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Black & White 2 pre-alpha trailer.

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Those crazy Lionhead types have released a short compilation of footage from their current pre-alpha build, available from GameSpot here. You'll need a basic account before the link will allow you to download.

It looks pretty cool. Unlike a lot of people, possibly because I totally ignored the hype, I really enjoyed the first one. It was the best game ever, until they took my creature away on like the third level. Then I got upset. I can see why the intense micromanagement and such would have annoyed a lot of people though, since it did get a bit excessive at times.

From what I've read though, they've learnt from their mistakes and the actual play of B&W2 is far different from the original, since the people have "evolved" into a later stage of history, and as such can take care of all the micromanagement from the first themselves, and let the player concentrate on doing divine things instead. It's all about war too.

There's clearly room for polish after watching the trailer though, which I hope they manage to iron out by the time it eventually comes out. Some of the animations seem a bit linear, and the fps ducks at times, hinting at a lot of optimization ahead. I do have hope for the game though, and since it's not even in alpha yet there's plenty of oppertunity for cleaning stuff up.

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