Problem Machine

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Everything posted by Problem Machine

  1. Feminism

    Fuck video games journalism's integrity. Fuck it forever. I could not possibly give less of a fuck if the people write about games that HAPPEN TO BE MADE BY THEIR FRIENDS. How fucking terrible to imagine that something could possibly be written about a game that the writer cares about, not just as a fun experience but as a work of art that was created by a person. I hate that this is something people even care about, much less care about enough to MENTALLY TORTURE SOMEONE OVER. Burn it all fucking down.
  2. Ferguson

    The police are currently raiding a church and 'confiscating' food and medical supplies I can't even comprehend the fucking evil here
  3. Feminism

    I actually can! My mom linked me this pretty awesome essay: 'We Have Always Fought': Challenging the Women, Cattle, and Slaves Narrative
  4. Feminism

    TotalBiscuit has built a career on calling games bad
  5. Feminism

    Fuck... I follow Zoe on twitter, I remember her agonizing over that decision, when it turned out DQ's steam authorization was going to go through on the day Robin Williams died, wondering if it would seem like exploitation, wondering if maybe it would be a good time to build awareness of depression, and finally saying fuck it and going through with it. The fact that people are getting this angry about supposedly underhanded tactics used to promote a free game about understanding the effects of depression... How does this even make sense as something to get this angry about? What fucking runs through these people's veins?
  6. Feminism

    Also I hear she stole some cigars
  7. Feminism

    That and worse. BE FUCKING ANGRY. I know I am.
  8. Feminism

    I said this on twitter as well, but this horseshit coming on top of all of the Ferguson stuff is making me so angry I actually feel nauseous and lightheaded. Our culture is so fucking poisonous.
  9. Ferguson

  10. Ferguson

    2 hours and change before the curfew, the police give 5 seconds warning and then cut the lights, attack with tear gas, baton rounds, sonic cannon. Children and babies still in the crowd.
  11. Ferguson

    Pro-Darren Wilson protests are happening Somehow I doubt this woman would be in favor of her own children being summarily executed for 'act[ing] in a suspicious manner'.
  12. Ferguson

    Reports of shootings, bullet casings found. Police used tear gas, claimed it was smoke (despite it having all the symptoms of tear gas), and then admitted it was teargas. Reporters were ordered to stay in the designated reporter area or be arrested -- those who disobeyed had weapons pointed at them.
  13. Ferguson

    Antonio French says the protestors are on-board with the curfew, and will help to clear the streets at midnight -- anyone who remains afterwards does not have the support of the community.
  14. Ferguson

    Well if they tried to stop it anything like the way they tried to stop a peaceful protest, yeah.
  15. Ferguson

    Things I'm hearing: Camera footage and story about Michael Brown theft was released against explicit objections of the DoJ as irrelevant and inflammatory, and moreover doesn't address the FOIA request that they were supposedly complying with. Ferguson PD's reappearance last night was due to the county prosecutor disagreeing with having jurisdiction handed over to the highway patrol Governor just called 'state of emergency' and curfew in ferguson -- presumably due to the looting -- that is, the looting which the police, standing around in riot gear, did nothing to stop, and which the peaceful protestors stopped themselves by standing in the way of local businesses so looters couldn't enter Protestors don't recognize any of the looters, and they seemed to be quite coordinated -- out of town opportunists rather than 'protestors turned violent', as is the story news media would apparently have us believe.
  16. Ferguson

    Having cops not shitting the protests up is nice, but unfortunately doesn't resolve the systemic problems that murdered Mike Brown. Also, I guess there were mass arrests at the Ferguson protest in Times Square? Or several at least, I'm not sure.
  17. Because we don't hold with that kind of offensive language here. You shouldn't bypass the filter to inflict your vulgarity on the other posters
  18. I never thought about it before, but that's almost certainly how I learned it as well
  19. Clue is easily the best movie ever made based off of a game
  20. Ferguson

    They can make the door but they can't make people use it. I think it's probably worth the extra walk to keep using the main entrance.
  21. Ferguson

    I wonder to what degree it's just that the main job of cops now is to enforce class divisions, and separate the wealthy (usually white) people from anything that might make them feel threatened, whether that feeling is justified or not. There's a lot of ways to get into that 'wrong kind of person' box -- white people do find their way in from time to time, but being black means you start there by default and find it nearly impossible to end up anywhere else.
  22. Feminism

    I like it when people objectify objects instead of people. Can it contribute to problematic mindsets? Well, obviously, but that depends a great deal both upon the specific content and the person who is consuming it, and is basically the same as the video games contributing to violence or other social ills debate translated into a different medium. If it does so, that's a good reason to demand better anime porn I guess, the same way as we should be asking more of our video games. One thing I think that's worth mentioning is the ways that manufactured pornography can be transgressive in ways that would be either unethical or impossible with film. This can be problematic if it normalizes transgressive behaviors (rape, underage, etc), or presents them as transgressive. And, again, that's something that changes from piece to piece and from person to person. I think it's a strange question to ask whether 'anime porn', as a whole, is problematic, as with any other broad genre classifications. So much depends on the specifics.
  23. Well, there is the D6...
  24. Unnecessary Comical Picture Thread
  25. Idle Thumbs 169: On Blade

    Just have to wonder, are Nick and Danielle part of decisions like these?