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About ThatThomas

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  1. Those blu ray docs are really something. Hours and hours of David Lynch talking to cast and crew with no sense that they feel a need to mystify the creative process at all, at least not the actual shooting of it. It's fascinating and hilarious to watch the show come together. Seeing David Lynch with his head in his hands, asking, "Can there be three detective brothers rather than two? I want to hire that big guy with that laugh," and going on to calling the character an idiot savant makes me laugh to no end.
  2. Did you finish it yet, because it gets pretty explicit at the end. As I understand it, the timeline changes (for Tammy at least) over the course of the book. By the end of it, she's saying her memory of the past is getting fuzzy and talks about how Leland actually killed himself a year after his daughter disappeared.
  3. As a whole, I was sorta underwhelmed. Like most things, I'm glad it exists, but I wish it was a little bit more substantial. Not sure how I feel about the existing timeline changing as a result of Laura disappearing, instead of it being a wholly separate timeline/version of reality, but that might be a distinction only I care about. The Annie section very much felt to me like he was making sure the character was still around and available in case they wanted to use her later. He even made a point out of how she doesn't look as if she's aged a lot since Heather Graham herself barely looks like she's aged.
  4. Or, for a less fun, but just as (if not more) reasonable option.. c ) Same actor playing a completely different and unrelated character.
  5. You're saying at the time? Because the bluray versions don't end with TO BE CONTINUED as far as I can tell?
  6. This has been a few weeks coming, but at this point I would love an internet wide moratorium on any TP theory involving someone being a tulpa... Just me thinking out loud
  7. On Becky's fate, I never thought there was much ambiguity to it at all. I get why people thought Stephen's ramblings were alluding to having killed her, but that honestly never occurred to me when I first watched that scene. I just assumed he was talking about how he'd been abusive and unfaithful towards her. The way I see it, the emotional and narrative resolution to Becky's story comes from that lovely moment when she and Shelly agrees to hang out and be there for each other. Yes, I would have loved to have seen more of her (and Shelly), but that's mostly because I like Amanda Seyfried and would have loved her story to take up more time, not because I feel it was needed in a purely narrative sense.
  8. To me, the introduction of Judy as this larger evil feels like a solution to the regrettable unavailability of Frank Silva. Especially if there is going to be a season 4 (which I'm frankly inclined to think there will be). As to what actually happens in these last two episodes, I agree with Captain Fram (as well as the many others who've proposed similar theories here and elsewhere) that Laura is whisked away by Judy (symbolically shown by Sarah smashing the picture) and hidden away into another reality where she can't be "the one". When I first watched the finale two days ago, I was cautiously satisfied. However, my appreciation and love for it has grown more and more since then and right now, I can't imagine it ending any other way. I certainly was never expecting any overt resolution, since Lynch had spent 25 years stating his disapproval of the central mystery having been resolved in the first place.
  9. I think the wonky timeline stuff is nothing more than scenes being moved around in editing from the order in which they were written and not meant to imply anything supernatural. Like the Dougie scene last week - which now is clearly a continuity error - was probably just there because they feel like Kyle Maclachlan is the one actor who needs to appear in every episode.
  10. As someone who unironically and fully enjoy the 'Just You and I' scene from season 2, I LOVED that roadhouse performance. Easily my favorite so far. That song's still cool . It's always been cool. In other news, I'm sticking with my Audrey coma dream theory and see no reason to change my mind so far.
  11. My bad, I was misremembering her talking at Robert Jacoby's funeral as someone else talking at her funeral.
  12. The Secret History of Twin Peaks talks about the death of the Log Lady, so Tammy at the very least hasn't finished annotating it at the time of the show.
  13. Do we know for sure that Audrey is out of the coma? Because the only way I could fully make sense of that scene - outside of the complete randomness being kinda funny - is that might be a coma dream Audrey's having where she's partially tuning into what's happening in the real world and incorporating it into the dream.
  14. Yeah, my bad on the edits. I was rewatching it in slow motion to look for it at first and somehow missed it in the herky jerkyness of it all. Watching it at regular speed, that first splice is really obvious when you know to look for it. I still liked what Lynch was going for though.
  15. I really don't think it did. Watching it back, it seems like one single shot until the ball rolls off to the road. I actually really liked that shot because of how it hid the third smaller kid at first with the whip pan, almost giving the impression that one of the kids kept changing as the camera bounced back and forth. It lent the opening an uneasy feeling leading into the surprising reveal of the hurt woman crawling through the grass.