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Another GameLife Thread...

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What I'm suspicious of is Melissa and Jim. I'd love to know more about GameLife right now, because I'd love to know why those two people are encouraging these kids to make fools of themselves.

My feelings exactly. Of course, it's also a little patronizing of us to automatically assume the guys don't realise they're being made fun of, maybe they just don't care. We're projecting our own feelings onto them, and while I know I'd be angry to find out I was the butt of a joke that also benefited a couple of "cool kids" either financially or helps launch some 5 minute TV career, that's just me. The fact that they read this forum and plenty of others shows that they obviously know a lot of people are making fun of them, and they're still doing it.

For the record guys, I can't watch a whole one of your shows, because it makes me cringe. However, it does make me cringe less than watching anything on G4. But that's a whole 'nother subject bring back Starcade and good Icons, fuckers. Oh, and that stupid show with the two guys, one of them from that Animal Planet show.

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I'm surprised Yufster hasn't commented on the e3 show yet. I just watched it (the first episode I've watched in its entirety), and it left me with a couple of thoughts.

1) I thought you had to be 18 or over to get into e3...

2) It was funny how every person they interviewed was more articulate than the hosts, and it was especially funny when that n-sider guy took control of the interview.

3) Say what you want about that insane kid, Geoff, but damn is he ever good at DDR.

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Say what you want about that insane kid, Geoff, but damn is he ever good at DDR.

The miracles of severe autism.

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