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General Fuzzy McBitty

Target and Bullsh**

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The other day I bought a PS2 at Target. I also bought Soul Calabur there. I got Katamari Damacy at Game Stop, so I didn’t' play SC right away.

I went to play SC later, and noticed that the plastic strip was cut. That's right, the Fuzz-man bought a pre-stolen game. I went back to the god-damn Target.

They told me I could exchange it for the same product (this prevents people from going home and taking the game out of the package and returning the empty container). Nice of them. Unfortunately, there weren't any more.

I call their customer dis-service line. The guy told me I had the option of mailing it to them. I told him I could call the BBB or call Visa and stop payment, and he basically repeated company rules over and over. So I asked to speak to HIS manager.

She starts off with the same BS until I tell her that it constitutes fraud to sell someone something that is NOTHING, because you can't sell NOTHING, and that I was very angry. She's going to call the store and see if we can work out an exchange for something else.

Who wants to bet I end up not getting an exchange for something else?

The kicker? My battery died in the Target parking lot, and I had to take it to the mechanic. Bad alternator. Damnit!

Anyhow, make sure you look at game packaging. Don't be so "I got a new system happy" that you forget to actually look at what you're buying. That was my problem. No one else had PS2s and I found one, so I was busy doing my happy dance. Had I looked closer at the game, I wouldn't have bought it.


You may now mock my pain. :hah:

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Whenever I decide to buy a game at EB or Gamestop I always inspect the package to make sure it hasn't been tampered with. The staff usually replaces the display package with one from their stock (especially PC games), and I inspect that one too before I give them money, ESPECIALLY if the game looks like the last in stock. I do all this before I leave the store with my purchase.

I haven't done it yet, but I know that if decide to purchase a used game I'll definitely inspect it (open the package and make sure everything is there that's supposed to be there) after I pay for it but BEFORE I leave the store.

At big chains like BestBuy or CompUSA it's not so risky but I STILL make sure the package is intact. And I always keep my receipt.


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