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Yes this is David Simon... yes, that's me right next to him!

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The Wire to me is more like a 60-hour film than a tv series. I've watched the whole series a few times and none of the seasons get old at all (for me). the Band of Brothers miniseries is the only other "tv show" i see in this light, although I believe that had a much higher budget and a much lighter running time.

Anyway, I watched The Corner and it's good but VERY intense and VERY depressing. It's basically the Bubs level of the Wire explored in depth. For those watching after seeing The Wire, it'll be cool to spot familiar actors in opposite roles (Simon has said about casting The Wire that anyone who played a junkie in The Corner had to play a cop and vice versa). I couldn't bring myself to read the book and will probably not watch the series again just because it's so draining.

Generation Kill is also very good but doesn't have the depth or humor to make it a classic for me personally. From what I hear it's a very authentic look at the early days of the second Iraq war and Alexander Skarsgard (who's now famous as Eric the vampire in True Blood) is very good in it, but again by the end of the miniseries the tone is pretty draining. There's not many light moments to lift the heaviness of the drama (although the actor who played Ziggy tries his best).

Also for Simon fans, I heartily recommend reading Homicide. Several incidents and characters from The Wire are picked straight from the pages (with most of the other ones showing up in Homicide the TV show (another good show but since it was on a network had no hope of being as subtle and rich as The Wire)) and even though it's about a decade old now, still super enlightening as far as the realistic process of being a cop is concerned.

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Also for Simon fans, I heartily recommend reading Homicide. Several incidents and characters from The Wire are picked straight from the pages (with most of the other ones showing up in Homicide the TV show (another good show but since it was on a network had no hope of being as subtle and rich as The Wire)) and even though it's about a decade old now, still super enlightening as far as the realistic process of being a cop is concerned.

I've also written about Homicide: A Year on the Killing Streets on here, too. Did you know that The Corner is also a book (written after Simon and Ed Burns spent a year on a drug corner in Baltimore).

I have to say something about the idea that a lot of stuff from the book made its way into The Wire. I read the same thing in a review of the book before I read it, and I was baffled when I eventually finished it: Apart from the "snot-boogie" story and the two cops having a hilarious conversation about being "broken in" by the other one ("thanks for being so gentle...") there wasn't anything from the book in The Wire. (Note: I still haven't watched Series 4 and 5... so maybe there's more?)

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I have to say something about the idea that a lot of stuff from the book made its way into The Wire. I read the same thing in a review of the book before I read it, and I was baffled when I eventually finished it: Apart from the "snot-boogie" story and the two cops having a hilarious conversation about being "broken in" by the other one ("thanks for being so gentle...") there wasn't anything from the book in The Wire. (Note: I still haven't watched Series 4 and 5... so maybe there's more?)

yeah i believe there are a few things that come in with season 5 although one of which is just a minor reference to a cop included in the book. I believe the first scene in the fifth season is lifted straight from the book (another anecdote similar to the first scene in the first season) so there a few cases of incidents... and of course several of the people profiled in the book have small parts in the series (Jay Landsman (in character and actor), Gary D'Addario, along with DeAndre McCullough from The Corner)... but you're right: plotwise, much more was taken directly for Homicide: Life on the Streets. The book's influence on The Wire is more procedural and tonal.

It's been a while since I've read the book so I apologize if i'm inaccurate in any way.

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It's been a while since I've read the book so I apologize if i'm inaccurate in any way.

It's ok, I forgive you. :mock:

But seriously it's nice to be able to talk to someone who has read it! I was kind of surprised how little was taken from the book, but you're right, it's more what Simon learned writing the book than many specific moments or events.

I should really watch Season 4, and I will do soon, but it's odd to say that after reading Homicide and the beginning of The Corner, the show feels suddenly... a little too real. I'll probably readjust, but the humour of say, a teenage psychopath ordering a nailgun from an unsuspecting store clerk seems somewhat less "funny" (although I know it was never "laugh out loud" funny or anything... perhaps I'm using the wrong word :-/ )

I'll get there!

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It's ok, I forgive you. :mock:

But seriously it's nice to be able to talk to someone who has read it! I was kind of surprised how little was taken from the book, but you're right, it's more what Simon learned writing the book than many specific moments or events.

I should really watch Season 4, and I will do soon, but it's odd to say that after reading Homicide and the beginning of The Corner, the show feels suddenly... a little too real. I'll probably readjust, but the humour of say, a teenage psychopath ordering a nailgun from an unsuspecting store clerk seems somewhat less "funny" (although I know it was never "laugh out loud" funny or anything... perhaps I'm using the wrong word :-/ )

I'll get there!

Yeah a lot of people seem to think season 4 is the best... I'm partial to season 3 myself (go, cutty!) but season 4 is definitely also top form. Season 5 is a bit rushed... but still great.

If you're looking to revisit Homicide moments, you might want to rent the first few seasons of the show Homicide. A lot (for real this time) of plot events are lifted for the show... even a season arc on a new detective working the murder of a little girl found in a backyard. I haven't seen the whole series (it went on for something like 9 seasons) but the first few seasons are pretty good. Nowhere near the quality of The Wire (it's much more of a "tv show" where stories end at the end of episodes, there are cliffhangers, etc.) but it's also very David Simon.

Very much looking forward to Treme, although I haven't actually seen or heard much about it...

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That is wicked! I'm reading Homicide at the moment after being a series Wire fiend, its pretty detailed isn't it - also that picture is the only time that two white guys can get away with throwing up the Westside.

Speaking of meeting peeps from The Wire - I hung out with Bubs for a while and man I was GEEEEEKING OUT!!! I normally look much cooler than that...



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This also gives me another chance to recommend George Pelecanos's books. For anyone that liked The Wire, Pelecanos was one of the writers on that show but he's primarily a novelist. All his stuff is set in DC but the tone, style, and pacing of the show are all very similar to his books. They are GREAT crime novels.

My favorites of his are Drama City, Shoedog, The Night Gardener, and his DC quartet (The Big Blowdown, (especially) King Suckerman, The Sweet Forever, and Shame the Devil). well worth reading if you are hungry for more Wire in book form.

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That is wicked! I'm reading Homicide at the moment after being a series Wire fiend, its pretty detailed isn't it - also that picture is the only time that two white guys can get away with throwing up the Westside.

Speaking of meeting peeps from The Wire - I hung out with Bubs for a while and man I was GEEEEEKING OUT!!! I normally look much cooler than that...

Heh, definitely. If David Simon is going to start doing a Westside, then dammit, so am I! :) (It was his idea, obv.)

Wow, awesome that you got to hand with Bubs... Was he cool?

thl, I might check out some of Pelecanos's novels... Have you read The Corner?

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thl, I might check out some of Pelecanos's novels... Have you read The Corner?

Honestly, I was originally thinking about reading it but after watching the miniseries i lost interest. Not that the miniseries wasn't good but it was so depressing that I didn't think I could take reading the book!!!

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Honestly, I was originally thinking about reading it but after watching the miniseries i lost interest. Not that the miniseries wasn't good but it was so depressing that I didn't think I could take reading the book!!!

Good lord ;( I've not even got that far into it yet!

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