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Everything posted by Badfinger

  1. Powerball Fantasies

    The second twist is we all knew and let you live the lie unaware.
  2. Powerball Fantasies

    College funds for my cousins. Paying off my sister's med school debt. Making sure my dad and grandparents have no debts and a good quality of life. Uh... a vacation finally?
  3. I'm willing to bet that's the first time Vinny's ever had a case where he would need that sort of indicator. He rarely purposefully obfuscates in a way that's not clearly a joke ("It's fine. It's fine we're fine")
  4. Idle Thumbs Readers Slack & Discord

    Neat! I was wondering if anyone was using the discord server still. I convinced friends who were still using the built-into-gmail IM to use Discord in a way I never got them to try Slack, so I use Discord much more frequently than anything else now.
  5. XCOM 2

    It's a lot bit weird, but I tweeted to the XCOM twitter asking if they had an email address I could write to directly. It's at least worth a shot. I'll post here if it exists.
  6. RIP David Bowie

    We can be heroes, just for one day.
  7. The thing that got me wasn't that they should have known better. It was that I should have known better but they built the kind of mission control drama that made an obvious impossibility seem plausible. Also the "It could be millions of miles apart!" when it's clearly not had me focusing on that instead of HOW FAST THOSE ROCKETS ARE GOING.
  8. Elite: Dangerous (Kickstarter)

    I should have phrased my statement better! I didn't know there was a PvE Server. I did know there was open, solo, and wing play, all of which are very good options. You're totally correct about power scaling. A 7m cobra fit for speed still gets annihilated by anything a class above it if it's caught. You can fully fit a sidewinder, all bells and whistles, for less than the base cost of basically half the ships. Those things make complete sense, honestly. A smuggler stripped for speed is supposed to get smashed by cruiser-class military ships. It's just that there's no recourse for happening to run into someone who wants to do the smashing. I actually love the travel. I played a game for over a decade that took 10+ hours to travel end to end, and that was only if all the boats were on time. It's that if you die you lose - all your cargo, any transactions, the cost of the insurance, and it sets you back at the last place you docked. I don't have the time to fight against both the systems AND the player base for those things. I decided to make one more run last night after I made my post. Picked up 3 contracts, 7-8m worth of potential gain. I got 1 jump away from my first stop, and got interdicted by system authority. I tried to break the interdiction, and then it looked like I might not make it so I submitted. I did my scan evasion in the wrong order, and got turned around so I ended up flying right past him instead of away from him. Fucked up. Got scanned. Lost 3 contracts with 20LY left on a 350 LY sprint. And I was fine with it, because I messed it up. My fault! I can handle failure within the game system structure. I actually kind of appreciate that it's not so rudimentary that it's a guaranteed success.
  9. Elite: Dangerous (Kickstarter)

    Wow, I did not know there were different server options. I learned my lesson and went Solo. I actually decided not to give up - I bought an Asp financed with my Vulture and decked it out like the Cmdr in that guide. I really like this Asp! I made ~3-400k scanning systems, and made maybe 5m credits between two runs I could get to Robigo and Sothis. it was an interesting experience, just frustrating to get exactly where I was going and get exploded. I know it's part of the game, it's just a way more annoying version of that than, say, getting killed in WoW. There's nowhere in WoW that costs you 500 gold and an hour to get back to.
  10. Elite: Dangerous (Kickstarter)

    Bought a Cobra, souped it up, got to about 120 LS from robigo mines. Got interdicted by a player, immediately blown up. Not even scanned. Carrying no cargo. He gained nothing except a bounty and my annoyance that I wasted a fucking hour and lost exploration data. Cool job, fuck this game every time it pretends there's something cool behind the curtain. Ugh it's not the game's fault. People though
  11. XCOM 2

    Quite a lot of people who would play a game like XCOM 2 have gotten a preview copy. Matt Lees from Cool Ghosts posted a 25 minute video talking about it, and then did an hour-plus podcasts all about playing it along with Chris Bratt from Eurogamer, who also got a preview copy. RPS got a preview copy. I think it's time to stop viewing the line between "enthusiast" and "press" as blurred and just not see it at all. It's not quite the same thing, but it's similar to tarring Soren Johnson with the same brush you might have painted Brad Wardell with because Offworld Trading Company is being published by Stardock. I read what I wrote and I don't mean to be dismissive. I think it's absolutely worth saying something, even while I honestly believe their decision to do that is completely outside of understanding who TotalBiscuit actually is as a person.
  12. Elite: Dangerous (Kickstarter)

    Is that your full build? I have 10+mm in the bank right now. I'm not even sure I'd need to buy a cobra, I might have one in the station I'm parked in.
  13. Elite: Dangerous (Kickstarter)

    Ok that seems cool as hell and also dangerous and interesting and creates goals. Elite needs all of those things! How'd you outfit your Cobra? I can probably fit one as soon as I log in. e: something like this?
  14. Elite: Dangerous (Kickstarter)

    Ok that sounds super interesting. How would I find something like that to do? I did have my best ever RES bounty session on friday, pulled in 3m in about an hour. That was rad.
  15. XCOM 2

    How about Jake Solomon and Garth Jake-ing it up on an hourlong mission?!
  16. Elite: Dangerous (Kickstarter)

    I can actually answer two of these things! 1) a player will have a non-solid icon on your HUD (an outlined square vs a filled in square or triangle), and all of them will be called CMDR (DUMBNAME). So I'm CMDR BADFINGER. 2) put your speed in the middle of the light blue area on your acceleration bar. It will auto-decelerate to get you to the station without overshooting it. You can run at max velocity until you're about 10-12s from your destination, then drop your speed down to the middle of the bar and it'll guide you in.
  17. AGDQ 2016

    Nice, good idea! I'm starting to feel your love for PJ. The Lagoon run was quite good. The 2 player 1 controller Super Metroid run was pretty awesome, might be one to add.
  18. XCOM 2

    Over this weekend I became irrationally excited about this game. I'm sure it'll be wonderful, but I never beat XCOM: EU. Why am I so hyped up for a sequel to a game I never finished.
  19. Elite: Dangerous (Kickstarter)

    I didn't intend on dropping into this thread to make the same post as the previous posts, but it looks like I'm gonna! I've reached a new plateau - I now no longer feel like the mechanics are actively working against me. It is fun to play the game. It's just that my only goal right now feels like "acquire a new ship". The next logical step for what I'm doing is probably a python, which means I need roughly 100m credits to even make it flyable. That is a literal magnitude more than what I have right now. Even if I was pulling 2-3m creds an hour that's weeks away, and that's just grinding nice RES zones. I dipped my toe into the powerplay system. That was a waste. I tried some of the new quests - they're mostly broken. I just... don't know what to do next. I'm not space rich but I'm space first world and as such feel like I'm experiencing space first world problems, but those will make me not play the game.
  20. Idle Cook Club - Veggie Feeds-me: My Body Is Ready

    We did it! We made a heavily modified version of the recipe Cordeos posted. We made our own sauce and mozzarella, and roasted the eggplant and zucchini in the oven prior to assembling and baking. Notes: - Omitted ricotta completely. We doubled the goat cheese and used it like the ricotta in the recipe - beat an egg into it and layered it onto the noodles. - For our version of the recipe, it is HIGHLY recommended you use oven-ready lasanga sheets. We ended up using a spatula and basically "icing" the goat cheese right onto the noodles. It worked great, and I'm glad she thought of it after the first layer. -Did not use all the lasagna sheets in the 9oz box like the recipe suggested. Just used enough for 3 layers. - slicing the eggplant and zucchini lengthwise instead of into coins was a complete waste of time. my grand vision of having perfectly sized slabs to go onto the noodles went out the window when they collapsed into roasted veggie state after they were cooked. - I am not a vegetarian. I did not miss meat for even a second in this. I am also not a huge fan of zucchini, but it was totally fine in there. I don't like the texture of spinach in pasta casseroles, so I wouldn't add it. Mushrooms would be totally welcome! - We usually have potential but reservation when we make something for the first time. We both loved how this came out. It didn't want for anything except maybe a mushroom. -We had a little leftover zucchini. The lady rolled them around some goat cheese, topped it off with sauce and mozz and baked for somewhere between 5-10 minutes. Pictures below (she is an excellent photographer, any good pictures are credit her):
  21. AGDQ 2016

    I want to go back to my previous comments and be clear that I don't think this is some kind of insidious, pervasive or ruinous thing. It's an overall very good event. That particular thing is just the grit on top of the sundae for me. It's been more frustrating that things I don't have much interest in are being run when I can watch, which is to say not that frustrating because the VODs exist.
  22. Idle Cook Club - Veggie Feeds-me: My Body Is Ready

    Yep! That's the exact same one I've seen. that's what I think about when someone says TVP. It's not seitan, because it's not wheat gluten, so it'll have a different taste and texture from that.
  23. Half-Life 3

  24. Danielle that was an awesome podcast! I would love Beastcasters to find their way onto Idle Weekend, and I'm excited at the prospect of hearing you on Giant Bomb again in the future.