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Everything posted by Badfinger

  1. I don't know if it's in the forefront of anyone's mind, but Blizzard is legendary for supporting games. I wonder if that institutional knowledge just sort of permeates how people talk about their games?
  2. Idle Fiction Jam - Rumours and Hearsay

    I have pooped in the water that was in New Mexico and which you were probably saving to drink Forgive me I had to drop trou so fast and so abrupt
  3. Hello roadhog is the best 520 hook all day erry day crank the hog
  4. My most played is suddenly also McCree after last night, and I recommend the exact opposite style. He didn't click at all with me through all the phases of the beta, and then I realized I could just ANNIHILATE people without all this fancy standoff drawing and aiming. Get up in someone's grill, unload all 6 chambers, dodge roll to instant reload and do it again. I'm still not nearly patient enough with his ultimate though.
  5. Mouth Feel - The Summer Wizard Cocktail Jam

    Workshopping this cocktail. I'm very interested in something that fits Spector's Oil. I feel like it should either (at least) be very dark, maybe a black rum, or it should have a licorice/anise flavor. It would also make sense to me to have a layered cocktail with something floating on top, but I don't think that necessarily tracks at least with rum. Checking ouzo cocktail recipes, there's one called the TKO which is tequila, kahlua and ouzo. That might be a good starting point. Maybe take out the tequila and float creme de cacao on top?
  6. Mouth Feel - The Summer Wizard Cocktail Jam

    Good idea! I've updated the first post to reflect the sentiment.
  7. Oh shit yes you're right. It's $60 or equivalent on consoles. Apologies, I forgot.
  8. It's probably the "special edition", whatever name they give to it. They put the middle range option in front of everyone and make you choose off to the Just The Game version or the collector's.
  9. Destiny

    I bought a PS4 that came with a copy of Destiny, though. I don't really use it and haven't much since.
  10. Idle Streaming Community: Twitchy, Tasty

    Wanted to call out that I've seen kickinthehead streaming on more than one occasion. I dropped into your channel. I have no idea what you're doing, but the presentation seemed very good! If I wanted to try my hand at actually editing videos I capture, how would people suggest I do that? I am currently at the barest bones of "I pressed play, successfully captured the part of the screen I intended, and pressed stop". What's the idiot's entry level video program?
  11. Destiny

    This love affair was torrid but brief. Every update makes returning less attractive.
  12. I've been playing for about 4-6 weeks now. I set a couple of goals for myself. Last month my goal was rank 15. This month my goal was to try to hit rank 10. I'm currently rank 8! New goal is rank 5. I don't think legend will ever be a realistic goal for me, just because there's a legit time investment component. It might be fun to try, but I also tend to get ladder anxiety even though it literally doesn't matter. One of my goals is to improve at arena. I'm not at all good at arena right now. 3 wins is a success. I've been trying to build out multiple decks. I started with being able to build a priest deck and a budget pirate warrior, and now I have a couple of flavors of midrange shaman, midrange hunter, a lower-end zoo deck, and a probably bad c'thun druid. I kind of want to sign up for some online tournaments now that I have more than 3 classes I'd actually consider myself having real decks for.
  13. Idle Cook Club - Veggie Feeds-me: My Body Is Ready

    Breakfast sausage is delicious. I have consumed some sausages in homage to this challenge this week, but nothing was particularly photogenic enough to be announced as my contribution.
  14. DOOM

    ^^ You can be forgiven for Goldeneye. It was revolutionary, but it wasn't actually a good control scheme. It's warped your brain so much you've forgotten it was only ONE analog stick and a d-pad. The shit Polygon got was horrid. Who cares who plays games or how good you are. We all know game journalists are really bad at games, except when they're really good at games. With that said, I think it was a bad video. I don't think websites have a duty to show a game in its best light, but I do think they should strive to be representative of a typical game experience. Yes. It's a cool feature but somewhat limited. The tutorial seems very cool. There's scripting, but it isn't (and can't be because it's idtech) a truly moddable environment and not a complete level editor. With that said, I'm starting to see some neat stuff pop up on there that isn't made by the snapmap people themselves. Play Harvest Doom, it's fun.
  15. DOOM

    Checking in: still the best arena shooter in years. Biggest, best surprise of the year.
  16. Episode 355: Stellaris

    I'd absolutely recommend checking out the body of Tom's review work on the site. He is not afraid to use all the numbers from 1-5, and does so regularly. Tom gave MGS 4, a game some people would be willing to argue for as game of the generation, a single star. He gave a game called Bug Princess 2 five stars, and I've never heard of that. He gave Halo 4 one star and Assassin's Creed 3 five stars. I often disagree with Tom's reviews, but he is one of my favorite reviewers because he's critical and consistent. I am familiar with his tastes, and have a reasonable sense for praise or criticism from him that lines up with how I feel or if it's about things that don't concern me. All I'd urge (in discussions about Stellaris and scoring I had to remind myself of this as well) is to make sure you agree or disagree with the content of a review rather than the number.
  17. For what it's worth, I definitely had this experience playing and watching. There's a Pharah video I need to track down of her propelling herself to a previously unreachable position and getting a team kill that made my jaw drop. I just hadn't even considered it. I also think it's worth the reminder that although TF2 and Overwatch are basically the same game, they are products of very different times. We have the collective and personal knowledge of basically a decade of TF2 at this point that makes it feel like rocket jumping mechanics were always just known. While I believe that the game was designed and intended for players to push the creative space of how to play, the institutionalized things we take for granted weren't set in stone and have been built up over literally millions of collective hours. We can see how things are "supposed" to combo in Overwatch, but I've never been the person that finds a little crack in a game and wedges it open to learn that you can combo Roadhog's ult with Pharah's displacement rocket to shoot him and a teammate 2/3 of the way across the map and take an objective before it's available. It's coming from a different angle, but we'll find out.
  18. I am pleased to see that post, unsurprised that they have a whole slate of balance, testing, updates, and fixes, unsurprised that they are aware of places in the game people are having issues, yet pretty surprised at the tone and directness of that post. That's pretty cool. Maybe I just don't go on the Paradox forums enough (read: ever) to see that.
  19. DOOM

    My understanding is you described exactly what happened. It's a shitty thing the internet does. At the same time, it's certainly in Polygon's best interests to present something compelling, interesting, or at least representative of a product in a video. Beat the game tonight. A surprisingly long campaign! I'm kind of worn down right now, but I think that's more on me than on the game grinding on me. I wasn't thrilled with every single boss fight, but there were a bunch of good ones including new enemies. Definitely going to be dipping back into the game to find the (many) secrets I missed, and possibly to go through on a higher difficulty. This is a weird thing to lead with, but I LOVED the end credits for the game. It captured the kinetic energy of the whole campaign in an awesome way. I liked the anti-story, I felt things about the characters that the Doom Marine very certainly didn't, we'll pretend the mulitplayer doesn't exist. Great game.
  20. DOOM

    I'm almost finished the campaign. It's definitely Wolfenstein-length, your 8-12 hour variety game, plus additional poking around for all kinds of fun secrets. Not just a one long sitting rollercoaster. I liked Wolfenstein quite a bit, but once I was done it was a closed book. This is a game I am almost certain I will play again on a harder difficulty, or (maybe easier!) at least to see a different tech route for powerups and to poke around and find the secrets I inevitably missed the first time around. It does allow you to flat go through and do mission select.
  21. DOOM

    This game's really good. I hope they support snapmap well.
  22. DOOM

    I would say that's an excellent contribution.
  23. RE: Dragon Age: Inquisition and why people would want to play it... It actually has characters and a story. (I just wanted to post sick dunks)
  24. Ok, wildly important information. Plyem and I weren't sure last night. I just don't know that there are habitable worlds I can expand towards outside my borders right now
  25. Yes, as far as I can tell you can form alliances or federations without vassalizing other empires. I was surprisingly super conflicted internally at taking out what amount to Space Barbarians that were keeping my science ships from sciencing because my race were xenophiles. I eventually human'd up and did it. It's unclear (and kind of fun) to know how or when I'll run into other people's problems. I was able to research a fancy power generator that needed a strategic resource that I happily discovered on a planet where I already had a mine. I only have 3 colonized worlds right now. I don't know if that's fast or slow for where I am. I don't know when I'll get the option to terraform or research colonizing other worlds. I'm researching a rare technology that is taking 4x as long as any other technologies I had the ability to research, and I don't even know how beneficial it'll end up being. Can you colonize planets that are outside your borders? If not, is the only way to expand (peacefully) either building frontier outposts or the slow creeping drip of influence ala Civ culture?