. The formatting is a little worse, but there's still some useful stuff in there. https://unitygem.wordpress.com/ The FSM article I was looking for is only on archive.org, with some weird formatting issues (though the Unity package is still downloadable so maybe it'll be fine) https://web.archive.org/web/20140702051240/http://unitygems.com/fsm1/
  4. Game Jams

  5. Amateur Game Making Night

    Damn. That is HOT.
  6. Game Jams

    I only vaguely have an idea! LETS JAM Not today though I'm kinda busy. Probably this weekend.
  7. Unity Questions Thread

    I don't know how useful this'll be to folks here, but after dealing with a bunch of bullshit trying to get screenshot sharing to work, I put the result of my efforts up on GitHub. This is a tiny plugin to open the native sharing UI on Android and iOS and pass it a screenshot and some text; hopefully it spares someone else the annoyance of figuring this out. https://github.com/ChrisMaire/unity-native-sharing
  8. Game Jams

    https://itch.io/jam/pet This is a fun idea. I've been itchin' for a jam recently and I think I have a good way of working this into my current project so I'm probably gonna make a little virtual space pet.
  9. Where to Find Game Assets (Audio/Textures/Models/Etc)

    The British Library put 1,000,000 images into the public domain recently. I donno how you'd use a lot of it, but there's some fun stuff in there. I guess if you needed to fill a million homes with 1-page books this collection would be perfect. https://www.flickr.com/photos/britishlibrary/ article: http://www.openculture.com/2013/12/british-library-puts-1000000-images-into-public-domain.html
  10. Inspirational Curiousities

    Yeah, they're great. I was very surprised at how interesting those labels were. I've been thinking about stickers recently...Label 228 is a designation for a Priority Mail sticker from the USPS that's a standard in stickering I guess because they have a lot of white space and the post office gives them out for free. It's cool seeing how people work with/around the labels. https://www.tumblr.com/tagged/label-228 edit: more http://camdenoir.blogspot.com/
  11. Amateur Game Making Night

    Allright, update time! MILE-AGE got through iOS cert on Friday, so as soon as I wrap up the Android version (turns out the Prime31 social plugin doesn't have any native Twitter/Facebook sharing on Android, so I'm working on another solution) I'm putting that out, probably next week(!). The social stuff is the last bit I got in; now the game snaps a screenshot about a half second after you die so you can upload it to Twitter/fb if you want: So with that through cert, I took a day off this weekend and started Game 3. I ended up moving from UE4 back to Unity 'cause the official c++ tutorials are so far out of date they're unusable (if anyone has a good rec for an up-to-date C++ UE4 tut I'd love to hear it) which was really frustrating. I guess we're doing dev logs now, so I'll probably start one for that this week.
  12. I donno if last weeks unpro friday can be topped, but burger brad was pretty damn good. edit: also I went and got some of those captain crunch bite things today and they were great.

    you know it star wars metallica 4 ever before I found the giantbomb server I would filter the server list by the text '420' and join whatever had the most players.
  14. Welcome to WIZARD JAM

    Use this subforum to make development log threads, recruit folks, and chat about development related stuff! HERE'S THE ITCH.IO PAGE WHERE YOU CAN SUBMIT : It's An Itchio Date : April 10 - 24 Theme: Episode Titles! The theme is optional, but also pretty broad, so I imagine you'll be able to fit your idea into one of the 200+ absurd episode names. This page will show you a random episode title (thank you Panzorfork for this) This page has every episode title. Never made a game? No idea what engine to use? Check out Sortingh.at by Zoe Quinn for figuring out what tools to use. Free Tools! Pixel Prospector - Lots of good resources. Engines GameMaker GameSalad Construct2 Unity Unreal Twine Unreal, Twine, Construct2, and GameSalad all have scripting systems that doesn't require writing code. Playmaker ($95) is a visual scripting plugin for Unity that has been highly recommended to me. Art paint.net inkscape (vectors) playscii (ascii) blender (3d modelling) If you're interested in 3D, I also recommend getting the free 3-year student license for Maya. It's an industry standard tool, and only requires that you put in a bogus .edu email address. Audio bfxr (fx) bosca ceoil (Music) audacity (recording/audio editing) If you're interested in learning some basic programming, I highly recommend Code Academy, which will teach you some Javascript. If you need art assets, you can also peep this thread. Lots of forum folks have volunteered to answer questions and help out, feel free to get in touch these folks if you need a hand! Dinosaursssssss - Unity, UE4 blueprint, C#/JS/html5. Spenny - Unity clyde - Unity, TyranoBuilder BigJKO - Photoshop zerofiftyone - UE4 undermind - Photoshop / vector art Blambo - GameMaker, general programming elvaq - Unity / C# Deadpan - Twine Looking for Teams Clyde - Unity, Weird Stuff Blambo - Art SuperBiasedMan - Wild Card Coods - Music / Code Simbiotik - Art elvaq - Looking for an artist(s?) Gwardinen - Is a programmer, looking for art Or just swing by the Game Development subforum and hang out. Also here's the Idle Banter thread folks have been chattin' in.
  15. Game Dev Talks/Lectures

    This isn't directly about game development, but I think it's influenced my thinking on what project to do next and how to scope it. "How I Won The Lottery" is a...I guess partly a jab at other peoples talks about how they became wildly successful, and partly a theory on how to scope projects? I thought it was interesting and he announced his new company today which reminded me of it.
  16. Unity Questions Thread

    Haha, I don't wanna discourage you too much; I think with a better line drawing algorithm and some more subtle textures (and fades between them) it could look very good. Sir You Are Being Hunted I think uses terrain painting in Unity to generate their world, and theirs looks great and generates fairly quickly! I haven't tried placing sprites/textures onto an irregular surface. I donno how you'd do it...I guess something crazy like creating a mesh that deforms to match the surface, and texturing that?
  17. Where to Find Game Assets (Audio/Textures/Models/Etc)

    I recommend checking out Bosca Ceoil http://distractionware.com/blog/2013/08/bosca-ceoil/
  18. Unity Questions Thread

    A prototype I was working on a while ago painted some roads onto a big terrain. Thought I had saved more pictures of it but apparently not. I didn't find any tutorials really, I think I just had to poke through Unity Answers and cobble this together. This was the main method that was doing work. It's really inefficient and as you can see does not look great. The short version of what you need to do is convert the world coordinates you want to paint to their nearest point on the map grid, then get the alphamap of that terrain coordinate and increase the alpha of the texture you want visible and assign it back to the terrain data. An alphamap is a 3d array that stores the alpha value for every texture (assigned to the terrain in the editor) on a given coordinate. public void PaintSquare(Terrain terrain, int x, int y, int texture) { TerrainData td = terrain.terrainData; if(x > 0 && x < td.alphamapWidth && y > 0 && y < td.alphamapHeight) { float[,,] map = td.GetAlphamaps(x, y, 1, 1); for(int i = 0; i < td.splatPrototypes.Length; i++) { map[0,0,i] = 0; } map[0,0,texture] = 1; terrain.terrainData.SetAlphamaps(x,y,map); } } This is probably super unhelpful though so I'd say google around for 'dynamic terrain painting' and you'll probably be able to figure it out? I'm happy to send you the rest of the code if you think it'll be useful though! edit: a large part of why this was so inefficient was that you should actually generate the entire new alphamap and only call SetAlphamaps one time, but I never bothered refactoring 'cause I ended up just placing sprites over the terrain which looked a lot better for what I was doing (drawing roads) anyway.
  19. Unity Questions Thread

    Is anyone successfully using Unity Analytics? Whenever I try to attach my game to the site by putting in a Cloud ID and running the game, my client crashes. edit: I made a thread on the Unity forums here if anyone's curious to see how this plays out http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/unity-client-crash-while-validating-integration.339160/
  20. The discussion on last Beastcast about Her Story and games where you sift through extraneous information was preeetty much describing the Sherlock Holmes: Consulting Detective board game, so if you thought that was interesting go buy that game.
  21. Amateur Game Making Night

    Did some modelling this morning and made these tv's, mostly to keep Blender stuff fresh in my brain. This isn't a game yet, just a room and some ideas I wrote down. (UE4)
  22. Amateur Game Making Night

    Jamming is great, good luck! Do you have a tutorial or anything for how to get such great looking space skyboxes? I poked at it for a while not too long ago and they kept coming out kinda blurry. If I remember right I was using SpaceScape to generate the textures.
  23. Amateur Game Making Night

    I donno if there are any Boston-ish folks hangin' around but if there are, tickets for GameLoop just went on sale and I highly recommend checking it out. It's an unconference, which ends up being basically a day of semi-directed round table discussions about a wide variety of game development topics, mostly design focused. There are also GameLoops in Montreal and Philadelphia I think, though I donno how well attended they are or when they happen. http://www.eventbrite.com/e/gameloop-2015-tickets-17454356450
  24. [DevLog] Tiny Tires

    I continue to be in love with your tire-dust particles.